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[Addition of three ranks of this. I'm still a newbie with anything Genjutsu-related, so advice is appreciated.]

Tamawa; Katsu no Itami [soul Link; Division of Pain] (Rank 2)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Gennin, Character level 20+

Cost: 70x Chakra, 40x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: Creates a 'link' between the user and one target. While 'linked' to this target, 50% of any physical damage that the user takes is dealt to the 'linked' target on their next response phase in the form of ghost damage, rounded up. Similarly, 50% of any physical healing done to the user is done to the 'linked' target on their next response phase in the form of ghost health, rounded up. A 'linked' target may pay half the cost of this technique, in chakra, in their Main Phase to try and break this link. If the user's Concentration stat is greater than or equal to twice their opponent's, the opponent must pay the full cost of this technique. In either case, roll 1d10. An odd-numbered result is considered a success, and the link is broken. This may not be used on opponents of a higher rank than the user. May only have a single "link" technique of any kind active at any time. Usable twice per battle.

Description: Expanding on the original concepts laid out by Tamawa, the user of Katsu no Itami will link their nervous pain centers with that of their opponents'. By doing this, any wounds that the Tamawa user sustains will be reflected into the opponents' psyche, though no actual wounds will appear on their body.

Cost: 4 [1 Evolving]

Tamawa; Katsu no Itami [soul Link; Division of Pain] (Rank 3)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 75x Chakra, 50x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: Creates a 'link' between the user and up to two targets. While 'linked' to those targets, 62% of any physical damage that the user takes is dealt to all 'linked' targets on their next response phase in the form of ghost damage, rounded up. Similarly, 62% of any physical healing done to the user is done to the 'linked' targets on their next response phase in the form of ghost health, rounded up. A 'linked' target may pay half the cost of this technique, in chakra, in their Main Phase to try and break this link. If the user's Concentration stat is greater than or equal to twice their opponent's, the opponent must pay the full cost of this technique. In either case, roll 1d10. An odd-numbered result is considered a success, and the link is broken. This may not be used on opponents of a higher rank than the user. May only have a single "link" technique of any kind active at any time. Usable three times per battle.

Description: Expanding on the original concepts laid out by Tamawa, the user of Katsu no Itami will link their nervous pain centers with that of their opponents'. By doing this, any wounds that the Tamawa user sustains will be reflected into the opponents' psyche, though no actual wounds will appear on their body.

Cost: 5 [2 Evolving]

Tamawa; Katsu no Itami [soul Link; Division of Pain] (Rank 4)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 90x Chakra, 60x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: Creates a 'link' between the user and up to four targets. While 'linked' to those targets, 75% of any physical damage that the user takes is dealt to all 'linked' targets on their next response phase in the form of ghost damage, rounded up. Similarly, 75% of any physical healing done to the user is done to the 'linked' targets on their next response phase in the form of ghost health, rounded up. A 'linked' target may pay half the cost of this technique, in chakra, in their Main Phase to try and break this link. If the user's Concentration stat is greater than or equal to twice their opponent's, the opponent must pay the full cost of this technique. In either case, roll 1d10. An odd-numbered result is considered a success, and the link is broken. This may not be used on opponents of a higher rank than the user. May only have a single "link" of any kind active at any time. Usable four times per battle.

Description: Expanding on the original concepts laid out by Tamawa, the user of Katsu no Itami will link their nervous pain centers with that of their opponents'. By doing this, any wounds that the Tamawa user sustains will be reflected into the opponents' psyche, though no actual wounds will appear on their body.

Cost: 8 [2 Evolving]

Edited by dowhatnow
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Twice per battle on which one? If you meant all of them then Rank 1 needs resubmitted.

How would you propose I go about scaling them to 50% from 33.3333%?

I hadn't thought about how they apply except "as normal", but is that not acceptable?

As for stacking with other links, no, this cannot. The way I had it in my head was that for multiple links (say, rank 2+), it would be treated as multi-hit/multi-target. I'll edit that one in with the rest of the changes once we iron this out.

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I'm not a fan of these because they are either A.) Auto hit or B.) force the opponent to not attack the user, which stagnates the game and makes it less fun to play. Theoretically you could get the opponent to the point and hit them with this and they just lose if they attack you, which is really not fun. Also, if you have double their health you can just hit this, then attack yourself for a shit ton and auto win.

Also, I feel like if this "link" techniques is going to be a chain of stuff that you should make a rule that a player can only have one "soul link" at a time.

TL;DR - having the opponent take damage based on you taking damage seems too dangerous and anti-fun. I'm going to have to veto this in its current form but I am up to discussing different or similar ideas.

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It was never meant as an auto-hit, nor as a "herpderp I just hit myself nice and hard so now you take damage" technique. The way I imagined it, it wouldn't have worked like that anyway as far as damage goes, nor would it have been intended as "stacking" with any other type of link, but that's never explicitly stated, so I'm willing to change that.

Basically, the way it's intended to work is only if an opponent lands a hit on the user. Though, that's still an auto-hit, so I propose a compromise: these techniques remain as they are (as far as cost and upkeep, but not the exact same effects), but so long as it's active, it becomes a Full Opening for another technique which the user could then use in either the Response or Setup Phase. Alternately, treat it as an active Counter Jutsu. Not unheard of, right?

This would balance it a bit, but would break the turn limit for Full Opening, but that's fixable with a turn restriction on both usage and re-usage, as well as a restriction on how many times it can be used per battle. I'm not a fan of limiting its frequency of usage though, but to not do that would be akin to saying, "This is OP and I know it. Come at me, bro."

TL;DR - Rewrite it so it becomes a Full Opening to another technique as long as it's active, limit the number of turns it can be active, limit the number of turns before it can be reactivated, and possibly impose a restriction on frequency of usage = Fix?

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If only one link can be active at a time, doesn't that mean you can't have a link with more than one target? Having a link with two targets would count as two links, or is that a special case?

Also, is there a reasoning behind why this can break the damage point cap? I was just curious if there was something you had in mind.

Edited by Major
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- You forgot the comma betwen "Parapsychosis" and "Link".

- The damage goes 50%, 66%, 75%. Increase of 16% and then 9%. Math snafu? Make the center one 62% and make sure to say on all of them that the values are "rounded up".

- To address Major's confusion, maybe change the wording on this and in the other techniques to "May only have a single "link" technique active at any time.

- Also, Major's other point should be addressed and I think these costs could be changed a bit to help. Mostly this will limit the amount of targets you can effect. Here is my suggestion for prices...

Cost: 70x Chakra, 40x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets (One Target)

Cost: 75x Chakra, 50x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets (Two Targets)

Cost: 90x Chakra, 60x Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets (Four Targets)

The JP cost of each would be 4, 5 and 8.

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I don't like the percentage having to be paid, I'd rather it be dependent on how much these techniques cost, or something else to do with the user. This is theoretically unnecessarily brutal on people with large pools of chakra, and I don't see why it should depend on the target's chakra pool. It'd be different if the main phase wasn't spent in the process, I guess, but I don't like it when it's all put together.

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I'm not sure what you mean.  The only time a percentage has to be paid is if the target wants to try to break the link. I'd tend to agree that it would be theoretically unnecessarily brutal on people with large pools, but I don't know how that could be remedied aside from lowering that amount, which seems a bit unfair at lower levels.

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Right, and if I had one of these links on me I would really want to get rid of it rather than constantly take ghost health damage from doing damage to you. What I meant was make the cost dependent on a stat or something else to do with Midori rather than dependent on the opponent. It shouldn't be 'harder' for someone with more chakra to break this link than someone with lower chakra. It should be harder if say, Midori's concentration is higher, though.

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Okay, yeah, I dropped the ball on replying here, but I'm gonna give this a whirl now that I'm back in business.


Something simple would be the opponent has to pay half the cost of the technique to try and break it, in chakra, but if Midori's concentration is at least twice theirs, they have to pay the full cost of the technique in chakra to break it. It seems fair enough to me, since there's a 50/50 chance of breaking it, and it screws over people for NOT putting something into concentration (which should be the goal of penalizing someone) instead of putting a lot of stat into chakra.

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