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Naruto As Hokage

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Guest Rei-Chun
He is a very unstable character if you know what I mean hint* hint* and there is not telling when he might go out of control.

Gaara was a more unstable character than Naruto and was made Leadet of his village less than four years after te Chuunin exam. Armed with that infomartion I don't find it unreasonable for Naruto to be made Hokage unstable or not.

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Guest Ichi-kun

Im with Rei, Gaara was made one, why not him, and even if Naruto was made Hokage why would the series end. I mean they could make episodes or manga of how the village is run, maybe a war, show some sweet fights, him as a leader. Really there are endless things to do with Naruto as Hokage.

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Guest Rei-Chun

No doubt the series could cotinue with a Hokage Naruto. The series creator has confirmed another enemy will appear after Orochimaru and the Akatsuki so the manga is far from over.

I think that he has the power to one day be Hokage but I don't think he has the intelligence to rule a village.

Do you know Adolf Hitler run an enitre nation with less than a high school education? I high intellent isn't a requirrement to elad a village, which is way a Shinobi Councel exists.

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Guest Ichi-kun

Also the fact that he is like 14, he can only get smarter, and with the time skip he has even shown more maturity in some ways. Im sure when he is around 20 years old he will be fully matured and really strong.

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Actually to tell the truth, the significant advancement in the characters power, he could be considered to be Hokage level now but clearly not of ability (he did almost kill Orochiramu, who killed the Third, do the math :blink: ).

Do you know Adolf Hitler run an enitre nation with less than a high school education? I high intellent isn't a requirrement to elad a village, which is way a Shinobi Councel exists.

He did well :glare: . But I think the point is not of pure genius. Naruto thinks that being the Hokage is all about being the strongest ninja there is and thats it, such a deep character. We have seen that taking on the role actually involves more politics and paperwork than anything. He could never cope in that situation. Not to mention, who would want such a hot-headed leader, quicker to instigate and provoke a situation than anything.

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Guest Rei-Chun
He could never cope in that situation. Not to mention, who would want such a hot-headed leader, quicker to instigate and provoke a situation than anything.

You tend to forget a nation is seldom lead by one person. I'm sure the orgional Hokage had an advisor or two that handeled the tasks hwe wouldn't be botered with. Once again a Shinobi Councel exists to deal with a such matters and to keep the Kage from getting too powerful.

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He will always have the ability to be of the power. But with him as head it would be all too similar to the Bush administration. Naruto being the figurehead while thee Shinobi Council pull the strings. No other Hokage, despite advisors, portrays an inability to act with their own mind-set; they all come across as descision makers.

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Guest Rei-Chun
Naruto being the figurehead while thee Shinobi Council pull the strings. No other Hokage, despite advisors, portrays an inability to act with their own mind-set; they all come across as descision makers.

We've seen two Hokage in action not five. You can't see they all or imply all the Hokage were descision makers until we've seen flashbacks of the other three.

he did almost kill Orochiramu, who killed the Third, do the math

The Third killed the Tihrd let's make that point clear.

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The Third killed the Tihrd let's make that point clear.

Fine, let me rephrase. He did almost kill Orochiramu. Would you deny that Orochiramu to be considered of Kage level, considering that all of the Sannin are? He almost killed him; we could consider Naruto to already have Kage ability.

We've seen two Hokage in action not five. You can't see they all or imply all the Hokage were descision makers until we've seen flashbacks of the other three.

From the two that we have seen you could asume that there is some kind of idealistic model, and traits that they look for in a Kage. I believe that this descision making ability is present in both that we have seen, and will never be a trait of Naruto's.

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No doubt the series could cotinue with a Hokage Naruto. The series creator has confirmed another enemy will appear after Orochimaru and the Akatsuki so the manga is far from over.

Do you know Adolf Hitler run an enitre nation with less than a high school education? I high intellent isn't a requirrement to elad a village, which is way a Shinobi Councel exists.

Hitler wasn't dumb, and I'm fairly sure he had a highschool education - he was turned down for art school, though. If anything he was highly charismatic and more intelligent than the average if not brilliant; He was also, however, insane, possibly due to a severe syphilis infection.


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Guest Rei-Chun
Hitler wasn't dumb, and I'm fairly sure he had a highschool education -

You're mistaken Hilter dropped out of school at the age of 16, thus lacking a high school education.

Let me explain clearly, education is often consdered a relfection of one's intellect. To put it in other words, the smart people get high grades, dumb people get low grades. Armed with that theory and Naruto's grades (lowest in the class) it's assumed he's stupid anfd could not run a village.

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Guest Ichi-kun

Hitler did drop out of school and failed to get into art school I know that for sure.

Naruto was dumb, but that was because he was trying to gain the attention of everyone. I think he is capible of running the village in a few years when he matures.

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We are still talking about Naruto as a kid, who hasn't matured as of yet. He is still idealistic about the world and believes he could change it by mere will. So far we have only seen him driven by his obsession with the past and receiving acknowledgement from one other. once he deals with his issues, maybe.

Hitler was intelligent with good sales qualities. He understood the anger of which the people felt and explioted it to the ends he required. As long as you have this gift and could readily access it, you don't need any education higher than junior high school, you could be successful in religion.

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Let me say one thing right now before I get into Naruto as the Hokage, Hitler was a waffling egotistical moron, no way around it. He was charismatic, and gave the Germen people a direction to go after the Great Depression and the First World War, but he was never a real leader of men, what he did have was a lot of the greatest minds, at least militairily, working for him.

Now, Naruto can be the Hokage, quite easily infact as long as he left the chief administration to Shikamaru and possibly Neji, and Naruto can focus on what he does best, beating the crap out of everybody, simple.

Edited by Ironwolf
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Also remember that Jiraya stated that Naruto was very similar to his old student the fourth (Narutos father?). And wasn't the fourth the best of the hokages after all? Naruto still haves to mature a lot. think of it. When he is 20 or something like that he will be much more calm and intelligent, and probably don't have the kyuubi as well (or have a 100% control over it, as that's the only way this can end)

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Guest Ichi-kun

His father eh? Thats what I thought at first too, they look sooo much alike, that would be cool if it was his father, the fourth that is.

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truthfully though, you cant say he can control kyubi, due to the fact that kyubi has his own will and doesnt have to give him the charka. Then again, its been stated that there charkas are mixing, but who knows how long that will take.And he wouldnt want to use the power too much right now speaking that everytime he loses control the seal weakens more and more

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