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Matthias Drake

Christmas Gifts!

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Hey hey, Merry Christmas ya'll (I am allowed to say this word because I am from Texas)!

What gifts did you get? I mean if you celebrate some other holiday, what did you get for that, too? Any funny stories?

I gots me a video iPod (you just know the whole point of those is so you can carry around porn >_> But w/e, I'm going to use it for AMVs) and a magician's kit\, complete with trick cards and a magic box!


Post what you got here.

-Chinese Musket, Ming Dynasty(I have to construct it)

-100 Rounds of 8mm Mauser

-The 12th SS Volume One

-Ammo Bag+Enfield Parts

-6"-9" Adjustable Bipod(en route)

-Ipod Nano(en route maybe...)

I've gotta go to my moms and grandmas still so..

Guest [X]Anonymous[X]

wow... video ipod! *Drool*, my dad got me a magicianz kit for my bday, and eva since that day its been in my cupboard sumwhere....

I dont celebrate christmas, as im a muslim. But on Eid, i got nearly £200!!! some clthes... my cuz came from canada(aint seen him in 6 yearz)... so i had a pretty nice eid :) and there is another one coming on the 11th and my dadz probably gonna get me a PSP!!!!


whee...just totally spent 3 hours stomping around on my new DDR. XDDDD

got a PS2, DDR Extreme, two dance pads, ((one of them's 100$!!!!)) and an eyetoy from my parents.

Granparents and additional family members got me...20$ and a rather ugly...red sweater. XD Also, I got an uberly cool net top, 25$ to Borders, a CD case, a bunch of books on Feng Shui, and chocolate.

Yesh, very spoiled.


Ok. Here's what I got.

2 plug-in yankee candle things

1 YC car thingy

2 jackets


The $500 was given to me so that I could go and buy what I want because my grandma didn't know what to get me.

By the way, what's v=f*λ?


Mattie: Aw...I wanted SC3...but DDR CALLED TO ME MORE!

I just totalled over 10 miles of DDR on workout mode. XDDD Legs feel like JELLY....><


DDR iz teh r0x0rz. Haven't got any of the new releases, PS2 or XBOX. I haven't even played one in awhile. And SC3 is a groovy idea, but I didn't get it either. :( Guess that's where the $500 is goin. If I don't splooge it all on a 360 first.


*deep breath*

Xbox 360, PSP, iPod Video, laptop, computer, car (bumped my Lexus IS 250 to the 350, w00t!), tons of books (won't even start...), tons of teaching materials (which will all be useless in a few months, but it's the thought that counts!), new snowboard set (W00T!!!!!!!!! OMGWTFLOLBBQ, I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG!)... oh, and of course, I got to celebrate the holidays with all my family members in wonderful, ass-freezing New York~

I dont celebrate christmas, as im a muslim. But on Eid, i got nearly £200!!! some clthes... my cuz came from canada(aint seen him in 6 yearz)... so i had a pretty nice eid  and there is another one coming on the 11th and my dadz probably gonna get me a PSP!!!!

What does that have to do with celebrating X-mas...? Most people I know who go all out on X-mas aren't Christian either... and who the heck is Eva? Don't speak with Pronouns if you are a new member, we know not a lot about you.

Guest [X]Anonymous[X]
*deep breath*

Xbox 360, PSP, iPod Video, laptop, computer, car (bumped my Lexus IS 250 to the 350, w00t!), tons of books (won't even start...), tons of teaching materials (which will all be useless in a few months, but it's the thought that counts!), new snowboard set (W00T!!!!!!!!! OMGWTFLOLBBQ, I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG!)... oh, and of course, I got to celebrate the holidays with all my family members in wonderful, ass-freezing New York~

What does that have to do with celebrating X-mas...? Most people I know who go all out on X-mas aren't Christian either... and who the heck is Eva? Don't speak with Pronouns if you are a new member, we know not a lot about you.

ever*, if thats what makes you happy ^^

New York?

Is it as cold as Michigan? XDDDD

Even worse...our heating's gone retarded. Wrapped up in my new sweater and blanket. XD

Yar, it is teh freezing...

Yeah well you both suck. It's burning up down here in Texas... well, to be fair, I'm the only one who's not really cold. And right now I'm sitting up here in my room with the fan on and both windows open, awake because it was too hot to sleep.

Don't get me wrong, I love this place, but I HATE the climate in Texas.

And that is why I wish I lived up North. Of course, if I moved to New York now, I'd spend the whole time trying not to laugh at the Yorkies' accents and they'd spend it trying not to laugh at mine - it's not really that noticeable (nor is it for most younger people - I can hear it in the older residents' voices, and it isn't there in kids, teens, or young adults), but I would deliberately exaggerate it. Or laughing openly. You never know.


Well i live in NY you gfet used to it.

Ok i got.

PSP!! Giga Pack w/ Burnout Legends and Metal Gear Acid


A Chain (24k...$$$$$[i wont even go into details-_-)

A new dog..(dovermen mixed w/ pitbull O_O its cute though)

2 pairs of Tims(NY slang for Timberland boots[they are popular..]

3 pairs of Jordans. (1 pair is Dubz Blk and Red, 1 pair is the new 14'z blk n dark gray, 1 pair is da 13'z woot woot edition w/ blk n wheats (gold)

2 fitted (Offical Spots hats that are fitted for your head..[REAL hats]


A Naruto Headprotectors (Suna-blk, and Kiri-darkblue)

Ipod Mini(not really interested in it cuz i gotta psp)

Surf Board (dont even know how to surf.....)

Alot of clothes

and......... 1400$ from the rest of my family.. YYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

Ahh life is good :)

Just for the record I am the MASTER in DDR Ultra Max 2 and 3


Hm....I'd want to go down south right now...fingers so numb.

The snow all melted from rain and now its freezing into behemoth sheets of gigantuaneriffic ice right now. All my musical instruments sound so out of tune from the temperature...*sobs*

And about accents...I can detect accents of Ohioans! So fun. XDDDD Do Michiganders/Michiganians have accents? *clueless* Or do we sound like Canandians? XDDDDD

Guest Zionward

Whoah now, no love for books?

I mean, two of my best gifts were books. Very, very delicious books. Doesn't matter much though, because I can think of at most three people here who know what real literature is like. The rest of you, well...eh...

Gifts of Note: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Far Cry, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Earth Abides, and Neuromancer.


From Dearest Mother:

-M48 Mauser(I paid some too)

-Realtree Camo Rifle Sling

-Rifle Sleeve

-Light up targets

-Clamp thingermajig to hold down on stuff

-Mauser Magazine

Mesny I've got me a book too, the one about the 12th SS of course..


Delicious books? Kinda odd, but I'm not much of a reader, so what do I know?

That being said, I would have enjoyed some literature that I could call my own. Any literature. Including... you know... that literature.

I do have $500 to spend and I plan on getting at least one book now. >.>

Guest Sweet Neodaddy

Neuromancer is a book, Dras. A pretty decent one, as well.

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