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Hardcore Skittlez


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Embodiment of Avarice

Description: This character is the sort of individual that has a compulsive need to accumulate as much wealth as physically possible, and is often very possessive of their friends and objects. This compulsion- or even obsession often leads this individual to become greatly agitated whenever an object in their possession is damaged or broken.

Effect: Whenever an item in this character's possession is destroyed(by such effects as [Destroy Item] or [Destroy Weapon]), this character is placed under the effects of [Fazed] and [Enraged] for one turn.



Enraged: Your Taijutsu based attacks deal +20% base damage. Attacks that target you have a +10% chance to hit. 
Max Duration: 2 turns 
DP: 10/turn (Self); 15/turn (Opponent) 


Fazed: You have a -10% chance to hit one all attacks. (This is usually caused by bright flashes of light).
Max Duration: 2 turns 
DP: 15/turn 
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