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Ravage Nocturne

Kaguya Kaori

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=Welcome to the Graveyard Mind of Kaguya Kaori=

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I behold a great many things"

-Character's Official Information-

Name: Kaguya Kaori (家具屋 薫り) [[<-Picture]]

Nickname(s): Chiisa Yajuu (小さ 野獣) [Little Monster]

Village: Kirigakure no Sato (霧隠れの里)

Nationality: Mizu no Kuni (水の国)

Clan: Kaguya

Age: 22

Birthdate and Zodiac Sign: July 21st, Cancer

Blood Type: O+

Sexual Orientation: Indifferent (Bisexual)

Gender: Female


-Character's Notable Appearance-

-Height: 5'8"

-Weight: 120lbs

-Eye Color and Shape: Kaori's eyes challenge those who look upon them not to marvel at the vibrant iridescence of those tangerine orbs, an unplaceable fire burning passionate within and writhing with purpose. Oftentimes, she is described as expressing the majority of her emotional spectrum through her eyes, which are consequently compared to the functions of a window, allowing sight within. Hers are the sort into which many may lose themselves, captivated by the inherent magnetism of the whispering secrets that unwillingly pour through them, making eye contact an absolute necessity for understanding this woman.

-Hair Color and Style: Perhaps most notable would be the thick bangs parted to each side of her countenance, cascading down her features and pooling to the nape of her neck, a curious necromantic skull pinned into a particular weave of hair. Although some time ago she had allowed her hair to grow out quite freely, she has since cut the remainder of her hair to match the length of a typical male's cut, an unkempt and disheveled contrast to the bangs that allow her to retain a personal sense of femininity. Her hair is the color of autumn wheat bathing in sunlight: a flaxen golden bronze.


-Typical Outfit:

Head and Neck- A black leather choker coils around the slender neck of the Kaguya, a silvered buckle clasping it snug against her throat. This choker is oftentimes used as a method of inflicting asphyxiation to serve as a temporary 'fix' for her masochism

Upper Body- A pale scarlet shirt reveals her open stomach, the right arm sleeveless while the left is tailored with an elongated sleeve reaching to her fingertips. The sleeve is adorned with traditional golden thread that gently constricts the fabric to the skin, the cuff likewise designed with distorted diamonds encasing the wrist. Thick coils of silken threads weave around her right bicep, a golden chain spiraling from her forearm to her fingerless black glove. This revealing shirt is tied together by several strands of twine, and her bosom is covered by an over-sized black leather belt, fastening her privacy and allowing her to discard her shirt in the heat of combat, providing for more experimental manipulations of her bone structure.

Lower Body and Waist- A conglomeration of belts serve as a makeshift skirt that hug her hips tightly, beneath which lay crimson undergarments of equally suggestive nature. These belts cross in all manner of directions to form the non-traditional garb, yet serve as an effective form of vesture nonetheless. Her upper legs are squeezed into a pair of brown stockings and she adorns herself with a pair of black leather boots, the heels and toes of which are exposed to the elements as is customary of the shinobi design.


-Physical Condition and Characteristics: A certain irony befalls the subtle physique of the woman, having lost a noticeable amount of weight and muscle mass over the past few years. If nothing else, this has only accentuated the natural beauty that accompanies her, amplifying the pronouncement of her feminine curves. Her muscles are nonetheless quite toned and tensile, stretching against the prison that is her porcelain skin, marred with an undeniable history of physical abuse as scars and burns rise prominent along her spine and lower back. Kaori enjoys a relatively ample frame, occasionally drawing the eyes of those around her and infecting them with her peculiar brand of beauty.


-Historic Events and Relevant Childhood-

-Conception and Early Childhood-

Kaori was birthed into an environment worshiping the honor, the glory, and the thrill of combat, therefore it is hardly a surprise that her early years were fruitless of trivialities such as love, praise, and adoration. The Kaguya clan prided themselves in their combat potency, and in order to achieve a level of exceptional talent, shaped their young through unforgiving conditions and brutal expectations. An outsider would most assuredly perceive her upbringing as abusive and cruel, her parents subjecting her to purposeless beatings, impossible tasks, and an incredible unwillingness to embrace her with what is typically expected from a familial unit. Her mother in particular, Kaguya Aki, sought to drive deeply into her daughter the appreciation of the value of pain and suffering, and in doing so, imposed upon her countless scenarios of mutilation and torture. Her survival was made possible only through the blood flowing through her veins (to which one might attest her mother was perfectly cautious of, unwilling to test the limitations), and every introduction to pain helped brace her for consecutive lessons.

Much to the disappointment of her parents, Kaori was never transformed into a mindless servant of combat, instead quite expressive of herself when given the opportunity. Nonetheless, due to the dreadful absence of love, Kaori developed an exceptionally poor evaluation of self-value, and struggled to consider herself as an acceptable being. Naturally, in moments such as this, her parents only increased the severity and rigidity of their outlandish training, and quite literally 'beat' these thoughts out of her. It is from here that stems her sadomasochistic tendencies. Upon coming of age, her parents revealed to her their final lesson, a cruel demand to discard emotion and overwhelm her parents in combat. Certainly, she had never expected the test to be of lethal consequence, until nearly slaying her in the process. Reassuring her that this was a matter of life or death, they coerced her into fighting with her full potential, which while staggering, was of course no match for veterans of the clan. And yet, fulfilling their final duties as parents, intentionally allowed her to strike them down, permanently branding her with the final obstacle, overcoming tragedy by her own hand. Exceptionally unorthodox, their effective methods of teaching proved to be most distressing. Having allowed their daughter to taste blood, they had successfully prepared her so far as they believed necessary.

Their parting sentiment to her was simply "We are proud."

Kaori would, if questioned, defend the actions of her parents, much to the surprise of others. She believes that although they did not impress upon her the normal intentions and blessings of a family, that within the context of her clan, did their very best to shape her into the perfect example of their blood. Instead, she would thank her parents for teaching her the lessons that allow her to move forwards in life without fear, as pain, sorrow, and loss have been stitched into her psyche, depriving her of many natural weaknesses that humans must face.


Having enrolled with the academy to further polish her skills, yet was greeted with a cruel and immediate ostracization from the social cliques. Quite the freak even among the other Kaguya, she transformed into a resentful creature and began to distance herself from her peers, adamant that the labels of such 'children' could not overwhelm her duties. Naturally, being the sort who craves adoration and acceptance, her heart began to sink with incomparable loneliness, with which she dealt with through self-mutilation, a remnant habit reminding her of the lessons of her past, more so than an expression of frustration. She continued her education with dispassionate obligation until graduation, where she escaped the endless pranks and careless statements of her fellow classmates by flunking out, unable to correctly mold her Chakra to satisfactory levels. Indeed, her earlier years proved to be difficult.

Although her impressive form and brutal methodology in combat impressed her superiors, they were unable to grant her passage into further education, becoming a source of endless frustration on her part. No matter how she polished her skills, her shortcomings were made abundantly clear. Only with the breakout of the war was she able to prove worthwhile, her bloodlust motivating her to overwhelm enemy forces, serving as the token 'battering ram' due to her deadened nerves. Having suffered many near-death experiences, her appreciation for mortality gradually evolved, forcing her to consider the possibility that greater purpose lay beyond the immediate future.


As time progressed, so did she, her talents metastasizing into undeniable assets. However, regardless of the leaps and strides of her personal reconstruction, the furthest she was allowed to advance was as a Gennin, in spite of her power far exceeding the rank. For this reason, she was denied a number of field excursions, and became reliant on the 'here and there' tasks at hand to escape the trivialities that plagued her. For this reason she stayed within the borders of Kirigakure no Sato, dissatisfied with the complacency washing over her.

To this day, Kaguya Kaori struggles to improve herself, desperate for the freedoms her peers experience regularly. Although the council has been less restrictive of her opportunities, she feels relatively deprived of adventure. Nonetheless, as she continues to improve upon her social contacts and her combative skills, further and further increases the odds of fulfilling her desires.


-Significant Recent Affairs-

Kaguya Kaori has, for the past several years, wandered in self-imposed exile within Mizu no Kuni upon learning of her lover's abandonment of her. In spite of her desperate attempts to repress the lamentable depression resting heavily in her heart, she was unable to discard the burden of loss, and took it upon herself to find new purpose. Having felt betrayed by the one man she allowed herself to grow closely to, Umikoi Warrusu, Kaori digested the ultimate realization that her own worth must first be appreciated by herself, not another. Therefore, her journey to nowhere in particular spurned the overdue process of learning to love herself, allowing her to smooth out the wrinkles in her psychosis, subsequently pacifying her endless desire to be loved by exchanging it as an objective instead of a necessity.

It is quite unclear where she has gone, even more so mysterious what (if anything) she has done during her absence. She has recently returned to her homeland with drastic alterations to her appearance and personality. She has blossomed into a woman, and has lost considerable weight, unfortunately carrying with it the penalty of her strength having been sapped as well. However, what is lost must be gained elsewhere, and this is certainly evident through the new vivacity that burns confident in her eyes. The natural fears that once vexed her have seemingly dissipated, her posture and behavior having matured significantly, adopting a more responsible theme. Her personality has become more sharpened with self-reflection, and an inner strength churns within her, usurping her historic fragility with something more formidable.

Where she's going and what she aims to do is certainly an unknown factor. Whatever the case, it is apparent that she has no intention of doing things half-heartedly, and passionately embraces the future unfolding before her.

[Additional significant moments will be added as they form]


-Significant Mental and Emotional Information-

Personality: An undeniable and devout sadomasochist, Kaori derives sexaul pleasure while subjected -or subjecting others- to pain, a feature that has typically distanced herself from her peers, much to her chagrin. Outside of this learned behavior, she is an outstandingly stable personality, and a shining example of self-discipline. Having overcome numerous emotional and psychological obstacles throughout her life, she maintains a generally positive outlook on life, and rejects the burdens of self-pity and humiliation. Most outstanding is her undying affections for those she grows close to, a loyalty bordering psychotic. To say that she is a lover is putting it quite mildly, instead, that perhaps she was born to love. In spite of the horrific events of her past, her initial reaction to strangers is to love (platonic) them until moved otherwise. Aside from her obsession with pain, there exists a very natural gentle side to her with the childish desire to be pampered and cared for. Although she pridefully declares herself free from the shackles of humiliation, she is no stranger to romantic folly, which leaves her flustered and prone to accidental violence as an awkward expression of her discomfort.

Likes: Kaori's incorrigible sadomasochism hungers for the presence of pain, and therefore serving as the recipient brings her enormous pleasure. It is no surprise that subsequently, the sight of blood provokes a skip in her heartbeat, as does inflicting pain upon an outside source. Nonetheless, her more common pleasures involve typical social gatherings, daydreaming, rainy days, romantic interactions, and taking meaningless strolls in the evening. Her favorite season is Autumn, and she abhors the vexations of Summer's heat. She is a rather open-minded individual, and may enjoy a great many things she has yet to experience in addition to the expected.

Dislikes: Plagued with a sense of worthlessness, vivid verbal abuse sets her off, as do connotative labels. Bugs of any design frighten the Kaguya, as do spiders and insect-like creatures. Being a remarkably loyal personality, failing to protect the things and people that she cares for deeply saddens her, and further devolves her esteem.

-Objects and Concepts of Desire-

-Food: Pastries and other 'sinful' delights

-Color: Red

-Music Genre: None, she prefers the sounds of nature

-Book Genre: Romance, the awful cheap sorts

-Hangout: To escape the frustrations of the world, she often retreats to the ocean or similarly large bodies of water, finding the sights and sounds of the rolling ebb and tide to be a tranquil change of pace from the endless noise of life

Hopes&Dreams: Her greatest dream is to achieve 'true love' and to find the power to protect it at all costs.

Greatest Fear(s): Kaori dreads, above all else, being alone, romantically or otherwise.

General Philosophy: “As the sun rises and sets, so must we endure the obstacles of life, finding incalculable purpose beyond routine”


-Connections and Relations-

[Will be added as they form...]


(•)Love (Familial)

(•)Love (Affectionate)






(•)-Kaguya Aki (Mother) [Deceased]

(•)-Kaguya Kentou (Father) [Deceased]

(•)-Umikoi Warrusu (Ex-Lover)


Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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-Combat Proficiency and Statistics-

Rank: N/A (Acting-Jounin)

Level: 51

TXP: 15,450

To Next Level: 350 (15,800)

Stats (out of 5600)-

[Health Power] 1800 [270 Health per turn]

[stamina] 600

[Chakra] 200


[Taijutsu] 400 [604]

[Defense] 800 [880] [1084]

[Ninjutsu] 100

[Genjutsu] 0

[Concentration] 0

[speed] 500

[Accuracy] 600 [+10% Taijutsu Accuracy]

[Evasion] 600 [680]


[+XX]-Armor Bonus

•Lightning Specialty

•Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori [Rank Three]

•Shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomono [Rank Three]

[Health Regeneration] 270 Health per turn

[stamina Regeneration] 60 Stamina per every other turn

[Chakra Regeneration] 20 Chakra per every other turn


[Taijutsu Offense Modifier] Weapon and Taijustu techniques increased by 100 [150]; Basic attacks increased by 67 [101]

[Defense Modifier] Physical and Ninjutsu damage reduced by 200 [251]

[Ninjutsu Offense Modifier] Ninjutsu damage increased by 20

[Genjutsu Offense Modifier] Increased by +0/-0 [+0 Ghost Damage]

[Concentration Modifier] Reduced by 0X (+0/-0%)

[Accuracy Modifier] Chance to successfully attack increased by +60% [+70%]

[Evasion Modifier] Chance to successfully dodge increased by +60%; 20% Block Range


-Relevant Abilities and Talents-

Skill Point Total: 32 (Level) + 5 (Hindering) + 2 (Chuunin) +3 (Jounin)=42 SP

Skill Points Used: -31 SP

Remaining Skill Points: 11 SP


Hindering Traits and Weaknesses-

•Sealed Genjutsu-may neither use nor take skills relating to Genjutsu (+2)

•Self Defense-Character may never take offensive action first (+2)

•Bisexual-Any and all effects that specifically target gender now apply to this character, regardless of the intended target audience (+1)


Bloodline "Kekkei Genkai" Abilities-

•Shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomono [Rank Three]-10% Chakra Activation; 5% Chakra upkeep: Character regenerates 15% Total Health every turn (-9)

•Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori [Rank Three]-5% Chakra Activation; 2% Chakra upkeep: Character may increase Taijutsu or Defense by 4X (x=level), form a 12X$ small weapon, or form a medium weapon level XY, (Y=turns required to complete weapon not to exceed 5 turns) (-6)


Bloodline Augmentations-

•Intrinsic Taxation-Character may choose to pay X of a Stamina cost with Health, where X may not exceed 50% of the original cost. May not be applied to basic or weapon attacks. When this skill is used, Health Regeneration from Kenkousonomon for this turn is reduced by 25% (-1)

•Intrinsic Recuperation-+1% Healing from Shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomono for every status effect afflicting character, up to +2% per turn (-1)

•Intrinsic Urgency-While the character's health is below 75%, the effects of Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori [when used to increase Taijutsu and Defense] are increased by +1(X) where X is the character's level (-1)

•Intrinsic Guardian-So long as Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori remains active, reduce all incoming non-Genjutsu damage by .5(X) where X is equal to character level. When attacked by a ninja of higher rank, reduce this effect to .3(X) or .10(X), respective of how many ranks the enemy is superior. Cost of Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori increased by 1% while active (-2)


Talents and Proficiencies-

Available Elements: Water and Lightning

•Elemental Proficiency [LOCKED]-[Lightning Specialty]-+10% Accuracy with Taijutsu attacks and -1 JP for Lightning-based techniques (-0)

•Path of the Defender-Enlightened Defender: First rank of Guard Expertise is free; +1 JP per 3 levels (-1)

•Path of the True Defender-Quick Learning Body: Iron Skin and Chakra Barrier -1 SP per rank; Indomitable Will: Iron Will -1 SP per rank and additional ranks available per ninja rank; +1 JP per 5 levels (-1)

•Guard Expertise [Rank Five]-+15% Block chance (-4)

•Iron Will-Once per battle, treat Defense and Evasion as 150% for a single incoming Taijutsu attack (-1)

•Iron Skin and Chakra Barrier [Ranks Two]-Character receives -20% damage from all physical and Ninjutsu damage (-2)

•Second Wind-Once per battle, an attack that would leave the character with 0 Health instead leaves them with 1 Health (-2)


Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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-Knowledge Compendium-

Total Jutsu Points: 118 (Level) +5 (Chuunin) +10 (Jounin) +17 (1-49 Path of Defender)=150 JP

Used Jutsu Points: -3 JP

Remaining Jutsu Points: 147 JP


-Taijutsu Techniques-

[Tate No Myakumyaku I (楯乃脈脈; Aegis of the Unbroken I)]

Conditions: Requires activation of Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 10 Chakra and 40 Stamina

Damage: N/A

Effects: Creates an absorption structure for 100 points of damage. May be repaired by paying 5 Chakra and 35 Stamina on the turn it is damaged, otherwise remaining until destroyed. Repairing is done in the set-up phase and may only be done after initially receiving damage. 5% Fail rate when used in the Response Phase (Deprives use of Main Phase), no failure rate while used in the Main Phase. This may not stack with similar effects

Description: A fairly simplistic procedure, it is possible to malform the radius and the ulna of the forearm, constructing a large structure serving as a shield. This rigid construct typically covers the majority of the flank, allowing for deflections and nullification of offensive gestures, though unless consistently under repair, might shatter beneath the strain of continuous assault. Because this aegis is skeletonized, it is possible to directionalize it more fluidly than an actual object, providing for impeccable defensive utility

Points: 2 (-2 Kaguya, -1 Total)


[Tate No Myakumyaku II (楯乃脈脈; Aegis of the Unbroken II)]

Conditions: Requires activation of Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 50 Chakra and 100 Stamina

Damage: N/A

Effects: Creates an absorption structure for 300 points of damage. May be repaired by paying 60 Chakra and Stamina on the turn it is damaged, otherwise remaining until destroyed. Repairing is done in the set-up phase and may only be done after initially receiving damage. 5% Fail rate when used in the Response Phase (Deprives use of Main Phase), no failure rate while used in the Main Phase. This may not stack with similar effects

Description: Although somewhat more complex than its predecessor, the overall execution remains quite similar. This technique forges a formidable wall of bone that is fortified by the smaller bones of the wrist and knuckles to provide more stalwart defense, and further guards the majority of the body

Points: 4 (-2 Kaguya, -2 Total)



-Ninjutsu Techniques-



-Inventory and Personal Belongings of Interest-




-Body: Kirigakure Jounin Vest-+80 Defense and Evasion









-Main Weapon:

-Sub Weapon:




-Items in Vault:

-Money on hand: 両1395 [Hungry, Hungry Elephante Wallet]


-Update Log-

Leveled up and Exp Earned:


-Money Log-

[- 両5 for custom wallet]


-Combat Record-





-Mission Log-

Rank D:

Rank C:

Rank B:

Rank A:

Rank S:

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Kaguya Kaori is not a jounin of Kirigakure no Sato. She was not even officially a gennin of Kirigakure no Sato in the previous incarnation if I remember correctly, though that might've changed over five years. She would not have had any significant action against DEATH in said war against them over timeskip, and you may neither give her a jounin vest she officially gains that rank in character. She is an 'acting jounin' but does not gain a jounin vest from this.

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