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Kumo Nin
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Everything posted by MadKatters

  1. You'd be such a youngster. I... think I'd be... A Ranger! Ace's are typically arrogant jerkbags. I'd be a ranger, cause I could roam and help da kiddies after having pwned all the gym leaders back in the day.
  2. Alright, I'll avoid working on a tech for them until you can settle on a good number. I'm not impatient, I was just curious if there were numbers laying around. I'd think a 1:1 DP Cost in chakra to heal it instantly, or a .8 Over turns or something like induced regeneration would make some sense buuuut... I suck at mechanics. So, take your time to settle on some real numbers. I know you lot are busy enough as it is. Not a priority by any means for me.
  3. What's the DP Cost for healing status effects as a medic? There is a genin level mainsite medical tech that heals 20 Bleeding or poison based DoT for 10 Chakra.... But there's no listed values for cure or anything. I'm mainly interested in healing things like Bleed, Poison, and Burn. Is it even possible in a complete heal or partial? Listed Medical Info in 5.32
  4. I bought two weeks of time. Magically. I suspect I won't be eating well for two-weeks, and this issue will come up then... But at least I've got time to not die and try and get out of this house to that friend of mines where I will have full net. So it's looking like if I do lost 'net at all it won't be for any substantial period of time. I don't drink. But now I want to get drunk after these last two days. God.
  5. There's a chance I'll be losing steady internet access later tonight. I wasn't informed of just how much crap this house was in until.. last night at Three A.M. and let me tell you that was a -great- way to wake up on New Years. Lovely way to start the year, yeah? I didn't get to make really any phone-calls on the matter yesterday because people were busy and places were closed so I had a rather.. crazy day yesterday. I even broke down and had a good cry at one point. That was fun. Long story short? Unless I scrounge up a good miracle sometime between now and this evening it isn't looking good for steady internet access. Now, I'm saying Steady and you ask why? Well... there's a one-bar Wifi signal that I can snake.. that goes from slow as hell to low/no connectivity depending on it's mood. It's a slight chance for a continuance of internet but that's it. I never would have gotten roped into and started things with Kasumi or Aria if I knew it was going to come down to this. If it does... I'm really sorry. This upsets me beyond what you can believe and I'm not happy about it.. but it's something I have to live with. On the bright side... I have a friend and her boyfriend who I both know really well and they offered to get me the hell out of this house if I can make it to their place. So, In a month or so things should be looking up for me at least... providing I can get to them. This isn't a permanent farewell to anyone... And I hope it's not a farewell at all to you NA, even for a slight bit of time, but I thought it'd be best to leave this message up while I still had my internet going. TL;DR If you don't hear from me saying otherwise in this thread? Yeah, I'm dead or something.
  6. ... What would you be? A simple question really. If you were a pokemon trainer what would your 'classification' be. Breeder, Ace Trainer, maybe Dragon Master? Let's see what everyone thinks of themselves or their characters.. or both! I'm automatically removing the options for Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, and other special positions like that. We're gonna go with trainer 'types' over special positions. So no protagonist or antagonist either! To make things easier: Here Is a source-list of Trainer Classes from Bulbapedia. Go hog wild!
  7. Armor Kind: Reinforced Jacket Body Placement: Body Attributes: +100 Defense Special: N/A Description: A jacket inherited from her sister upon the elders death. It’s been patched and reworked innumerable times over the years but Aria still clings to it. Despite it’s time-worn status this jacket has held up well over the years and has even been reinforced to lessen the force of attacks that come Aria’s way. Cost: 400$ Cash On hand: 520$ Purchase Cost: 400$ Remaining Cash After Purchase: 120$
  8. I.. had just made the skill too. Lol... Not.. see yet? I'm... already... Ah, whatever. I'll see it when it's done.
  9. Skill Name: Yōkai; Balance Of Mind And Body Bloodline: Yōkai Jinchūriki Description: Some Jinchūriki have spent their lives dedicated to balance between their mystical (Chakra) and physical energies (Stamina). In these cases the toll that a Yōkai takes on the Jinchūriki's body is split between the two energies rather than feeding off just one. Effect: Changes the requirements for Yōkai Cloak Ranks for the taker of this skill to a total between Chakra and Stamina. Cost: -1 TL;DR Explanation:
  10. Right, another question while I'm at it... Is it possible to create a skill, for like one SP or something, that changes cloak requirements from the tank stats to a combined total rather than one tank stat being above the value? Like, Rank/Stage 2 requires 600+ Chakra or Stamina. Would it be possible to create a skill to make it Chakra and Stamina both just combined be higher than the 600 value? I'd be willing to balance it out with an increase in the requirement or something. Where both have to be greater than Rank/Stage value * 1.X or something. I.. believe that covers everything I have to ask off the top of my head/wasn't already listed elsewhere. Edit: Oh, wait, also... "Higher than?" Thats.. really awkward. It's a single Stat Point that could make any tank stat 'higher' than the 200 or 600 or whatever it might be. Wouldn't Equal to or Higher than be a bit.. cleaner?
  11. Right, just a few things. Don't care to Necro Threads but since it's Yōkai related I was referred here rather than the standard Q/A Thread. So.. Necro time! Question: Yōkai Jinchūriki. Should they just post their Yokai data, Skills, Cloaks, Stats, all that jazz, into their skills page on their app or another post? Just checking/confirming if I do. Or do I Just post the cloaks and keep the Yokai data itself elsewhere? Do you link back to a post with the data? It's never really answered anywhere. Relatively simple question but it's a good one to know and since I haven't been on chat in a week to ask, and my availability/online status for skype is gonna be whacky for a bit yet I thought I'd just post it here.
  12. First: This Is a link to the character sheet you fill in. Second: You start with 500 Stat Points to allocate, 2 Skill Points, and 4 JP. All of which is listed on the guide. Third: Bloodlines are a bit tougher than techniques to get by. Techniques is simply following the right formula/rules for creating jutsu of the rank you want. Found Here. As for Bloodlines? The rules are, as I said, a bit tougher. You'll have to do something unique and likely not a canon bloodline. The staff's already made most of those and likes to control them for the most part. First I'd look at all the approved bloodlines/clans to see if there's something you want. Most are open, not all (Uchiha for one), but a good deal are open to be joined. For anything else I suggest you go Here It should help. Traditionally we have a search function that could help you but the site is going through a bit of a spasm at the moment, nothing to worry about, it should hopefully be up once that's sorted. If you have anything else to ask here is as good a place to go. That should answer anything you asked though.
  13. You're a butt so I did it again. I'm beginning to think the rumors of the sorting hat being fix/terrible RNG are true. I answered the same way I did when this game out... and got an entirely different result. This amuses me. For the record? Slytherin's actually not a bad boy house. It's the house in which the sorting hat sees the 'seeds of greatness'. Oh, and you think of Voldemort when you think of it? Think of Merlin too. In Harry Potter's verse Merlin was the greatest Slytherin of all. Just saying. Don't base the houses on the few examples you see in the canon. Slytherin Wand Beech; Unicorn Core, Ten And Three Quarters Inches, Reasonably Supple. White Cat Beech Core Welcome Messages Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Slytherin
  14. THAT is a real wizard. I am such a troll I did this forever ago.. I got Ravenclaw and who cares about the rest because Ravenclaw.
  15. Feels good man. Feeeeels good. Kumo got a bit of a bump lately and Konoha seems to have always been strong (And more alts incoming I believe) Iwa and Kiri seem to be good places from what I've gathered. Suna is the place nobody wants to go though, a pity. Formulate a character plan and see where he might go best? Maybe even check out some bloodlines there have been some changes since you last had a character.
  16. I belive, traditionally, a retire is 75% EXP. If you do you sacrifice a Death Bonus Roll chance on a new character though... I believe. I think Tony (CTNR) Could clear that up for you. Or really and Modmin.
  17. I feel you should probably know that... EXP earnings have changed since you left. Old Guide Current Guide So, you're characters will have to earn up to their current level in EXP again before they can proceed or you can recylcle/re-use a portion of the EXP to a new character potentially. Just a heads up. Welcome back.
  18. Yeah, see, that's weird to me. I mean, I wasn't expecting anybody to die or anything... but now we know for sure the village stays, no major world drama, people survive, etc. It's just kinda ... weird to me.
  19. So, Dafuq with that movie. Kakashi still has his Kage hat in it. Is... it something set between the massive timeskips of 699 and 700 or is it post 700 with flashbacks? I have no idea what's going on anymore.
  20. I'm digging the laptop thing at least but we can totally call them limited to Shinobi offices or something... And, yeah, whack pairings there for a few of them.. xd Cloud chick + Choji? Wat. Edit: Oh, and, Dat Hinata <3
  21. Easily one of my favorite moments of the series. I love Hinata and her coming to Naruto's aide rather than hiding behind him and being shy anymore was amazing. The feels when she 'died' was.. just.. so much. The follow-up with Minato later in this arc was great too. I'm just such a Hinata fangirl that this really got me. I really did cry a bit over it.
  22. My cat is trying to drink my Cocoa...

  23. Zatanna Is kind of her style. I didn't consider her costume much, she, like I, probably wouldn't do much in the way of Halloween.
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