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Ravage Nocturne

Two Kaguya Skills

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Intrinsic Taxation

Archetype: Bloodline Skill

Description: The Kaguya tend to be outstandingly efficient combatants and are perceptive of their limitations. Although rarely reckless, they do acknowledge moments where relying upon physical stamina serves as a dangerous premise, as balance maintains the flow of battle. In these consecutive engagements, a Kaguya might rely upon their natural regenerative properties to fuel their attacks, sacrificing well-being for a tactical advantage in a stalemate of conservation

Effect: Character may choose to pay X of a Stamina cost with Health, where X may not exceed 50% of the original cost. May not be applied to basic or weapon attacks. When this skill is used, Health Regeneration from Kenkousonomon for this turn is reduced by 25%

Restrictions: Chuunin+; [shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomon)] must be active. May not be applied to techniques that already require Health be paid as a cost

Cost: -1

(Resubmission and alteration of “Blood Debt”! I added a clause to help limit its overall effectiveness, but feedback would be appreciated. Added a restriction that hinders the healing of the bloodline if this is used, hopefully to help lower the skill cost (and because it makes sense))


Intrinsic Recuperation

Archetype: Bloodline Skill

Description: The Kaguya are renowned for their regenerative properties, and they exude an unconscious will to recover from any physical affliction. Their bodies, so long as their bloodline remains active, will immediately respond to invasive threats or sudden injuries. Naturally, the body will not recover from ailments that do not truly exist, such as illusions

Effect: Character receives an additional +1% Health Regeneration per [shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomono] for every status effect that ails them, up to a maximum of +2%. This regenerative bonus only occurs on turns the Kaguya is actively afflicted with negative status effects

Restrictions: Chuunin+; [shikotsumyaku; Kenkousonomono] must be active. Does not affect Genjutsu, Ghost Damage, or status effects resulting from a Genjutsu

Cost: -1

(Resubmission and alteration of [invigoration: Indomitable Courage]!)


Intrinsic Urgency

Archetype: Bloodline Skill

Description: As the flow of combat leaves a Kaguya vulnerable and softened, a primal instinct revives their talents for survivability provoking them to manipulate their bloodline to its fullest defensive potential, heightening the density of their skeletal structure exponentially

Effect: While the character's health is below 75%, the effects of Shikotsumyaku; Honeokori [when used to increase Taijutsu and Defense] are increased by +1(X) where X is the character's level

Restrictions: Chuunin+; [shikotsumyaku; Honeokori] must be active

Cost: -1

(Hope this is reasonable. Added specifics that the non-regenerative part of the bloodline be active as well as that a certain effect be as well. I think the increase is slight enough to justify the cost but feel free to let me know otherwise)


Intrinsic Guardian

Archetype: Bloodline Skill

Description: The defensive capabilities of the Kaguya are limited only by imagination, some even capable of predicting potential locations of vulnerability and instinctively responding by bolstering their skeleton the moment before impact. It is through this method that a Kaguya might dampen the potency of attacks, rendering them considerably dulled. However, such a meager fortification rarely provides effective garrison in response to more skilled opponents

Effect: So long as [shikotsumyaku; Honeokori)] remains active, reduce all incoming non-Genjutsu damage by .5(X) where X is equal to character level. When attacked by a ninja of higher rank, reduce this effect to .3(X) or .10(X), respective of how many ranks the enemy is superior. This damage reduction may never reduce the damage below minimum values

Restrictions: Jounin+; [shikotsumyaku; Honeokori] must be active. An additional 1% Chakra upkeep must be paid each turn

Cost: -2

Edited by Ravage Nocturne
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Shameless bump. I have re-organized the skills in accordance to which part of the bloodline they correspond with (+healing and +utility respectively), and have altered one of the later additions (originally a retaliatory skill that became decidedly unbalanced) with something more defensive

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