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Hardcore Skittlez

Twin Strike

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Twin Strike

Effect: This skill may be activated in the Main Phase as a Free Action any time the user is equipped with two weapons of the same type. When this skill is activated, treat the next Weapon technique used as if it were being performed with both equipped weapons; this may not cause the same attributes to be applied more than once per attack.

Description: When mastering the art of fighting with two weapons, it is of the utmost importance that the combatant learn to weave their attacks together and blend the greatest strengths of each weapon. Through great familiarity with one's weapons, they might achieve such a seamless blend of strikes from each.

Cost: -2

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
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Designer's Notes


Yeah, this is pretty straightforward. For the cost, I figured that -3 was roughly worth a -60 cost discount at sennin, which is about what it'd cost to "add" an extra weapon to a weapon technique @ that level. Made it so that you couldn't double up on attributes to prevent some broken mechanics.


PM before use, please! (for contact in case of future change)

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
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1. Reread the first sentence again.

2. There's nothing saying you can't just make weapon techniques that specify 2 weapons in the tag, far as I know anyway. That's definitely something that could use a head dev's attention though, since doesn't specify whether or not you can do that.

3. This concept is way, way too basic to require permission for.

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1. Yeah, I got it a few minutes ago. Forgot to have "weapon" in there, haha.


2. Yeah, I don't see what's stopping someone from making it in technique form. If they wanna, more power to them-- I'd just rather do it in skill form, personally.


3. There's a lot of stuff that are pretty basic that are permission only, but k. If this is something that we're going to actually start enforcing, we need to keep a strong eye on it going forward.

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So, I currently have a series of techniques that just got approved that require 2 weapons to use. I don't see a problem with allowing two medium weapons to be applied to a weapon jutsu so long as the weapon jutsu REQUIRES both every time it is used. So basically what I see here is that this skill allows the user to use an additional weapon on jutsu that only need one weapon to be used, so there is extra flexibility there. It's also harder to "lock out" a player from their techniques because if one weapon is broken you can still use them all with the other. 


That said though, I think for the bonus of simply allowing the user to use their second weapon on one weapon jutsu that this would be fine at -2 SP at the highest.

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