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Umikoi Kamasu

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=Welcome to the Aquarium of the Umikoi "Kamasu"=

-Character's Official Information-

[Kamasu with Hat]

[Kamasu without Hat]

Name: Umikoi "Kama" Kamasu (海愛 梭子魚)

Nickname(s): Kamasu (Barracuda) is shortened to Kama for informal use. Awakachuu (かちゅう), the Frothing Whirlpool (Nickname in childhood; was used to tease him due to his lacking the Mizushin, and thus being less 'intimidating' a person; also sounds like 'achoo')

Village: Kirigakure no Sato (霧隠れの里)

Nationality: Mizu no Kuni (水の国)

Clan: The Umikoi Clan

Age: 17

Birthdate and Zodiac Sign: November 22; Sagittarius

Blood Type: O-

Sexual Orientation: Unspecified

Gender: Male


-Character's Notable Appearance-

-Height: 5'5"

-Weight: 140lbs

-Eye Color and Shape: Kamasu's eyes tend to be of a more round structure than almond-shaped, provoking the tendency to focus on the contents within. The iris sports a brilliant turquoise, although an obvious tint of darker blue stretches along the outside, providing a sharp contrast of hues. His eyes appear to capture light and twist it to reflect a brightness fitting to his vivacious personality; perhaps it is for this reason that he feels the need to cover his eyes, believing them to whisper secrets of his current feelings, thoughts, or desires. A trifecta of moles form a brief line beneath his right eye, as birthmark of sorts

-Hair Color and Style: Although difficult to judge the quality or style of Kamasu's hair due to the hat slung so low atop his head, the color appears to be of a dull blonde. Spiking out from beneath his cap, the disheveled mane of hair reaches to the nape of his neck in length, becoming darker as it interweaves more densely between russet streaks. Nonetheless, it is safe to assume that were he to discard his beloved cap, the state of disarray that is sure to define his hair would likely mimic the casual indifference of the child


-Typical Outfit:

Head and Neck-No matter the occasion, Umikoi Kamasu is n'er without his aforementioned hat. Referenced as being a 'skull cap' due to its fitting snugly around the head -as opposed to hanging loosely-, it is woven with black fibers of surprisingly flexible material, preventing it from being burdensome even in warmer weather. Kamasu often veils his eyes from sight with this cap, pulling it low since he reveals many of his thoughts or emotions through his eyes and facial expressions. Casually identifying it as a 'means to privacy', it is remarkable how infrequently he allows others to look into his eyes, even in seemingly perilous situations. The only outstanding features of this hat are the triplicate 'eye' patterns; two where eyes would normally appear to be, and a third above and between the others. A small silver necklace coils around his neck, a figurine of the rook from chess hanging upon it for reasons unknown

Upper Body- A black short-sleeved shirt bears a white crucifix that hangs diagonally from his right shoulder, the only peculiarity being the additional 'arm' that reaches leftwards beneath the first pair. Between his shoulder blades, the Umikoi Clan emblem has been crudely stitched into the shirt -the imperfections evidence of personal stylizing-, proudly bearing his beloved heritage for all to see. Beneath this shirt is a longer-sleeved garment of white color, entirely unremarkable by any regard

Lower Body and Waist- A simple black belt holds a pair of simple black pants to Kamasu's body, the only feature of notice being the myriad of silver zippers that criss-cross along the flanks of his thighs and calves. They appear to hold no practical value (themselves not belonging to even a single pocket), and seem to exist purely for aesthetic appeal. A pair of black open-toed shinobi shoes are worn upon his feet, the treads of which are ridged to provide for greater traction on unsure footing


-Physical Condition and Characteristics: Umikoi Kamasu is often -much to his chagrin- mistaken as female from any reasonable distance until he voices himself. His features are more slender and lithe than muscular or masculine, providing for a tone that comes not from musculature, but rather from the bones that press against his skin. His fingernails are longer than a typical male's, and his shoulders are less broad than peers of his age-group. The incisor teeth are elongated beyond normal human measurement, a tip of the hat to his genetic background. Because of his beloved hat -which shadows his countenance and facial features- he is more commonly identified by his sense of fashion or mannerisms than anything else. For this very reason, he has a curious tendency of blending in with crowds, long forgotten by anyone who is unfamiliar with him, a trait he has apparently learned to enjoy


-Historic Events and Relevant Childhood-

-Conception and Early Childhood-

Umikoi Hakuhaze and Ayote were gifted with a beautiful, healthy boy, whom they quickly named "Kamasu" as his first reaction to new life was to promptly bite his mother. His earlier years were without genuine interest, though he showed little promise in terms of the finesse required to fulfill the family obligation of serving Kirigakure no Sato as a shinobi. He simply lacked the mentality and commitment to engage in vigorous routine, and was labeled as a rather apathetic and lazy individual, despite his lovable characteristics. Over time he proved more and more a fascinating specimen, but was immediately declared to be lacking the Mizushin of the Umikoi. Although concerned -considering that it ran through both sides of the family-, Hakuhaze and Ayote mostly ignored the fact, and believed that no matter what he possessed, he would develop into someone special.


The child was believed to have developed 'sea legs' before having ever come across the ocean. Frequently complaining about feeling unnatural around the house -likely due to his hyperactive tendencies-, it was only until his father brought him to the ocean that he felt at ease. The ebb and tide of the water had a tranquilizing effect for the child, the aesthetic beauty of it all absorbing him entirely. During this time it came to pass that he would unexpectedly meet the young girl who would capture his heart, Hisame Aoi. The two got along magnificently, sharing stories of their homes and dreams, enjoying exciting -albeit brief- adventures together. The ocean served as their meeting spot, and as time passed, his feelings for the girl blossomed into youthful affection. They shared so many similarities, that the magnetism became difficult to ignore, the two sneaking out after curfew to savor what few moments they could spare together. Although life had developed into something so beautifully complex, all at once it was shattered and reduced to nothing at all. The two fathers, furious at their children's disappearing acts, followed their offspring and came to recognize one another. The Hisame, -well-versed in the myths of the Umikoi as being monstrous-, accused Hakuhaze of curious things and threatened his family's safety should he allow his child to meet with his own. Likewise exchanging similar implications, the two were separated and scolded, never allowed to see one another again.

Whenever Kamasu inquired about the Hisame, his father would dismiss the topic with ideas of their being closed-minded and dangerous. The uncomfortable lack of Aoi left confusing emotions in the child, and despite attempting to sneak out to the ocean, he never saw her again.


The war between the resistance and the NCIA was unbearable. Countless casualties and deaths abolished the possibility of keeping track, and morale was no more static than the periodic waves of peace. The disruption of the war caused many loyalties to defect to what they believed to be a clear victor, and for this reason, distinguishing between friend and foe became impossible. Umikoi Kamasu, naturally, could do nothing more than follow his blood as they waged war against the NCIA. Ferociously loyal to their homeland, despite the horrific losses and penalties for rising against the oppressing force, step by step progress began to become more and more evident. During this time, he became close with Hisame Fuyubi, whom he cared a great deal for. Perhaps his heart favored her due to his childhood, but whatever the case, he became infatuated with the woman. Going so far as to keep track of one another during battle, the bond shared between the two was irrefutable. Perhaps it was this very relationship that gave the boy the courage to remain steadfast, and to fight on. All around him, allies fell one by one. The numerous deaths of friends and family, Kirigakure no Sato bled the blood of her citizens, and the experience was overwhelming. To say she kept him level-headed would underplay the seriousness of it all; he depended upon her to make it through each day.

But was is chaotic and unpredictable, and continuous losses pushed his faction against a wall. Continually pressured to advance or lose everything, combat became less of a tactical engagement and more of a furious desperation. During one such initiation, the unthinkable occurred, where Fuyuba was delivered a fatal blow. Abandoning his own safety to be by her side, it came to pass that her killer was none other than Hisame Aoi, whom had defected to the NCIA. It was revealed that the two were siblings, and that Fuyuba had denied following her to t he NCIA in favor of some relationship, which ultimately led to her joining the resistance. Accusing Kamasu of not only taking the life of the woman he loved, she implied that it was his blood that drove her away originally, resulting in the most peculiar of circumstances.

Even before she plunged her blade through him, he had lost his will to live. Not only once had he lost someone he loved, but by the hands of his first? Countless members of his family lay upon the blood-soaked grounds, the warfare that drained the life out of Kirigakure itself, threatening to submerge it beneath the corpses that began to accumulate.

The Fuuhashin's awakening was a remarkable experience, since it was by large a passive one. There was little more than an amplification of emotion; as though everything he felt at the time became magnified a hundred-fold. There were no words, no movements, just instinctive reactions. Within moments, the blood was pulled from the body of the Hisame, confirming the monstrosity of the Umikoi. Oblivious as to what had occurred, the Umikoi remained motionless for the remainder of the combat scenario, moving only at its finish, to bury his loved one. He had no tears, and though his eyes bled into various shades of blues and greens, only through these optical motions were his feelings evident. He could not cry, because he did not understand it. Not a single thing. All he had left of Fuyuba was her curious hat, which she had worn whenever he was with her -he had purchased it for her during a time of peace-. And so without hesitation he donned the object, swearing to never forget the circumstances by which he came to achieve the item. Since the Fuuhashin's activation, his eyes began to betray him, telling anyone who would look into them what emotions passed through his mind, and in the name of privacy, he began shielding the majority of his face with the hat. And ever since then, it has become exceedingly rare to see his actual face.


Kamasu, at a young age, was burdened with the loss of life, having lost so many dear to him. The two women he loved, countless family and friends, all of them washed away under the pretext of some crusade. As though lives were so meaningless that they could be discarded for such ridiculous intent. The Umikoi blood in his veins, however, whispered lessons of character that flowed through his mind, reminding him that the past could not be changed, and that using it to prevent history repeating itself was the only favorable outcome of reflecting on it. It took mere weeks for him to return to his usual personality, once more terrorizing citizens of Kirigakure with his immature pranks and jokes, believing strongly in the idea that the world had to learn how to laugh again. If he, someone who had lost nearly everything he held dear, could laugh now, there was no excuse for someone else to suffer forever.

And so he continues to live his life light-heartedly, using his brand of humor to bring smiles upon the faces of others, trying to remind everyone that no matter how dark the world appears, it only takes time for the light to return. His empathy has become a tool with which he adapts to the people around him, allowing him to console those in need, and to lighten the spirits, when necessary. He is an excellent judge of character, and from his experiences, has learned how to help prevent the ongoing sensations of dread and misery. If there is anything at all that makes this boy worth his weight, it is his compassionate spirit, which continues to infect all those who become close with him


-Significant Recent Affairs-

[significant moments will be added as they form]


-Significant Mental and Emotional Information-

Personality: Kamasu is content with his immaturity and fondness of practical jokes. Having heard the phrase "grow up” so frequently, he has come to believe that the world as a whole has forgotten to laugh at itself, and finds this to be a terrible shame. His flexible sense of humor evolves to the personalities of those around him -as though to avoid sincerely offending others-, identifying a strong empathetic nature within the lad, though he would never translate it as such. This sort of youthful spirit has engraved an irreversible lightheartedness within Kamasu, explaining his seemingly casual indifference to the seriousness of the world around him. Surprisingly, he appears to grasp the complexities of life and hardships -many times assuming a somber persona- and proves to be evidently aware of his surroundings. As prior mentioned, his empathy allows him to relate to the overall mood of his environment, himself shifting to adapt to the changes to avoid awkward clashes of personalities or settings. Though dangerous to assume him childish, there is a certain infectious energy within his soul that seems to spread to those around him.

Likes: Anything that can coax a laugh out of someone is likely to fall on Kamasu's 'top ten'. The genre itself is impossible to define due to the limitless sources of gratification that he manages to stumble across, ranging from aesthetics, personalities, environments, to inanimate objects. If there is any one thing that brings greatest comfort to Kamasu, it is each friendship that he manages to develop, treasuring those who bring him into their lives, and returning their doing so with a variety of haphazard curiosities

Dislikes: Umikoi in general look upon bullies with disfavor, essentially incapable of tolerating injustice. Martyrdom serves as leverage against scenarios where courage could be lacking, allowing the Umikoi to overcome the elements around them to stand up for their beliefs. Kamasu detests anyone or anything that targets civilians, innocents, or involves bringing unreasonable pain or issue to the undeserving. In times such as these, it is not uncommon for Kamasu to inflate with rage, exchanging his typically amicable personality for one of darker purposes. Justice translates into retribution, and he has the firm belief that injustice must be met with greater force than most are willing to provide

-Objects and Concepts of Desire-

-Food: Seafood, or anything involving it

-Color: Blue (or sometimes Green....or red...etc)

-Music Genre: Ambient Music (Sounds of the Ocean, heartbeats, etc)

-Book Genre: None! Kamasu avoids reading whenever possible (going so far as to make others read signs when he's with company)

-Hangout: Anywhere

Hopes&Dreams: Leading his life with such gusto, it is impossible to limit what he likely believes his life to end up as being or how he fantasizes it thus; being present-oriented, he avoids reflecting on the past or future, and takes each moment as it approaches him, handling it as he deems fitting

Greatest Fear(s): Drowning (although he is incapable of drowning through typical means, the idea of suffocation is unsettling, even if another person is suffering from it)

General Philosophy: Kamasu adopts the Umikoi's "Water Heart" philosophy which at a glance involves engaging in life similarly to the many existences of water: there is a time for pressure, intensity, and rage, though there must exist a casual tranquility, contentment, and relaxation in general settings. Meeting force with equal force allows for a lax approach to life, disregarding ideas of deity or 'fate', leaving the concept that individuals are provided ultimate freedom, and only they are in control of their destiny


-Connections and Relations-

[Will be added as they form...]


(•)Love (Familial)

(•)Love (Affectionate)






(•)-Umikoi Ayote (Mother)

(•)-Umikoi Hakuhaze (Father)

(•)-Umikoi Warrusu (Cousin)

(•)-Hisame Aoi (Lover) [Deceased]

(•)-Hisame Fuyuba (Lover) [Deceased]

(•)-Serasaki Kaysu (Umikoi Clan Friend; Warrusu's Lover)


Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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-Combat Proficiency and Statistics-

Rank: Jounin

Level: 64

TXP: 20613

To Next Level: 387 (21000)

Stats (out of 6900)-

[Health Power] 800

[stamina] 600

[Chakra] 1000


[Taijutsu] 400

[Defense] 1000 [1080]

[Ninjutsu] 500

[Genjutsu] 200

[Concentration] 200

[speed] 600

[Accuracy] 800

[Evasion] 800 [880]


[+XX]-Armor Bonus

[stamina Regeneration] 60 Stamina per every other turn

[Chakra Regeneration] 100 Chakra per every other turn


[Taijutsu Offense Modifier] Increased by 100

[Defense Modifier] Reduced by 250 [-270] [-10% base damage from physical; Earth Specialty]

[Ninjutsu Offense Modifier] Increased by 125

[Genjutsu Offense Modifier] Increased by +/-50 [+20 Ghost Damage]

[Concentration Modifier] Reduced by 50 (+/-50%) [4% off Ninjutsu; 2% Crit bonus]

[Accuracy Modifier] Increased by +80%

[Evasion Modifier] Increased by +80% [+88%]


-Relevant Abilities and Talents-

Skill Point Total: 36 (Level) + 1 (Hindering) + 2 (Chuunin) +3 (Jounin)=43 SP

Skill Points Used: -10

Remaining Skill Points: 33 SP


Hindering Traits and Weaknesses-

-Merciful: Once per battle, any attack that would bring an opponent to 0 or lower health instead leaves the victim with 1, due to the merciful nature of the character (+1)


Bloodline "Kekkei Genkai" Abilities-


Talents and Proficiencies-

Available Elements: Water, Earth, Wind, Cloud, Ice, Plant/Wood, Sand, Mud

-Elemental Mastery [Earth]: Earth Ninjutsu cost -1 JP (may access Earth Ninjutsu naturally). -10% base damage from physical attacks

-Elemental Mastery [Water]: Water Ninjutsu cost -1 JP. +/-10% Stat addition/reduction [2009-08-15 21:25:08]

-Hydrokinetic: Character treats all incoming water Ninjutsu as though they have x1.5 Defense and all water-based (combinational elements that require water) Ninjutsu as though they have x1.25 Defense (-2)

-Tactically Apathetic: Blinded: Character is treated as though they are 'Blind' (and thus immune to the status effects Blind and Impaired Vision) unless a set-up phase is used to forcibly remove the obstruction from line of sight (If placing the obstruction in line of sight purposefully, this also requires a set-up phase). So long as Mizushin or Fuuhashin is active, Character suffers from no penalty to accuracy or evasion, as they retain their ability to 'sense' around them (-3)

-Second Wind: Once per battle, any attack that would leave you with 0 or lower Health, instead be left with 1 (-2)

-Subtle Elements [Wind]: May now access Wind-based jutsu (-1)

-Savior: Once per battle, take an attack intended for an ally with +100 Defense (-1)

-Contract Manager [Clams]: Allows the summoning of Clam-type summons (-1)


Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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-Knowledge Compendium-

Total Jutsu Points: 170 (Level) +5 (Chuunin) +10 (Jounin)=185

Used Jutsu Points: -53

Remaining Jutsu Points: 132 JP


-Taijutsu Techniques-

Wound for a Wound

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 80 Stamina

Effects: Used in the Response Phase, take an opponent's attack full force, applying only defensive skills and/or equipment, as well as the pertinent defensive stat.Take the damage as it is, making no dodge roll. The next attack you make or technique you use (Of the Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Types lacking any effect of the 'Chain Opening' or 'Opening' type, and only of Genin rank) cannot be dodged via dodge roll, or response phase techniques that fall under the 'dodging' category and which are not of at least one rank higher than the rank of Wound for a Wound, including Kawarimi, or shield jutsu. Counter jutsu may be used. The attack or technique used upon the opponent via this jutsu are considered to be 'hitting full force' if they are not countered/hit, and the opponent is only allowed to apply its pertinent defensive stat, and modifiers given via skills and/or equipment that give bonuses to defensive stats or lessen the percentage of damage taken, and do not use 'evasion' as the explanation.


This technique may only be used towards Close Range and Medium Range enemies' attacks, and may only be used twice per battle, and the use limit cannot be upped by any skill or ability. The set up phase is lost.

Description: There are few shinobi-nin with the guts to do it, but there is an age old tactic, one which is still invaluable, that exists even now. The tactic to stand openly and without fear of pain or damage to an opponent's attack, to grab upon their body with your body or to hit them when they do not expect it.

Points: -4 JP


Another Wound for a Wound

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 150 Stamina

Effects: Used in the Response Phase, take an opponent's attack full force, applying only defensive skills and/or equipment, as well as the pertinent defensive stat.Take the damage as it is, making no dodge roll. The next attack you make or technique you use (Of the Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Types lacking any effect of the 'Chain Opening' or 'Opening' type, and only of Chuunin rank or below) cannot be dodged via dodge roll, or response phase techniques that fall under the 'dodging' category and which are not of at least one rank higher than the rank of Wound for a Wound, including Kawarimi, or shield jutsu. Counter jutsu may be used. The attack or technique used upon the opponent via this jutsu are considered to be 'hitting full force' if they are not countered/hit, and the opponent is only allowed to apply its pertinent defensive stat, and modifiers given via skills and/or equipment that give bonuses to defensive stats or lessen the percentage of damage taken, and do not use 'evasion' as the explanation.


This technique may only be used towards Close Range and Medium Range enemies' attacks, and may only be used three times per battle, and the use limit cannot be upped by any skill or ability. The set up phase is lost.

Description: There are few shinobi-nin with the guts to do it, but there is an age old tactic, one which is still invaluable, that exists even now. The tactic to stand openly and without fear of pain or damage to an opponent's attack, to grab upon their body with your body or to hit them when they do not expect it.

Points: -5 JP (Evolving; 1 JP)


Another Wound for a Wound II

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 380 Stamina

Effects: Used in the Response Phase, take an opponent's attack full force, applying only defensive skills and/or equipment, as well as the pertinent defensive stat.Take the damage as it is, making no dodge roll. The next attack you make or technique you use (Of the Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Types lacking any effect of the 'Chain Opening' or 'Opening' type, and only of Jounin rank or below) cannot be dodged via dodge roll, or response phase techniques that fall under the 'dodging' category and which are not of at least one rank higher than the rank of Wound for a Wound, including Kawarimi, or shield jutsu. Counter jutsu may be used. The attack or technique used upon the opponent via this jutsu are considered to be 'hitting full force' if they are not countered/hit, and the opponent is only allowed to apply its pertinent defensive stat, and modifiers given via skills and/or equipment that give bonuses to defensive stats or lessen the percentage of damage taken, and do not use 'evasion' as the explanation.


This technique may only be used towards Close Range and Medium Range enemies' attacks, and may only be used four times per battle, and the use limit cannot be upped by any skill or ability. The set up phase is lost.

Description: There are few shinobi-nin with the guts to do it, but there is an age old tactic, one which is still invaluable, that exists even now. The tactic to stand openly and without fear of pain or damage to an opponent's attack, to grab upon their body with your body or to hit them when they do not expect it.

Points: -8 JP (Evolving; 3 JP)


-Ninjutsu Techniques-

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: Gennin (Summoning)

Cost: X Chakra (Ranks 2 [Roll a 71-100]/3 [Roll a 101-130]: 100/130)

Effect: Allows for the summoning of a creature that holds a contract with the character

Description: This Ninjutsu involves calling another creature from a separate dimension to accompany the summoner both in or out of combat

Points: -2 (4 Originally;-2 from Erosion)


Futtouten I (Boiling Point One)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 24 Chakra

Damage: 30 Damage

Description: A simple method of causing the water molecules around a target to undergo massive friction, causing them to boil and cause unpleasant burning sensations across the body

Points: -1 JP


Futtouten II (Boiling Point Two)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 54 Chakra

Damage: 80 Damage

Description: An advanced version of an existing Ninjutsu, this one intensifies the heat, consequently increasing the level of pain that the victim will suffer

Points: -2 JP


Kumokoku I (Cloud Carving One)

Type: Ninjutsu (Cloud)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 80 Chakra

Damage: 100 Damage

Description: Gathering Chakra in the palms of the hands, the user will suddenly flare one hand against the other, -pulling the other back to the individual, while the foremost is pushed towards the target- causing a translucent crescent to carve through the air towards a hostile target. The edges of this formation are sharpened, and can easily lacerate and tear through materials. This Ninjutsu uses friction to compress elements of the wind and water from the environment, reducing the strain of having to forcibly create these components

Points: -3 JP


Kumokoku II (Cloud Carving Two)

Type: Ninjutsu (Cloud)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 133 Chakra

Damage: 200 Damage

Description: Gathering Chakra in the palms of the hands, the user will suddenly flare one hand against the other, -pulling the other back to the individual, while the foremost is pushed towards the target- causing a translucent crescent to carve through the air towards a hostile target. The edges of this formation are sharpened, and can easily lacerate and tear through materials. This Ninjutsu uses friction to compress elements of the wind and water from the environment, reducing the strain of having to forcibly create these components. This form produces a much larger and more vicious form of the attack

Points: -4 JP


Kameryuu Ton; Mizu Koakuma Yoru Hainyoushoukai (Turtle Dragon Type; Forced Urination Caused By A Water Imp)

Type: Umikoi Clan Sealless Ninjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 150 Chakra

Effects: Dehydrated for 1 turn, and disorganized for 1 turn. If someone the target is attracted to or respects/wants the respect of is in the general area of the target, the target is treated as 'Vulnerable', 'Distracted', and 'Immobilized' for their next turn.

Description: A technique that utilizes movements of water nearby, as well as pressing of the moist portions around the organs that trigger urination to cause urination in the opponent, a technique that can often be very disheartening in opponents, both from it's embarrassing action, the pain of their body forcing them to urinate, and the possible resulting actions from those around them.

Requirements: Fuuhashin/Mizushin must be activated for use of this technique.

Points: -2 JP (-4 Originally; -2 from Water Mastery/Clan Jutsu)


Water Clone Skill (Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu)

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60 per clone (max of 6 clones on the field)

Effect: Each Water Clone has 1/6 stats of the user, but only 1hp.

Description: Using the surrounding water, the user makes clones of himself/herself. This helps in fooling the opponent, making it less likely that they will hit the user.

Points: -2 (-3 Originally; -1 Water Mastery)


Ishikigufuu (Sensory Typhoon)

Type: Ninjutsu (Cloud)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 180 Chakra

Effect: Opponent suffers from Confused (50% chance to attack self) and Dizzy (-20% Accuracy, cannot use Genjutsu, 50% Concentration) for two turns

Description: A peculiar Ninjutsu that involves invoking both the elements of water and wind to forge a sizable typhoon that envelops a target, spinning them 'round and 'round, and dropping them to the ground, leaving them dizzy and confused

Points: -5 JP


Umikoi Kamasu Ton: Hitomi Dekimono (Umikoi Kamasu Type: Optical Ulcer)

Requirement: Umikoi; Mizushin or Fuuhashin's activation

Type: Ninjutsu (Water/Personal)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 110 Chakra

Effect: Opponent suffers from Blind (Accuracy reduced to 20, Evasion to 0) for one turn. Full Opening to: Umikoi Kamasu Ton: Ketsubi

Description: A special technique developed by Umikoi Kamasu, this Ninjutsu seeks to painfully erupt the water molecules that surround the eye, forming small, painful blisters that require the victim to close their eyes; regardless of doing so, these ulcers disrupt vision to the point of temporary blindness, providing the opening Kamasu requires for further attack

Points: -3 JP


Umikoi Kamasu Ton: Ketsubi (Umikoi Kamasu Type: Conclusion)

Requirement: Umikoi; Mizushin or Fuuhashin's activation

Type: Ninjutsu (Water/Personal)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 140 Chakra

Damage: 150

Effect: Victim is Exposed (-50% Defense) for one turn; requires melee range

Description: Umikoi Kamasu, having established an opening, will close distance between himself and his target and deliver a powerful physical blow to the enemy. Doing so allows him to 'infect' their body with his molecules (transferring his water molecules to their body), where he quickly negotiates the evaporation, momentarily dehydrating his opponent, and leaving them defenseless. The pain comes from the process of dehydration, rather than the blunt force trauma of physical contact

Points: -4 JP


Futtouchi (Blood Boil)

Requirement: Umikoi; Mizushin or Fuuhashin's activation

Type: Ninjutsu (Water)

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 120 Chakra

Damage: 60

Effect: Victim is Dehydrated (20% more Chakra/Stamina per action) for two turns

Description: Making use of the Umikoi's immaculate precision over the water element, this Ninjutsu seeks to alter the water molecules inside of a victim's body, causing them to discard their oxygen components, quickly dehydrating and exhausting the body. This process is notably painful, though of a more 'inner tissue' sort, and not immediately hazardous

Points: -3 JP


-Genjutsu Techniques-

Kaishou (Liquidation)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 27 Chakra

Damage: 40 Ghost Damage

Description: This illusion seeks to drive the victim under the false impression that they are beginning to liquefy into water, essentially 'melting'. This terrifying experience causes mental trauma, though is more disturbing and uncomfortable than dangerous, due to its intended docility

Points: -1 JP


Hakachichuu (Graveyard Kiss)

Type: Genjutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 100 Chakra

Damage: 150 Ghost Damage

Description: The victim suffers from the delusion that they are suffocating within an undersea cemetery, where their lost loves, family, or friends (whether or not they have passed in reality is irrelevant) are delivering rancid kisses to their body, which cause the skin to fall from the bone, resulting in near paralyzing sensations of pain and agony

Points: -4 JP



-Inventory and Personal Belongings of Interest-





-Flexible Underweave (Alternative to the Jounin Vest)

A simple white shirt designed with practicality in mind. The weaving intercepts itself at various points to provide surprisingly resilient fabric. While worn beneath clothing, this shirt serves as a form of protection, the ridged material absorbing impact and the force across the unique texture, dampening the overall effect Provides +80 Def/Res/Eva









-Main Weapon:

-Sub Weapon:




-Items in Vault:

-Money on hand: 両1875


-Update Log-

Leveled up and Exp Earned:

[Time-Skip; +4000 XP]


-Money Log-



-Combat Record-





-Mission Log-

Rank D:

Rank C:

Rank B:

Rank A:

Rank S:

Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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Looks fine. I'm not quite one-hundred percent caught up with all the changes right now, but hopefully another Staff member will see this. The 7.0 carries with it more changes, so as long as when that hits, reassure that your material matches with that and you'll be good. At the moment, I believe we're still working on some final adjustments.


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