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Perpetual Motion (Teisuu Dou)

Type: Genjutsu [Personal]

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 70

Damage: 60

Effect: The target is inflicted with ‘Tired' for one (1) turn.

Description: Saiyuriel creates an illusion of the entire surrounding of the two as an exact copy by which he freely manipulates to his own pleasure. The illusions forms to and influence the person to believe that they are trying to hit Saiyuriel physically but for every punch and attack he moves slightly out of their reach or retaliates, causing them to resonate physically. Finally before the illusion dissipates simulates the world spinning at a quicker speed while the target is trapped in their own speed as if time is flying by them.

Points: 4

Acute Lyric (Sen'ei Ririkku)

Type: Genjutsu [sound] [Personal]

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 60

Damage: 30

Effect: The target is inflicted with ‘Headache' for one (1) turn and ‘Impaired Eyesight' for one (1) turn.

Description: From a past time to pass the pain in to preferably a lighter mood, Saiyuriel coats his own vocal chords with a thin layer of chakra and begins to sing aloud. The tones secreted are of the higher notes, which enter through the ear and cause the eyes to see blotches of random light speckles burst in front of them. Paired with the sharp sound, a light headache will begin to follow.

Points: 3

Dancing Rays (Koodori Rei)

Type: Genjutsu [Lightning] [Personal]

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 58 [34 upkeep]

Damage: 10

Effect: The target suffers -60 from speed for two turns.

Description: Saiyuriel entrances the target in a land after a midsummer's storm, with the clouds still angering overtop. Slow to vacate the area, the ambiance of the terrain transforms to a land that's more difficult to move around in, namely through the small winds and moist ground where most footwear is bound to be caught in. With the crackle of thunder overtop, the daunting storm gives a very overburdening feeling and almost magical.

Points: 3

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