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Superb Draw

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Superb Draw

Type: Taijutsu

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 10 stamina

Effects: You may pull pull out or put away a single item in any phase without taking up the entire phase. May only be used once per phase. Can not be used medium or large weapons.

Description: Through intense practice and memory the user can almost instantly retrieve an item from inventory, be it a trinket, scroll or explosive tag. The opponent doesn't even have time to react in the time it takes to withdraw this item, though actually putting it to use is another question.

Points: 2 (1 If you have Quick Draw)

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"May only be used once per phase" or turn? Do you mean that, by saying phase, that you can pull out and put away non-medium/large weapons, or a singular weapon, in the response phase, setup phase and main phase. Meaning that you can pull out, lets say 3 weapons in the entire turn?- one in each phase?

Could you please link 'Quick Draw'.

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Quick Draw

Well, I do mean in each phase, but I cannot pull out medium or large weapons as it says in the description (granted I forgot to put the word "with" in which I now editted in) and small weapons have been filed under things you do not need to use a setup phase to pull out. So really this is only used for other items, such as large scrolls, that you need to use a setup phase to draw out. It is really just in improvised version of Quick Draw linked above, except it can be used with items instead of weapons.

So I could pull out three large scrolls in one turn, granted without skills I cannot use them all, and even if I could the technique on them has to be used in the appropriate phase for a technique of that type. As in I cannot use fireball in the response or setup phase, and almost all (I say almost because I know there are a few floating out there) response phase jutsu say that you cannot attack or skip your main phase.

This would also incorporate any custom made items which are bigger than your palm, since that is the standard size that is said to need a setup phase to withdraw.

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