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Ravage Nocturne

Two Defensive Skills

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-Hydrokinetic (-2)

Restrictions: Umikoi; Mizushin or Fuuhashin Ranks 3 active

Description: The Umikoi, simply put, are hydrokinetic by nature. Their ability to masterfully craft and control water on the molecular level is extraordinary, and provides for immaculate reaction against inferior productions. Whenever facing such an assault, their bodies accumulate the water molecules around them and disperse against the incoming attack, 'infecting' it so-to-speak, allowing for the Umikoi to momentarily reconfigure the molecular structure of the attack, sabotaging the overall effectiveness it would have normally allowed

Effect: Character treats all incoming water Ninjutsu as though they have x1.5 Defense and all water-based (combinational elements that require water) Ninjutsu as though they have x1.25 Defense. This effect is ignored by ninja of higher rank than the character. This skill overrides any armor effects that reduce elemental damage or similar abilities/skills


-Tactically Advantageous: Defensive (-2)

Restrictions: Umikoi; (Must be trained by an Umikoi if hailing otherwise)

Description: The Umikoi pride themselves on their hardy and resilient nature, encouraging them to develop a stalwart repertoire of defensive postures, movements, and tactics that provide for ease of redirecting the force of incoming impact, minimizing the potential harm of a hostile action

Effect: Whenever faced with a non-Genjutsu attack that would ignore, reduce, or otherwise alter the character's defense (IE: Exposed), character may roll a 1d10. A 1-3 provides immunity to the effect(s) for that turn, while any other number allows the effect/damage to occur as normally. This skill ignores only the defensive alteration, not the damage or further effects a technique might normally apply (IE: Exposed may be resisted, but the damage attached would still threaten the character)


-Tactically Apathetic: Blinded (-3)

Technical Restrictions: Mizushin or Fuuhashin; Rank 3 active

Description: Umikoi Kamasu is infamous for the hat he n'er removes, veiling his eyes from the sight of others. However, this also obscures his vision, making it more difficult to naturally survey his surroundings unless the Fuuhashin is active, where he can use the water molecules around him to identify changes and features of the environment. Although rarely advantageous in the thick of battle, his unwillingness to frequently abolish his sense of fashion and privacy forces him to rely on his kekkei genkai to effectively maneuver combat situations

Effect: Character is treated as though they are 'Blind' (and thus immune to the status effects Blind and Impaired Vision) unless a set-up phase is used to forcibly remove the obstruction from line of sight (If placing the obstruction in line of sight purposefully, this also requires a set-up phase). So long as Mizushin or Fuuhashin is active, Character suffers from no penalty to accuracy or evasion, as they retain their ability to 'sense' around them. Otherwise, they suffer from the typical restrictions Blind provides, though constantly


Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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Second skill needs either a rank limiter or a higher pricing. 50% chance to immunity to defensive alteration is a powerful concept for 1 skill point.

edit; I personally would recommend -3 or -1 per rank.

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
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Second skill needs either a rank limiter or a higher pricing. 50% chance to immunity to defensive alteration is a powerful concept for 1 skill point.

edit; I personally would recommend -3 or -1 per rank.

Changed it to 1-3; since the effect is likely rare (and it requires special permission) I'm not thinking it'll require too high a price, particularly since it's limited to 'defensive' styles of characters

EDIT: That and it is a 'perhaps you're immune' not a 'always immune'. That makes a big difference since people don't usually spam their 'I'm going to bypass your defenses' trick

Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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