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Hardcore Skittlez

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Effect; Allows the use of "Parapsychosis" type genjutsu. Parapsychosis-type genjutsu is treated as "void" for elemental purposes, but may only have its element changed by medical ninjutsu or genjutsu.

Parapsychosis is a unique genjutsu in that it is a combination of genjutsu/medical ninjutsu(knowledge), and it benefits from 1/2 of all percentile increases to Medical-type ninjutsu, though the percentile increase becomes a general increase as opposed to one limited to 'healing' effects. Parapsychosis effects and damage increased in this manner follows standard genjutsu rules for the purposes of costs/ghost damage, and it may never allow an 'effect' to surpass it's built in maximum duration or usage.

Cost reductions applied to medical-ninjutsu also apply to "parapsychosis"-type genjutsu, though they may never have their base cost reduced below 75% of the standard 'base' by means of medical skills.

Parapsychosis may never deal true damage, only ghost damage.

Description; Through extensive study of medical ninjutsu and human psychology, some advanced genjutsu users have learned to apply their advanced physiological and psychological knowledge to genjutsu. This combination of arts has lead to a new breed of genjutsu, aptly named "Parapsychosis". Parapsychosis behaves differently than standard genjutsu in that it goes beyond the standard calling of simply disrupting chakra flow to maintain a certain effect or illusion- it forces an opponent's chakra to specifically target brain functions and modify chemical balances and imbalances to achieve a given effect. Though still a growing science, studies thusfar have shown that it may be superior to standard, "generic", genjutsu- but that it requires much more effort to maintain an effect on particularly 'mentally damaged' individuals.


Requirements; Requires "Path of the Medical Ninja" to learn.

Restrictions; Requires a 5-post Jounin training from a PC or NPC who had a hand in developing 'Parapsychology' or has learned from such a person.

Special Rule; In no way should this be interpreted to give ninjutsu modifiers to Parapsychosis genjutsu. Parapsychosis utilizes standard genjutsu modifiers.

Edited by thepaintrolley
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As per peace's pointing out, I changed something so that this more accurately represents what it is intended to do. previously, it implied that it followed medical cost:effect ratios for damage/statincreases/reductions, so I changed it to clarify that it follows normal genjutsu rules for those purposes.

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