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Hornet Ninjutsu 1.4

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Wind Release; Grasping Winds
Type: Ninjutsu [Wind]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 135 Chakra
Damage: 25
Effect: Full Opening for Wind Release; Wingbeat Tempest. The target is also ‘Ensnared’ for one turn.
Description: The user generates subtle wind currents that oppose any and all movement by the victim by pulling their arms and legs away from their torso, giving them no chance to dodge or move away.
JP: 5


Wind Release; Wingbeat Tempest
Type: Ninjutsu [Wind]
Rank: Jonin
Cost: 303 Chakra
Damage: 230
Effect: The target is ‘Prone’ for two turns and ‘Blind’ for two turns.
Description: With an almighty flap of their large wings, the user sends out a gust of wind that kicks up a great cloud of dust and debris, blowing the victim over and blinding them with flying grit. The sheer concussive force of the wingbeat inflicts substantial damage as well.
JP: 7


Wind Release; Scything Cyclone
Type: Ninjutsu [Wind]
Rank: Jonin
Cost: 273 Chakra
Damage: 64 per strike, 5 strikes
Effect: If any single target receives damage from three or more strikes of this technique, that target is ‘Deafened’ for three turns.
Description: The user generates a continuous stream of cutting wind chakra, slashing and tearing at the foe with a howling gale of slashing winds. The noise is so intense in the centre of the storm that it deafens its victims.
JP: 7




Ensnared: Your Taijutsu have a +50% chance to fail. You get -25% to Speed and cannot move around.
Max Duration: 3 turns
CP: 25/turn


Full Opening: You have a 0% chance to dodge on your next Response Phase against [Technique], where [Technique] is a single technique specified by the attack that caused this status effect. You cannot be afflicted with "Full Opening" if you were afflicted with "Half Opening", "Full Opening", "Half Chain Opening", or "Full Chain Opening" last turn.
Max Duration: 1
CP: 20 + (10 * y) [y = Jutsu Point Cost of x]


Prone: You have a +15% chance to hit with ranged weapons and -10% chance to hit with Taijutsu. Offensive techniques have a +5% chance to fail. All attacks that target you have a +10% chance to hit.
Max Duration: 2 turns
CP: 15/turn (Self); 25/turn (opponent)


Blind: Your Accuracy and Evasion are reduced by 80%. If you have an unusual ability to use your other senses, your Accuracy and Evasion are instead reduced by 20%. (i.e. Inuzuka sense of smell, or other truly advanced senses,etc. See Battle System 3.16; Role Play in Battles). Overwrites any instance of "Impaired Eyesight" you have for its duration. May only be used once a battle by Gennin, three times by Chuunin and six times by Jounin.
Max Duration: 3 turns
CP: 50/turn


Deafened: Your Evasion is reduced by 20%. On the turn this effect is applied your Speed is reduced by 20%. Overwrites any instance of "Impaired Hearing" you haves for its duration.
Max Duration: 2 turns
CP: 20/turn


Shouldn't be too tricky. Maybe the CP for Deafened can be lowered with the condition, but it's not really a problem.

Edited by Peregine
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As with your other Opening jutsu, I'll start with the second technique as it directly affects the first. Everything looks fine on it, except that it should only cost 7 jp, which would also reduce the cost of your first one. Readjust accordingly, pretty please! :D

Last one should also cost 7 jp

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