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Hatake Secret Technique; Premonition

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• Hatake Hijutsu; Yokaku | Hatake Secret Technique; Premonition | 畑秘術•予覚

Type: Taijutsu [Hatake]
Rank: Genin
Cost: 20 Stamina
Effects: Used in the Setup Phase. The user gains 20 'Premonition' points for three (3) turns. During their Response Phase, before a dodge roll is made, the user may spend x 'Premonition' points to increase their Evasion stat by x until the end of this phase. May be used once per battle.
Description: The 'Yokaku' is a form of mental training used within the Hatake clan to sharpen the minds of their youth from a very early age. The clan member takes a moment to clear their mind, gathering the knowledge they know about their opponent and then using it guess their next 
movements of battle. This type of mental preparation helps the Hatake to understand their opponent and interpret the flow of battle on a deeper level.
Points: 1


• Hatake Hijutsu; Yokaku II | Hatake Secret Technique; Premonition II | 畑秘術•予覚

Type: Taijutsu [Hatake]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 60 Stamina
Effects: Used in the Setup Phase. The user gains 80 'Premonition' points for three (3) turns. During their Response Phase, before a dodge roll is made, the user may spend x 'Premonition' points to increase their Evasion stat by x until the end of this phase. May be used once per battle.
Description: The 'Yokaku' is a form of mental training used within the Hatake clan to sharpen the minds of their youth from a very early age. The clan member takes a moment to clear their mind, gathering the knowledge they know about their opponent and then using it guess their next movements 
of battle. This type of mental preparation helps the Hatake to understand their opponent and interpret the flow of battle on a deeper level.
ⁿ/ₐ [Evolving 1]


• Hatake Hijutsu; Yokaku III | Hatake Secret Technique; Premonition III | 畑秘術•予覚

Type: Taijutsu [Hatake]
Rank: Jounin
Cost: 160 Stamina
Effects: Used in the Setup Phase. The user gains 240 'Premonition' points for three (3) turns. During their Response Phase, before a dodge roll is made, the user may spend x 'Premonition' points to increase their Evasion stat by x until the end of this phase. May be used once per battle.
Description: The 'Yokaku' is a form of mental training used within the Hatake clan to sharpen the minds of their youth from a very early age. The clan member takes a moment to clear their mind, gathering the knowledge they know about their opponent and then using it guess their next movements of battle. This type of mental preparation helps the Hatake to understand their opponent and interpret the flow of battle on a deeper level.
ⁿ/ₐ [
Evolving 2]


• Hatake Hijutsu; Yokaku IV | Hatake Secret Technique; Premonition IV | 畑秘術•予覚

Type: Taijutsu [Hatake]
Rank: Sennin
Cost: 400 Stamina
Effects: Used in the Setup Phase. The user gains 600 'Premonition' points for three (3) turns. During their Response Phase, before a dodge roll is made, the user may spend x 'Premonition' points to increase their Evasion stat by x until the end of this phase. May be used once per battle.
Description: The 'Yokaku' is a form of mental training used within the Hatake clan to sharpen the minds of their youth from a very early age. The clan member takes a moment to clear their mind, gathering the knowledge they know about their opponent and then using it guess their next movements of battle. This type of mental preparation helps the Hatake to understand their opponent and interpret the flow of battle on a deeper level.
ⁿ/ₐ [
Evolving 2]

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Designer Notes
- This idea was spawned from the 'Kakashi's Hunch' trope, but only loosely. I liked the idea of sharp minds being a focus for Hatake clan overall. They excel through preparation. 

- Mechanically these are simple. 'Premonition' points are just Evasion bonuses where the user can choose when to use them over the next 3 turns. 

- Setup Phase are normally not allowed at Genin, however I felt that the Genin level bonus was very small and would give the low level Hatake a chance to taste the mechanic at an early age. However I will remove this rank if we find it unapprovable.

- It is intentional that this can only Evolve. You cannot buy the higher ranks normally. This is to prevent players from buying each rank and getting multiple uses of this mechanic beyond the one intended.

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Just realized this was Chakra and not Stamina. I can't imagine why I would have done this and straight Taijutsu being Chakra costs is something that shouldn't happen except in super rare circumstances. Updated these all to cost Stamina instead of Chakra.

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