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Oto Nin
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1 Academy Applicant

About acillies45

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    Rising Star
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  • Birthday 04/01/1991

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  1. So I posted this picture earlier. I should've been more detailed with what I was talking about with it. Basically similar style (hair messy, but hanging down more than all over the place). His bangs should be similar, but as for the length, maybe not over his eyes (just at the eyebrow level). The overall length of the hair should be a titch shorter as well (Sideburns should be about at the bottom of his ear (if that much), the back of his hair shouldn't be past the bottom of his neck, and so forth). From there, and everything else I've stated, you have artistic license to do whatever you want with the him. I just have a vague idea of what he overall looks like and I'm not style expert (you should see what I'm wearing right now ) so I trust you to make him look better than I can probably describe him with words.
  2. You are amazing, thanks!
  3. Uhhh, ankle length? Whatever normal length pants are. As for the skin color, something like this fellow...I realize I'm using a lot of FMA references for this character...completely unintentional I assure you. Also, he's about 15 and 5'10" if that helps at all.
  4. Hey, I noticed this, and was hoping you could make my character. I would appreciate it! If you need any more details, lemme know. I'm not very artistic in terms of drawing so I'm not sure about all the necessary details. Username: acillies45 Character Name: Kaito Tetsugaku Skin Tone: Naturally tanned (light) Hair Colour: Dark Brown (close to black) Hair Length: Medium (for a male) Hair Style: Messy (something like, but a little shorter than this ) Eye Colour: Yellowish Brown Body Based On Which Character: Edward Elric (end of FMA: Brotherhood) Top Clothes: White sleeveless hoodie over a blue t-shirt Bottom Clothes: Black cloth pants, grey cloth belt with two grey pouches, blue sandals Accessories: - (Sound Village) headband on his forehead - A small scar near his right ear (going toward his right cheek form his ear) - Brown fingerless leather glove on his left hand Additional Items: A yari spear (he's left handed if that helps XD)
  5. HEY! Welcome to NA! Hope you have a good time here!
  6. Word thanks. Fixed.
  7. How much damage could it do for 40 stamina? The cross between bleed and Taijutsu is messing up my calculating skills XD
  8. Name: Twisting Serpent Advance Type: Taijutsu [Oto; Serpent] Rank: Genin Cost: 40 Damage: 25 Effects: Target is Distracted for 1 turn. Description: Moving forward quickly, the user moves unpredictably. Upon reaching their opponent, they strike at the joints, hindering the opponent's ability to dodge incoming attacks temporarily. Points: 2 Name: Spear Fang (I) Type: Taijutsu [Oto; Serpent] Rank: Genin Cost: 40 Damage: 13 Effects: Target is bleeding for 23 damage for 2 turns. User must be using a spear. Description: Kaito strikes at his opponent. His blow is not meant to cut deeply, but instead cause the opponent to start bleeding a few seconds after the initial cut is made, usually by targeting a vein or artery. Points: 2
  9. Dear god...so many wobbuffet...so much reflect.
  10. Hello, so my character disappeared. I assume he was approved, which is great! The problem is, I can't see where he got moved to.... I'm assuming that I need to have my village changed so I can see Oto's Ninja. So the question is: where do I post something to make that happen? Or do I just PM a person with the authority to do such a divine act?
  11. I kept looking at all the BA trainers and kept thinking 'Yeah I'd be one of them! I can be awesome!' Then I realized I'd probably just be a 'youngster' Because shorts are comfy and easy to wear.
  12. Bump
  13. Alright, everything except the colors changed. I'll make sure to do that, I just need to get to work right now XD
  14. Would you kindly approve this guy? Kaito If you would kindly approve him that would be wonderful =D
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