Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) ~User Data~ -Posting: 4-7 times per week -Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone UTC-08:00 -Character Slot: 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Vital Statistics~ Name: Doragon Clan: Kaji Ryu (Smithing Dragons) Birthplace: North of Iwagakure Current Residence: Iwagakure no Sato Bloodline: Kōton | Steel Release | 鋼遁 Age:15 D.O.B.: November 12th, 2101 Sex: Male ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 16, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Author Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) ~Appearance~ -Height: 5’9” -Weight: 140lbs -Hair Color: He has black hair of a medium length -Eye Color: Teal -Civilian Clothing: When he is just strolling around town or kicking back and relaxing he likes to wear a grey shirt with dark grey pants. He typically puts on his black jacket and always wears is combat belt with his equipment pouch attached to it. His belt is also were he locates is Hitai-ate as the buckle. He also wears black sneakers and has a pair of basic black gloves with him. -Formal Clothing: If there is an occasion that calls for Formal Attire he wears a light grey tunic shirt with a dark grey tabard all tied together with a dark grey cloth belt. Keeping with his usual color scheme he also wears black pants and standard ninja sandals. -Mission Clothing: When he is given a mission he will wear a grey long-sleeved shirt which when it reaches the waist in the front in becomes a tabard and stops about the lower end of the shin. As for the pants he wears they are standard black ninja combat pants nothing special to them. He wears black combat boots and black forearm length gloves. He wears his combat belt with his equipment pouch attached to it. His belt is also were he locates is Hitai-ate as the buckle. For the final touch he also wears a black ankle length cloak with a hood that is fastened to the top left shoulder to hold it all in place. The cloak hangs 4” from the ground. -Physical Description: Doragon as an interestingly refined build due to his style of fighting with taijutsu. He is muscular yet still with a slim build to be fast as well. He currently does not bare any type of scaring but he does have a tattoo upon his left shoulder of his clan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Persona~ Personality: Doragon Can come off as cold and calculated as your fist impression, but this is only due to the fact that he uses logic and intelligence with no problem of telling people how things really are. Now despite that if you get to know him and he likes you he will still be blunt with you but in a softer manner because he cares about your emotions. He typical gives most people the benefit of the doubt upon their first meeting for you cannot always tell who a person might be with just one meeting, so he tends to be respectful as a safeguard until he understands the person he is dealing with. Tiberius believes in honor, responsibility, work ethic and accountability, and expects people to be accountable for their words or actions. He is however very prideful of any and all of his accomplishments. Likes: Kenjutsu, Honor, Loyalty, Chess, Reading, Work Ethic, Working a Forge, and Intellectual Women Dislikes:Dishonor, no self-respect, disrespect towards weaponry/smithing, Crowds Favorites: -Food:Ramen, Beef Stew -Color: Teal -Music Genre: He doesn’t particularly listen to music. -Book Genre: Guides/Instructional based books -Hangout: He would either be in a forge or chilling in a ramen house reading books. -Goals: To rebuild his Clan, To become the best master in kenjutsu, To live and die by the sword with honor. Habbit: He typical is chewing on a senbon like it’s a toothpick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 13, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Author Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) ~Background~ Current Allegiance: Iwagakure no Sato Relationships: -Parent(s): Dead -Sibling(s): He never had any. -Significant Other(s): Not at this time -Pet(s): N/A -Teacher(s): Doragonburedo -Friend(s): N/A History: Doragan was born into a family of miners north of Iwagakure no Sato deep in the mountains. During the first three years of his life there was not much excitement for him and his family with there daily routines of his father mining and his mother taking care of him. However things took a drastic turn when an organization known as Akatsuki invaded and took control of Iwagakure no Sato. The organization requested an increase to the mines output of material to a number that was inconceivable to accomplish. So in response to this increase the village of miner elected Doragan's parents to go and reason with the new leaders of Iwagakure no Sato and explain that what they ask for was not possible. In response to the villagers wishes the Akatsuki killed his parents as a message to the other village miners that if there demands weren't met more deaths will continue. It was these actions that forever changed Doragan's life. With those actions Doragan became a four year old orphan on the streets of Iwagakure no Sato During the reign of the Akatsuki. During his orphan time frame of hardship he learned to survive on the street and it taught him many values in life and gave him the will to endure on. These events created is solo and blunt honesty attitude that shapes is personality. After his First year of being an orphan the Akatsuki were either killed or driven out of Iwagakure no Sato at the streets became safer and easier to be on. During the following year he had befriended an older retired ninja of the Kaji Ryu Clan named Doraganburedo, who was handling the reconstruction of there clan district since some of it was destroyed by the Akatsuki during the reign. Since Doragan was pretty decent with his hands and high stamina Doraganburedo liked hiring him to work with him in the reconstruction of the clan district. In this next years time it was discovered by Doraganburedo that Doragan had the Koton Bloodline, and made an official request with the clan leader to adopted him into the clan for three reasons. Reason one; due to the Akatsuki reign the clan had lost 1/3 of its members and needed to recoup there losses. Reason two; he was an excellent fit for the clan due to his already proven physical abilities for the clans style of fighting. Reason three; with his koton bloodline and the clans secret skills and techniques Doraganburedo believed that Doragan would make an excellent Kaji Ryu leader that would insure the survivability of the clan. For those reasons Doragan was adopted into the clan and became Doragan Kaji Ryu. Unfortunately not even four months latter Iwagakure no Sato was attacked again but by the Kumogakure Empire and was once again under another country rule. During the initial fighting to defend his new home and clan another 1/3 of the clan members were killed including all the younger member of the clan and the remaining district was razed to the ground. Those that were still able were put to work in the forges and here is were Doragan stayed until he was of an age to go to the academy. When he joined the academy he preferred to sit in the back of the classroom being the quite student. He was nothing particularly special in the academy unless it came to weaponry based lesson and then he excelled in those areas. when Iwagakure no Sato finally rebelled against the Kumogakure Empire and drove them out, the remains clan members of Kaji Ryu helped and unfortunately in turn were destroyed. The only reason Doragan and Doraganburedo were not present for the fighting was by the order of the current clan leader so there would be a teacher and a successor to the Kaji Ryu clans skills and techniques just encase if the worst were to happen, and it was a well deserved plan for if they had gone they both surely would have been killed with the rest of the clan. After this Doragan made an oath to restore the clan and to live and die by the sword with honor. He continued his ninja training and passed the exams at age 13 becoming a gennin of Iwagakure no Sato. For the following two years he would do simple solo missions for he had not been put on a team yet and trained vigorously with Doraganburedo in there clans ways. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 16, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Author Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) Statistics Death Bonus: None Rank: Gennin Level: 0 TXP: 0000 Total Stat Points: 500 -Stats- (Health) 100 (Stamina) 60 (Chakra) 40 (Taijutsu) 60 (Defense) 80 (Ninjutsu) 20 (Genjutsu) 0 (Concentration) 0 (Speed) 60 (Accuracy)40 (Evasion)40 -Stat Modifier- (Taijutsu) +15 Damage Taijutsu/Melee Weapon Attacks; +10 Damage Basic Attack; +5 Damage Range Weapons (Ninjutsu) +5 Damage Ninjutsu Attacks (Defense) -20 Damage from Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Basic Attacks, Weapon Damage (Speed) Speed Percentile 625 (Accuracy) +4% to hit with physical attacks(max90%); +5 Damage Ranged Weapons (Evasion) +4% Dodge Physical Attacks(max90%) -Skill Modifier- Weapon-[Katana] +10 weapon damage Edited November 19, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Author Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) ~Skill Point Ledger~ Skill Point Gains: +6 Spoiler Character Creation: +2 Hopeless Romantic: +1 Feeble Minded:+2 Pervert(Female): +1 Level (0):+0 Skill Point Expenditures: -3 Spoiler Kōton Affinity: -1 Combinatorial; Steel: -0 The Path of the Warrior: -1 Weapon[Katana] – Rank [2]: -1 Skills learned from Jounins: 0/4 used Spoiler (You can learn up to 4 SP worth of skills for free, if a Jounin teaches you them. Link to where you learned the skill.) Remaining Skill Points: +3 Edited November 19, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 13, 2017 Author Posted November 13, 2017 (edited) ~Skills~ Hindering: 3 Spoiler Hopeless Romantic: | SP +1 Description: Some individuals’ fascination with the objects of their desire is something more innocuous, yet equally debilitating: the desire for romance. A hopeless romantic is often left dumbstruck and flabbergasted by the beauty of those around them, finding solace only within the candle-lit fantasies of their imagination. Effect: Whenever this character is afflicted with the status effect 'Charmed', increase its duration by one (1) turn. This may cause 'Charmed' to exceed its natural turn durations. Additionally, whenever this character is afflicted with 'Charmed' and is attacked by the character that afflicted the 'Charmed' status effect, increase that attack's chance to critically strike by 10%. Feeble Minded: | SP +2 Description: Your mind just cannot unravel the mysteries of Genjutsu. You are also not very good at puzzles or word games. Effect: Genjutsu techniques last twice as long on you Pervert (Female): | SP+1 Description: Many compare you to a young Jiraiya... It's not a compliment. Effect: Whenever an opponent of your preferred gender choice enters battle with your character, you lose your next turn. May be taken twice, once for male and once for female. Bloodline: 1 Spoiler Kōton Affinity - Rank One Effect: Characters with this skill gain the skill ‘Combinatorial; Steel’ for 0 Skill Points. When purchased at character creation, the skill 'Combinatorial; Steel' replaces their village, bonus skill. When purchasing the skill ‘Ninjutsu Mastery; Steel’, characters with this skill may purchase 2 ranks for 1 Skill Point.Description: Those born with a natural affinity for steel release have a much higher degree of control than those ninja who are forced to manually master the element. It is almost impossible for those steel users to match the abilities of a shinobi born with the Kōton kekkei genkai. Cost: -1 Clan: 0 Spoiler Jounin Taught: 0 Spoiler General: 0 Spoiler Equipment: 1 Spoiler Warrior-[Katana] Description: A skilled and practiced veteran of your craft. Effect: For each rank of this skill choose a specific weapon type. A weapon attack from the chosen weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes. Cost: -1 Rank: 2/10 Ninjutsu: 0 Spoiler Taijutsu: 0 Spoiler Taijutsu Style: 0 Spoiler Genjutsu: 0 Spoiler Genjutsu Archetypes: 0 Spoiler Terrain: 0 Spoiler Medical: 0 Spoiler Elemental: 1 Spoiler Combinatorial; Steel Effect/Description:May use Steel element techniques. When using a Steel elemental technique, the user gains a piece of armor equipped in a slot of their choosing until the end of battle. This armor has one Special Attribute that reads, "Reduce the damage of the next technique that hits the wearer by 'x', where 'x' is equal to 10% of the Steel Technique that created this item's base cost. Destroy this armor once this effect is applied." In addition the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skills required to learn this element, if they own it. 'Subtle Elements; Fire' damage from this element is dealt as 'Bleeding' damage instead of 'Burning' damage. Requirements: voided due to bloodline Cost:-0 SP Summoning/Pets: 0 Spoiler Regeneration: 0 Spoiler Basic/Advanced Paths: 1 Spoiler The Path of the Warrior Description:Within every class of shinobi, there are scholars, medi-nin, scouts, and warriors, and of the four, the warriors are the most dedicated. This dedication to their self and their village exhibits itself within the skills of the shinobi over time, and a warrior grows fairly quickly in skill in regards to their peers. Effect: Gain 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level. Warrior's Way: Brutal Warrior, Weapon Warrior - Brutal Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Martial Artist' for 1 skill point. - Dedicated Warrior: May take 'Vishnu, the Protector' for 1 skill point. - Weapon Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Warrior (weapon)' for 1 skill point. - Elegant Warrior: May gain 2 ranks of 'Steadfast Durability' for 1 skill point. RP Guide: - A follower of the Path of the Warrior tends to be dedicated to the arts they follow, hoping to become as best a warrior as they can be. A warrior might be a common born, common talent shinobi who trains every hour of every day, or they might be a prodigy who might as well have been born embedded within the arts. The personalities of a warrior vary, though they fight with power more often that tact. Advanced Paths: - Path of the Assassin, Path of the Mercenary, Path of the Warlord. Cost:-1 SP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 19, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 14, 2017 Author Posted November 14, 2017 (edited) ~Techniques~ Jutsu Point Gains: Spoiler Character Creation: +4 Level (0):+0 Jutsu Points Total: 4 Jutsu Point Expenditures:-2 Spoiler Manipulated Shuriken Technique -2 Remaining Jutsu Points: 2 Total Techniques: 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jutsu learned from Jounins: 0/12 free Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Ninjutsu: 3 Spoiler Earth: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Fire: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Steel: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Wind: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Water: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Lightining: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Medical: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler General: 3 Spoiler Academy Student:3 Spoiler Body Replacement Technique | Kawarimi no JutsuType: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: x Chakra Effect: This technique may be performed as a Free Action in the Response Phase following a failed dodge roll. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is equivalent to the cost of 1 basic attack or small weapon attack that the user failed to dodge. The damage and effects of that basic attack or small weapon attack are negated. The user may take no action in the Setup Phase or Main Phase on the turn this technique is used. This technique has a 5% chance to fail. This technique may be performed 1 time per battle. Description: A life-saving technique for most young shinobi, the Body Replacement Jutsu has been a staple in academy learning for many years. By utilizing their ability to manipulate chakra, with quick movement, a skillful shinobi is capable of switching their position with another object to evade damage. By creating a simple optical illusion, the user of the Kawarimi no Jutsu can make it appear as though they were damaged or even killed by the opponent's attack. Some ninja become extremely adept in the usage of this technique, and have even been known to swap places with hazardous materials to trap their enemies.Points: Free Upon Creation Clone Technique | Bunshin no JutsuType: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5x Chakra Effect: This technique may be used in the Setup Phase or Main Phase. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is considered to be the number of "Clones" created by the user and may never be greater than 2. "Clones" have 1 Health and 1% of the user's other statistics. "Clones" are not physical, and may not use items, techniques or attack during their turn. The user of this technique gains +20 Evasion or +20 Accuracy for every "Clone" on the battlefield. The effects of 'Clones' may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). This technique may be used in the Setup Phase 1 time per battle. Description: A technique that most students are required to be proficient in before they can graduate from the academy, the Bunshin no Jutsu is the most basic of the myriad of clone techniques that exist in the world. By properly molding their chakra, the user is capable of creating near perfect replicas of themselves. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the basic clone technique does not produce physical clones but creates something more akin to a projected image, which is a real image that has no form. The Clone Technique is considered an E-Ranked jutsu, and is not very powerful, but with practice and ingenuity many shinobi have come to use it in masterful ways. Most often stalling by hiding out among their clones, or setting themselves up for a strong offensive.Points: Free Upon Creation Transformation Technique | Henge no JutsuType: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Chakra Effect: During any situation in which a character with this technique would need to calculate their "Visibility Score", they may use this technique to reduce their "Visibility Score" by -10%. "Visibility Score" reduction caused by this technique may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). Description: The Transformation Technique is a time-honored staple of nearly every shinobi academy the world over. Its concept and execution are both extremely basic, making it a perfect training technique for young students. By molding chakra around their body, the user of the Transformation Jutsu is able to temporarily take on the physical characteristics of another person. Though the Henge no Jutsu rarely offers a perfect disguise, clever ninja have been using it for hundreds of years to confound their foes.Points: Free Upon Creation Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Taijutsu: 1 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 1 Spoiler Manipulated Shuriken Technique | Sōshuriken No Jutsu Type: Taijutsu Rank: Gennin Cost: 30 Stamina Effect: This technique may be performed in the Main Phase as a Free Action after making a range Small Weapon Attack. If the target of the user's Small Weapon Attack dodges any strikes made by the attack they must dodge that strike a second time. When dodging a strike for the second time that strike is treated as if the user had +50x Accuracy. The user of this technique must consume a 'Wire String; Rank x' when performing this technique. Description: By affixing nearly translucent and flexible string to their weapons, a skilled shurikenjutsu practitioner is able to guide their shuriken even after the weapon has left their hand. Attacking with this method allows even a missed shuriken to be guided back toward the target for a second attempt at dealing damage. Points: 2 Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Genjutsu: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Clan: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler Hybrid: 0 Spoiler Academy Student: 0 Spoiler Gennin: 0 Spoiler Chuunin: 0 Spoiler Jounin: 0 Spoiler Sennin: 0 Spoiler Kage: 0 Spoiler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 19, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 14, 2017 Author Posted November 14, 2017 (edited) ~Inventory~ Character Equipment Slots: -Character Base Slots: 15 -Item Base Slots: 0 -Slots Used: 5.3 -Slots Left: 9.7 Items: Weapons: Main Weapon- Sub Weapon- Basic Weapons: |3| Shuriken: One of the most basic weapons utilized by ninja, the shuriken are flat, four-pronged metal stars. They are often used to distract, pin enemy's clothing, or other diversionary tactics, but many shinobi are skilled enough to be lethal with them.Type: Small Weapon----Deals 6 damage. Item Slots: 0.5----Costs $3 |3| Kunai: The all-purpose utility knife used by shinobi all over the world, the kunai is a blade made of a single piece of metal, usually with a metal hoop at the back end. These blades are often thrown, but can be wielded in melee with equal efficiency.Type: Small Weapon----Deals 8 damage. Item Slots: 1.0----Costs $4 |4|Senbon Needles: Metal needles with a point at both tips, senbon are more commonly associated with certain medical practices, but ninja have been known to carry them because they are easily concealed. While they deal very little damage, senbon are often dipped in poison to maximize their lethality.Type: Small Weapon----Deals 1 damage. Has +1% Chance to Hit. Item Slots: 0.2----Costs $1 Armor: Hitai-ate (This is your forehead protector. It doesn't do anything, not even protect your forehead, but it's very important to most shinobi. A good RP item.) ~Location of Armor~ -Head: -Neck: -Body: -Waist: Hitai-ate -Forearm(s): -Hand(s): -Thigh(s): -Calve(s): -Feet: --Item Listing -Items on Hand: -Weapons on Hand: 3 Shuriken, 3 Kunai, and 4 Senbon Needles -Armor on Hand: Hitai-ate -Items in Vault: None -Money on Hand: $125 -Money in Bank: 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 16, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 14, 2017 Author Posted November 14, 2017 (edited) ~Logs~ Exp Earned: Transaction Log: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission Log: Total mission completed: Rank D: Rank C: Rank B: Rank A: Rank S: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edited November 14, 2017 by Drake
Drake Posted November 14, 2017 Author Posted November 14, 2017 (edited) reserved Edited November 14, 2017 by Drake
Cloudnine Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 Math checks out! Just a few quick things: Did you get permission from Cellar Door to take Koton? If you want to take Martial Artist [Doragon no Kenshi Style] off the sheet and learn it at a later time once the style is approved, we can probably approve the character a little quicker into the game. Up to you! It looks like you have the old academy techniques on your sheet- they were recently (in NA terms) resubbed with different effects, and all 3 are now ninjutsu. The current versions can be found here!
Drake Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 Yes, I did receive permission to use his Koton Bloodline. Alright I changed out martial artist to weapon katana instead. Switched out the old version techniques with the new ones
Tsu Posted November 22, 2017 Posted November 22, 2017 (edited) Need to have the full listing of Manipulated Shuriken technique on your sheet. Everything else looks legit. (edit: nvm your spoilers just threw me for a loop)(Clan needs apped, but can be sorted out later since you dont have any specific stuff coming from it.) Edited November 22, 2017 by Tsu