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Hyuuga Tomoe

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 ~User Data~
-Posting: Every other day, at least once a week.
-Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
-Character Slot: First~









~Vital Statistics~

Name: Hyuuga, Tomoe | 日向侶栄

Clan: Hyuuga

Birthplace: Konohagakure, Hyuuga Estates

Current Residence: Konohagakure, Hyuuga Estates

Age: 11

D.O.B.: 2104, Winter

Sex: Female



-Height: 4'6 ft | 141 cm
-Weight: 68 lbs | 30 kg
-Hair Color: Black
-Eye Color: White

Description: Tomoe stands tall and straight, her stance balanced but especially rigid for her age. On the small side, she still has the narrow body of a child with long limbs and a gawky build. Tomoe moves with both grace and precision, her long hours of repetitive physical conditioning ensuring that she lacks in the familiar clumsy nature of most of her preteen cohort. At rest she rarely fidgets, instead falling into a somewhat preternatural stillness while staring intently at the world around her.

This physical maturity is contrasted with the rest of her body. Bearing an oval face with wide expressive eyes the color of dry bone, Tomoe has little ability at hiding her emotions. Everything from her dark eyebrows to her thin lips 
are constantly in motion, squinting, narrowing, widening, all to better convey her scowls and smiles. Though she does make an attempt at appearing impassive often this is less than successful and easily seen through. 

She wears her long hair free when in leisure, the dark inky locks colored a faint mahogany in direct sunlight. Her hair has a fluffy texture, requiring frequent brushing as the feathered locks frame her face and are prone to snarls. For practicality Tomoe tends to tie her hair back in battle or in training, a simple knot or 
pony-tail the most she can be bothered to dress up her attire. 

Her clothes are basic but of good quality and while she does own more formal garb Tomoe tends to stick to her training gear even in her free time. She prefers a sleeveless loose shirt, generally some dark monochromatic shade, which gives her arms a better range of motion. Charcoal cotton pants, tight but covered in pockets, end in the traditional ninja sandals. In battle she often dons a loose overcoat of military green which serves to mask her movements and also provide added coverage. She wears her 
hitai-ate proudly across her forehead, often pausing to straighten the metal plate or tighten the knot. 



Personality: At first glance Tomoe is a stern young woman. She is dedicated to her job as a shinobi and is unwilling to portray any sort of childish nature that would belay said dedication. This tends to create a stiff and overly formal persona, with Tomoe highly concerned about hierarchy and “the right and wrong” when it comes to protocol.

In light of that outward shell of proficient 
ninja the inside has a different story to tell. Tomoe is a kindhearted person, one might even call her soft. She dislikes the idea of killing and of harming others, and it takes some mental gymnastics and a bit of cognitive dissonance for her to envision her future as a full-fledged Shinobi and all that that entails. Despite her jaded history she is still very much unaware of the trials of battle and so she clings to the rationalization that honor and duty will overpower her frailer side. 

Tomoe cares inordinately about the people around her, especially her family and close friends. And despite her standoffish nature she actually makes friends quite quickly. Though often the people in question never realize the depths of her feelings or how swift her loyalties run. Tomoe is not actually rude, it is more a quiet intensity that in times of conflict could be perceived as brusqueness. She likes to think things through and to be certain of herself before acting and she is swift to speak with logic rather than the heart. With her incessant need to prove herself and to be the perfect shinobi she finds herself at constant odds with her own failings and the limitations of her kinder heart.

While being loyal and considerate in her own silent way, Tomoe is also competitive when it comes to her skill set. She does not like to lose, and failure will only stoke the flames of her determination all the higher. Unlike some students,
 she has a voracious mind and wants to learn everything she can get her fingers on no matter the subject. If she feels she is inadequate compared to the rest of the people in the room she will instigate some sort of internal competition to learn their strengths and prove herself, even if only just in the privacy of her own mental scape.

Likes: Training, successfully completing an action, the sunset

Dislikes: Bitter tea, early mornings, heat, lazy people

-Food: Taiyaki (She won't admit to this as she thinks they are only fit for children.)
-Color: Grey
-Music Genre: Tomoe does not spend much time listening to
music, though she prefers the more traditional styles.
-Book Genre: She has no preference, though if you ask her she would say training manuals thinking that that would be the right thing to say.
-Hangout: The Hyuuga Estate's training field



Current Allegiance: Konohagakure, the Hyuuga Clan



  • Primary: Become a loyal and strong Shinobi, an asset for Konohagakure and an advocate for the new path of the Hyuuga's.
  • Driving Motivation: Bring honor back to her family name, perhaps enough to wash away the sins of her Mother.
  • Personal: Find her own niche, something she can say she is good at that no one else has claimed before. Not just as another knock-off Hyuuga, Tomoe wants to be something special, even if just in a small way.
  • Miscellaneous: Build her collection of talismans and omamuri from as many temples and countries as possible.

    Mother: Hyuuga Chisato (deceased) | Hahaue : Tomoe has mixed feelings over her one time hero who died with the taint of betrayal forever marring her previous legacy as a strong and well-regarded Jounin of Konoha. Tomoe prefers to pretend her Mother never existed, or when pressed, that she will be able to make up for the woman's transgressions by her own undying loyalty and hard work.
    Father: Hyuuga Saburou | Chichiue : Tomoe and her father have a distant but loving relationship. After her Mother's death, he tried harder to reign in her militant lifestyle and to guide her emotionally; but Tomoe has proven unwilling to let him take the burden of her Mother's mistakes off her shoulders. Nevertheless, he is still a common fixture in her life, instructing her on social and political topics and once and a while reminding her to act her age.

    Clan Head - Hyuuga Yatako | Hokage-sama : Tomoe holds Yatako in the highest of esteem. For his efforts at re-uniting the Clan and cleansing the darkness from their name she considers him her personal role model. For all of that, she has never actually spoken to him and knows little of him beyond the figure.
    The Lost One - Hyuuga Jikiniki | Jikiniki-neesan, Neesan : 

    The Heir - Hyuuga Himari | Himari-gozen, Aneue : While Himari is no longer considered the heir to the Hyuuga, Tomoe has great respect for her elder cousin. In some ways she is unable to let go of Himari's previous status, the air of nobility not easily forgotten. Tomoe knows she can never be as skilled as Himari, but she hopes that in her lifetime she will be able to be of some small aid to the older girl and thereby the Hyuuga Clan. 





Tomoe was born in the depths of the wintry months on the Hyuuga estate. There were no complications and both mother and child recovered swiftly. As an 
infant, she was raised primarily by her father. Her mother was a well-known and highly-skilled shinobi who was often called away on missions serving the village. Born into the main family of the Hyuuga clan, Tomoe was merely one of the many branches of that extensive tree, far removed from any issues of inheritance or clan politics.

Her father was a kind man but busy with his own work as a scribe and transcriptionist for the main family. He had married her mother as a political match and while there was not much love in their marriage the two were professional enough to live peacefully together and raise Tomoe in a supportive environment.

As a child growing up, Tomoe was enamored with her legendary mother. This went so far as to Tomoe doing everything she could to be just like her. She spent many uncoordinated mornings practicing her 
kata, though it was more stumbling around at that age, and she watched her mother's every move with adoring eyes. In Tomoe's mind her mother was a hero and she never knew a time when she did not wish to follow in her footsteps as a shinobi.

Unfortunately, Tomoe was no prodigy child. Despite her desire to grow up fast and fight in brilliant battles to save princesses and kingdoms alike, she spent most of her time toddling after her cousins and spending lazy days in the garden or reading quietly under the tutelage of her branch family governess.

At the age of three Konoha was invaded and taken over by Kumogakure. The conflict is not one that she remembers cleanly, except for a general feeling of unease and tension. However from that day forth her quiet life began to change.

As a well known Shinobi, Tomoe's mother was given the choice to retire or join the NCIA. Unwilling to set aside her arms, she joined many other main family members in breaking their oaths to the village and pledging allegiance to the NCIA.

Tomoe was still young at the time and unaware of the external politics going on outside the Hyuuga estate but she was aware of the changes inside her small world. No one but the ninja were allowed to leave the estate and day by day the atmosphere grew darker as the occupation continued.

She spent the next two years trying to ignore the strain on her parents and the rest of the Hyuuga, aware of the tension between the branch and main family but unable to understand it fully. When word began to trickle in that several other villages had broken away from the Kumogakure Empire Tomoe became confused and began to worry about what would happen to her own home if the resistance efforts were to succeed, a worry that soon proved clairvoyant as Konoha erupted in rebellion.

The rebellion was squashed, but the fear remained deeply seated in her consciousness. Tomoe began to recognize the deeper tensions underlying the Hyuuga clan as several branch members were executed as rebels by the main family.

At the age of six she was deemed old enough to give back to her community. And though she would never know for sure the exact reason why, Tomoe was excluded from the fresh crop of Academy Students being sent to Kumogakure and instead was pressed into service at the Hinata Hospital. She ran errands and saw the first bloody evidence of the conflict, an experience which later would be the justification for her avoidance of the medical arts.

It was that year that the Kumogakure Empire fell, a dizzyingly fast shift as everything crumbled all around her. Tomoe's mother and several other main family members refused to give in to the rebels and were summarily killed in action. The whole Hyuuga clan was cast in disarray as the branch family rose up against the head of the clan, their rebellion led by another main family member, Hyuuga Takumi.

In a few short days, reality had flipped upside down and Tomoe could only watch in shock and disbelief. It was only when Hyuuga Yatako, one of the rebellion's leaders, came to talk to the Hyuuga, that she learned what had truly come to pass. The evil of the Kumogakure Empire and the NCIA became a reality instead of hushed whispers. Yatako spoke to the heart of the divided Hyuuga clan, and as she stood there listening Tomoe made a promise to herself.

Her Mother had betrayed her oath to the village, tainting her reputation as a hero and sinking to the lowest depths by her support of the wretched Kumogakure Empire. This betrayal went bone-deep, and Tomoe decided on that day to shun her Mother's figure as if she had never been. In her place, she would become a true Shinobi, one who protected the village and served the Hokage no matter what.

Tomoe enrolled in the newly re-opened Academy and threw herself into her lessons. Covered in the disgrace of her Mother's actions she vowed to become a textbook ninja who would never disobey an order from the Hokage or betray her village. Fiercely proud of the new dynamics within the Hyuuga family she was part of the first generation within the main family to eschew her previous station in life and embrace her branch cousins wholeheartedly. Bitter at her family's past Tomoe strove to prove herself as a true ninja completely dedicated to the new world order. 

Edited by Paksennarion
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Death Bonus: None

Rank: Academy Student

Level: 1

TXP: 1400/1503

Total Stat Points: 600

(Health) 50
(Stamina) 50
(Chakra) 50
(Taijutsu) 120
(Defense) 20
(Ninjutsu) 20
(Genjutsu) 10
(Concentration) 0
(Speed) 40
(Accuracy) 140
(Evasion) 100



Skill Point Tally: (5/6)

Remaining Skill Points: 1


1 Base - Academy Student

+1 Merciful [Hindering]

+2 Self-Defense [Hindering]

+1 Academy Student U4-U2 [Leveling]

+1 Level 1 [Leveling]

-2 Quick Learner

-0 Subtle Element: Fire [Free Village Skill]

-0 Red Thread of Fate [Event]

-1 Byakugan Vision R1 [Bloodline]

-2 Jyuuken [Taijutsu Style]






Quick Learner:  

You pick up on concepts and skills more quickly than the average ninja.

Effect: You may gain +10% EXP From Training, Battles, Gamemaster and Mission rewards. Bonus EXP is not included in this.

-2 SP


Subtle Elements; Fire [Rank 1]
Effect: May use Fire element techniques. All Fire Techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in burn damage (bleed damage when burn damage doesn't make sense) on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks.
-0 SP


Red Thread of Fate | 赤い糸 | Akaiito: 
The red thread of fate is an old belief that the gods tie a thread between two individuals who are destined to be together. Though often interpreted as lovers, the red thread of fate may connect friends of deep bonds or others that will have significant impact on each other's lives. 
Effect: Once per lifetime this character may choose to bond with another character, adding their name to this skill below. If the user has a bonded character they gain [chosen bonus]. In addition, when the user is in a thread with the bonded character, triple this bonus. Once per lifetime the user may allow their bonded character a re-roll on any die as long as they are in the same thread.
Bond: [Character Name]
Cost: ⁿ/ₐ


Fighting Style:



Jūken | Gentle Fist | 柔拳

Effect: Characters with this skill may perform techniques with the ‘Jūken’ descriptor. Characters with this skill may accumulate ‘Trigram Charges’. In addition anytime a character with this skill activates the ‘Byakugan’ they gain 1 ‘Trigram Charge’. Anytime a character with this skill’s ‘Byakugan’ is deactivated they lose 2 ‘Trigram Charges’. ‘Trigram Charges’ have the following effects:

 When performing Basic Attacks or techniques with the ‘Jūken’ descriptor, the user may pay 1 ‘Trigram Charge’ to ignore 10x% of the target's Defense statistic with that attack, where 'x' is equivalent to the to the total number of turns that the target is currently afflicted with the status effects 'Damaged Tenketsu' or 'Damaged Muscles'. 'Trigram Charges' may be spent in this way once every 2 turns.

Basic Attacks and Techniques with the ‘Jūken’ descriptor deal 1 Chakra and Stamina damage for every 10-x base damage that they deal, with ‘x’ being equivalent to the number of 'Trigram Charges' possessed by the user of the attack at the beginning of their Main Phase.
Cost: -2





Byakugan Vision - Rank [ I ]
Effect: While the Byakugan is active, a character with this skill’s Accuracy, and Evasion are increased by 1.5x per rank in this skill, with ‘x’ being equivalent to the wielder’s level. The value of ‘x’ may never be less than 'y', where 'y' is equivalent to 20 + 10 for each rank of this skill, beyond the first. All statistical bonuses provided by this skill may not exceed 1.5x the base value of the individual statistics. Bonuses to Evasion are nullified when the wielder is targeted by an opponent whose Accuracy statistic is 1.5x greater than the wielder’s Evasion Statistic.
Total Ranks: 4
Cost: -1





Academy Student:

Academy Students begin play at level U4 and begin with 100 Stat Points, 2 Jutsu Points and 1 Skill Point. Level progression proceeds as follows: U4, U3, U2, U1, 0. As they progress an Academy Student gains one (1) Jutsu Point at level U3 and U1 and one (1) Skill Point at level U2. Progression between levels U4 and 0 requires 200 Experience per level. Upon reaching level 0, the Academy Student must pass an exam to become a Genin. Upon completion of the exam they receive an additional 1 SP and 2 JP as a rank bonus. Academy Students may not train by themselves for experience, and may not purchase techniques above their rank. Levels and ranks gained by this skill do not count toward any other effect. Jutsu of the Academy rank have a maximum CP of 40, and utilize a 3:2 ratio when determining chakra and stamina costs. Academy Students may begin play with 1 additional free Academy Technique of their creation. Basic Path skills may not be taken until reaching level 0. If a character starts with enough TXP to make them level 0 or higher, they must still complete their exam to become Genin, even if it is retroactive in their past.



You have a soft heart, one that does not like violence. You may have chosen the wrong career path.

User does not get a turn in battle until an opponent has a turn. If all characters have this skill, ignore the effects.

+2 SP



You bring mercy to your opponents on the battlefield, no matter how terrible they may be. You refuse to bring yourself to their level, and as such will always pull back on that finishing blow. Not to say you won't finish them, but everyone deserves a chance to surrender.

Whenever you would deal the finishing blow in combat to an opponent, you must let them live with one HP left. Only applies once a battle.

+1 SP


Skills learned from Jounins:


 - N/A



Jutsu Points: 2 Used | 3 Available | 5 Total [Academy Student Base: 2 | U3-U1(Leveling): +2 | Level 1: +1 ]



Name: Manipulated Shuriken Technique | Sōshuriken No Jutsu
Type: Taijutsu 
Rank: Gennin 
Cost: 30 Stamina 
Effect: This technique may be performed in the Main Phase as a Free Action after making a range Small Weapon Attack. If the target of the user's Small Weapon Attack dodges any strikes made by the attack they must dodge that strike a second time. When dodging a strike for the second time that strike is treated as if the user had +50x Accuracy. The user of this technique must consume a 'Wire String; Rank x' when performing this technique. 
Description: By affixing nearly translucent and flexible string to their weapons, a skilled shurikenjutsu practitioner is able to guide their shuriken even after the weapon has left their hand. Attacking with this method allows even a missed shuriken to be guided back toward the target for a second attempt at dealing damage.




Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10x
Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.
Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 5 Genjutsu
Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it.
Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent.



Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10
Damage: None
Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.
Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening.


Name: Ninjutsu: Kami o Wakeru | Ninjutsu: Parting the Hair

Type: Ninjutsu [Void; Personal: Hyuuga Tomoe]
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 18 Chakra
Damage: 5
Effects: The opponent is afflicted with 'Startled' for one (1) turn.
Description: Being caught without a weapon at hand leaves most ninja flat-footed. The user has learned to take full advantage of this assumption. By collecting chakra into their fingertips and running their hands through their hair, the ninja can sharpen individual strands of hair so as to function as make-shift senbon. These hair needles lose their consistency almost immediately and thus are relatively harmless, but they can be thrown at the opponent as an unorthodox and distracting attack. 

Jutsu learned from Jounins:


- N/A



5.5 Slots Used out of 15 Slots Total


-Head: Hitai-ate


-Main Weapon:
-Sub Weapon:

--Item Listing

-Items on Hand:


Shuriken [3]

Type: Small Weapon

Effect: Deals 6 damage.

Item Slots: 0.5


Kunai [3]

Type: Small Weapon

Effect: Deals 8 damage.

Item Slots: 1.0


Senbon Needle [4]

Type: Small Weapon

Effect: Deals 1 damage; +1% Chance to Hit

Item Slot: 0.2


Wire String [1]
Type: Consumable Item
- Rank 1 [$24]: Target is inflicted with the status effect Bound; Arm or Shackled; Leg for 1 turn. This item may be applied to 1 small weapon.

Item Slot: 0.2


Milk Chocolate Shuriken [3]
-A four pronged piece of chocolate shaped to look like a Shuriken. A classic treat for children dressed as ninjas.
Effect: Gain 1 JP when this candy is eaten.
Value: $25
Pumpkin Juice [2]
-A small wax bottle containing a sweet orange liquid. Even the small amount in the bottle packs a punch of flavor including cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin and just a little hint of something spicy.
Effect: This candy may be eaten when your character receives experience. When you eat this candy, you gain +100 EXP. Only one "Pumpkin Juice" may be eaten per thread.

Value: $50
Black Licorice Bats [2]
-Only psychopaths like this candy. The unforgettable flavor of the licorice root in the shape of a hairy bat, complete with little strands that get caught in your teeth. Makes a squeaking sound when you eat it.
Effect: When this candy is eaten, you may increase the word-count of the post that this candy was consumed in by +200 Words. Eating multiple 'Black Licorice Bats' may stack this effect to a maximum of +400 words.
Value: $50

-Items in Vault: None

-Money on Hand: $101

-Money in Bank: 0



Exp Earned:

- Academy Students Training to Become Ninja: +636 exp [579 exp x 10.00% (Quick Learner) = 866] | 11/3/17

- The End is in Sight: +866 exp [788 exp x 10.00% (Quick Learner) = 866] | 11/18/17

Transaction Log:

-$24 for Rank[1] Wire String

-- Halloween 2017: +3 Milk-Chocolate Shuriken, 2 Pumpkin Juice, 2 Black Liquorice Bats

Mission Log:

Rank D: 0
Rank C: 0
Rank B: 0
Rank A: 0
Rank S: 0

Edited by Paksennarion
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Okay, thank you for letting me edit a bit.


Under KC-san's recommendations, I have converted this character to an Academy Student. 


I removed the last few lines from her history about graduating the Academy.

Her stats are now from a pool of 100.

She gained the hindrances: Academy Student and No Element.

I removed her Gennin level Taijutsu. 


I believe this is alright now.

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