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Kiri Nin
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About Muyasuki

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  • Birthday 10/04/1989

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    Check your left. . . thats right,you think im not there but every time you're not lookin, i'm there. prove me wrong. . .

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  1. Nah, I wasn't surprised by Whitebeard (granted I honestly didn't think that he would have possessed a DF). The way its already been set up, it would have been damn near impossible for anyone to live up to the hype but Oda can deliver. The fact is, given what has already been shown in that ONE chapter . . . Oda is gonna have a VERY hard to trying to top this later on.
  2. The best part about the latest chapter is that it seems like an ass-pull when it really makes perfect sense looking back at all the hints in previous chapters. This is the reason why Oda is a storytelling genius. The only problem that I see is that he is making some of the secondary characters(specifically Ace and Buggy) way TOO interesting if that makes any sense.
  3. Since this game is being handled by Bioware (who have a definitely good track record), I think that this game has a very high chance of being (at the very least) good.
  4. Muyasuki Ryohei Ninjutsu;0 Taijutsu;0.5 Genjutsu;1 Intelligence;2.5 (Physical) Strength;0.5 Speed;0.5 Stamina;0.5 Seals;1
  5. Yeah, I've never felt like the series is being drawn out but considering its an adventure series, I can easily understand how someone could see it like that. Truthfully, I more feel like Naruto is being drawn out in comparison. The last chapter had perhaps one of the best ending pages I've seen in a while. I think that Luffy will naturally fare better against Blackbeard than Ace as Blackbeard seems to be a logia-killer type fighter when his DF is taken into account.
  6. Under normal situations, I could agree with you here but. . . the big problem with it is that(despite the fact that I myself have yet to attempt to watch the show), the show apparently has a large fan following and does has great rating on whatever channel its on(I think in the states, its Nick). The show has an already-built in fanbase. It wouldn't have been as hard a sell as is. I personally will find it very interesting if the villians in the movie are asian.
  7. I can say that I'd be able to survive but for how long, I don't know. Took the quiz and got A, A, B, F; Z+.
  8. Muyasuki

    Saw V

    Yes, I actually like the series.
  9. Your drawings are amazing. Would you mind doing one for my character as well?
  10. Personally, I can see the reason why someone would want to a revamp of those stats, but at the same time I don't see the reason for it. I know my character is more defense orientated than most others would be but at the same time, I was well aware of the faults in that(which is also one of the reasons I choose to do it that way). While if you're looking just at its direct comparion with Evasion, I think that its much safer to stack your defenses rather than evasion because while you may get hit with lower evasion, that damage could be significantly lower than if you relied on evasion alone. Plus if you stack HP as well, you've got a defensive tank.
  11. The aborted Marvel game is now called Champions Online. . .
  12. I've got both. They're both great systems but if you gotta pick one, go with the 360(unless you want Blu-Ray, then go PS3)
  13. The World Ends With You, hands down.
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