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[Addition of three ranks of this. I'm still a newbie with anything Genjutsu-related, so advice is appreciated.]

Tamawa [soul Link] (Rank 2)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Chuunin

Cost: 60x Chakra, 40 Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: 'Links' the user to up to two friendly targets. While 'linked' to those friendly targets, 40% of any damage they take is also mirrored onto the user as Ghost Damage. Medical Ninjutsu the user preforms on the 'Linked' targets have their base healing and stat additions increased by 20%, additive with other similar bonuses. At this rank, two friendly targets may be 'Linked'. May only have a single "link" technique of any kind active at any time.

Description: Tamawa is an extraordinary example of the Parapsychological branch of genjutsu in that it forms a near-perfect link between given targets and the user's pain/pleasure nervous centers. While under the effects of Tamawa, the user of Tamawa will experience any pain that their intended targets experience, though no literal wound will appear on their person. While a hefty drawback that tends to distract an inexperienced user of Tamawa, the nervous unison between these individuals will heighten the user of Tamawa's awareness of the exact sources of their targets' agony; this will, in theory, allow them to better heal their wounded compatriots.

Cost: 4 [1 Evolving]

Tamawa [soul Link] (Rank 3)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Jounin

Cost: 70x Chakra, 40 Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: 'Links' the user to up to four friendly targets. While 'linked' to those friendly targets, 30% of any damage they take is also mirrored onto the user as Ghost Damage. Medical Ninjutsu the user preforms on the 'Linked' targets have their base healing and stat additions increased by 25%, additive with other similar bonuses. At this rank, four friendly targets may be 'Linked'. May only have a single "link" technique of any kind active at any time.

Description: Tamawa is an extraordinary example of the Parapsychological branch of genjutsu in that it forms a near-perfect link between given targets and the user's pain/pleasure nervous centers. While under the effects of Tamawa, the user of Tamawa will experience any pain that their intended targets experience, though no literal wound will appear on their person. While a hefty drawback that tends to distract an inexperienced user of Tamawa, the nervous unison between these individuals will heighten the user of Tamawa's awareness of the exact sources of their targets' agony; this will, in theory, allow them to better heal their wounded compatriots.

Cost: 7 [2 Evolving]

Tamawa [soul Link] (Rank 4)

Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]

Rank: Sennin

Cost: 80x Chakra, 50 Chakra upkeep; x = Number of Targets

Effect: 'Links' the user to up to six friendly targets. While 'linked' to those friendly targets, 20% of any damage they take is also mirrored onto the user as Ghost Damage. Medical Ninjutsu the user preforms on the 'Linked' targets have their base healing and stat additions increased by 30%, additive with other similar bonuses. At this rank, six friendly targets may be 'Linked'. May only have a single "link" technique of any kind active at any time.

Description: Tamawa is an extraordinary example of the Parapsychological branch of genjutsu in that it forms a near-perfect link between given targets and the user's pain/pleasure nervous centers. While under the effects of Tamawa, the user of Tamawa will experience any pain that their intended targets experience, though no literal wound will appear on their person. While a hefty drawback that tends to distract an inexperienced user of Tamawa, the nervous unison between these individuals will heighten the user of Tamawa's awareness of the exact sources of their targets' agony; this will, in theory, allow them to better heal their wounded compatriots.

Cost: 8 [2 Evolving]

Edited by dowhatnow
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Sort of. But consider that Rank 2 gives 50% reduction across up to two opponents, then Rank 3 and 4 follow the same model -- 25% across four and 15% across six respectively -- so I can see how it might seem high, especially when there's any less than that amount linked.

I'm willing to negotiate though, so fixed.

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This is actually very interesting, I like it. I feel that the bonus to the healing is a lot though. Maybe that doesn't need to scale? You will be doing larger heals afterall, maybe each rank just reduced the damage you take. Or make the range smaller. Maybe 20%, 25%, 30%? Also the damage I think you have the right idea, but I agree with Azure. You CAN link with more people at higher level, but you don't have too. You can still link to only one person. I would say the damage can be like 40%, 30%, 20%.

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I think the initial cost should be based on links created, the upkeep can be steady despite how many links are being held up. I think it should be 60x/70x/80x chakra per target for each of the ranks. Upkeeps actually look fine to me. Since its genjutsu its implied that it lasts 5 turns, at which point it would need to be reapplied. JP would follow the maximum cost that could be paid on the activation.

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Fix the JP as Azure said, and also I fell like the term "link" is a bit to general to distinguish it completely. I am not sure what other types of links you are thinking of making. Of course, you can fix this by putting the work "Link" in the Jutsu type tag as a special tag. For instance, your type tag would be "Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]". This way it is clearly defined.

These look good otherwise.

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The last two jutsu would cost 7 and 8 JP. Also the linkage just increases medical to one target, right? That is to say, only one person benefits even if you're linked to 6 people.

Yes, any medical bonus applies to a single target at a time unless otherwise specified.

This does raise a good question though: Could I use a multi-target medical jutsu and treat the bonus the same as I would with a multi-hit (single fixed bonus, distributed across the links)?

Fix the JP as Azure said, and also I fell like the term "link" is a bit to general to distinguish it completely. I am not sure what other types of links you are thinking of making. Of course, you can fix this by putting the work "Link" in the Jutsu type tag as a special tag. For instance, your type tag would be "Type: Genjutsu [Parapsychosis, Link]". This way it is clearly defined.

These look good otherwise.

Done and Fixed.

Edited by dowhatnow
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Last clarification I missed..

"Medical Ninjutsu used on the 'Linked' targets have their effectiveness (Applying only to healing and stat increases) increased by 20%, additive with other similar bonuses."

Change this to...

"Medical Ninjutsu the user preforms on the 'Linked' targets have their based healing and stat additions increased by 20%, additive with other similar bonuses."

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AS for your question, I think with this current version that anyone you are linked to would get the bonuses. So if you use a multi target heal, each of those people would receive the bonus. The risk you run of being blown out by an AoE attack is large enough to allow bonuses across all.


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