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Armoured Sentinel

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Armoured Sentinel

Requirement: Giant Beetle Summon

Effect: When making a die roll attempting to intercept an attack aimed at an ally, the attempt succeeds on a roll of 2-19 instead of 6-19.

Description: The Giant Beetles of Yūgure no Mori are renowned for both their exceptional resilience and their willingness to defend anyone at a moment's notice. This mentality and prowess combined with their sheer size make them remarkably sturdy allies who are highly skilled in the art of intercepting attacks aimed at their companions. Summoners of these creatures can mimic their movements and actions, achieving much the same effect with sufficient practice.

Ranks: 1

Cost: -1

Giant Beetles

So, this is half summon flavour and half an actual skill for me. I know that it's cutting the 25% failure rate on attack interceptions down to 5%, but at the same time remember that Summons only get half the turns thet regular characters get (at the most). I'm also open to suggestions on how to make the concept work if this won't fly.

Edited by Peregine
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I get where you're coming from, but aren't skills supposed to add/improve on elements already in the game? You can already intercept as many attacks as you want, with or without this skill and with or without saviour. All this does is change the success rate on interception by 20%.

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