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Aburame Shiina buys things

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Funds on hand: 両1,575


Purchasing: Shiina's Reinforced Longcoat

Type: Armour

Item Slot: Body

Attributes: Indestructible (両50), Chakra Resistance (両80), Chakra Defense (両225)

Stat Bonuses: +150 Evasion (両600), +150 Defense (両600)

Description: A very dark green hooded longcoat designed to blend into the forest, this garment is a gift from Shiina's father Shiro on the eve of the Chuunin Exams. Beyond its simple appearance it is sewn in with automatic defenses against basic chakra attacks and also incorporates a light layer of steel plating for physical defense. Finally, this coat also breaks up the wearer's figure in motion, making them more difficult to track.


Total: 両1,555


Funds Remaining: 両20

Posted (edited)

Opening Balance: $235

Shiina's Reinforced Longcoat [ultra-Durable, Indestructible, Chakra Resistance, Chakra Defense, +150 Evasion, +150 Defense] with Chuunin Vest [+40 Defense, +40 Evasion, +15 Item Slots] to create Shiina's Reinforced Chuunin Longcoat [indestructible, Chakra Resistance, Chakra Defense, +190 Evasion, +190 Defense, +15 Item Slots]

Cost: $20



Iron Sigil of the Stormgods with Indestructible

Cost: $50



Hexwing Sash

Placement: Waist

Attributes: Indestructible

Description: A sash designed by artisans of the Aburame Clan, their first and likely last foray into fashion. The garment is fashioned in the likeness of an insect's wing, dull silver traced with gleaming veins of color. It seems to shimmer in the light, and doubtless would be a great success if it didn't look like something torn off an enormous dragonfly.

Cost: $50


Crystalline Sunrise

Placement: Forearms

Attributes: Indestructible

Description: A pair of forearm guards created by the smiths of Kumogakure, purchased during the Chuunin Exams. They are colored a dull orange, reminiscent of the sky moments before sunrise. Despite their appearance they are solidly made and extremely durable, a work of superb craftsmanship.

Cost: $50


Closing Balance: $165

Edited by Peregine

Opening Balance: $1902



Hexwing Sash

Attributes: Elemental Resistance [Wind], Elemental Defense [Wind], +Elemental Shield [Wind] ($400)


Crystalline Sunrise

Attributes: Elemental Resistance [Fire], Elemental Defense [Fire], +Elemental Shield [Fire] ($400)


Iron Sigil of the Stormgods

Attributes: Elemental Resistance [Lightning], Elemental Defense [Lightning], +Elemental Shield [Lightning] ($400)



Spraytamer Boots

Type: Boots

Attributes: Water Resist ($100), Water Defense ($250)


Claywalker Combat Trousers

Type: Trousers

Attributes: Earth Resist ($100), Earth Defense ($250)


Total Price: 400 + 400 + 400 + 100 + 250 + 100 + 250 = $1900

Remaining Funds: $2


Opening Balance: $837



Spraytamer Boots

Attributes: Elemental Resistance [Water], Elemental Defense [Water], +Elemental Shield [Water] ($400)


Claywalker Combat Trousers

Attributes: Elemental Resistance [Earth], Elemental Defense [Earth], +Elemental Shield [Earth] ($400)


Order Total: 400 + 400 = 800


Closing Balance: 837 - 800 = $37


Opening Balance: $1,104



Will of the Leaf
Attributes: Fortified, Defend I, Ward I
Description: A beautiful and detailed silver leaf pendant commissioned by Aburame Shiina. It hangs from the centre of a thin silver chain and can be worn as either a necklace or bracelet. It symbolises faith and conviction in the Will of Fire and inspires determination, endurance and hope in the face of even the direst circumstances.
Cost: $450



Hexwing Sash
Type: Sash
Attributes: Elemental Shield [Wind] III, +20 Speed
Description: A sash designed by artisans of the Aburame Clan, their first and likely last foray into fashion. The garment is fashioned in the likeness of an insect's wing, dull silver traced with gleaming veins of color. It seems to shimmer in the light, and doubtless would be a great success if it didn't look like something torn off an enormous dragonfly.
Cost: $80



Back Armor that grants +80 Speed [Leather Bat Wings], Gained here


Hexwing Sash
Type: Sash
Attributes: Elemental Shield [Wind] III, +20 Speed
Description: A sash designed by artisans of the Aburame Clan, their first and likely last foray into fashion. The garment is fashioned in the likeness of an insect's wing, dull silver  traced with gleaming veins of color. It seems to shimmer in the light, and doubtless would be a great success if it didn't look like something torn off an enormous dragonfly.


Dark Hexwing Sash
Attributes: Elemental Shield [Wind] III, +100 Speed
Description: A sash designed by artisans of the Aburame Clan, their first and likely last foray into fashion. The garment is fashioned in the likeness of an insect's wing, initially  iridescent but now turned black by exposure to jashinist energies. Flickering silver veins across its face trace tessellating hexagons that evoke the symmetry and delicacy of insect wings. It shimmers in the light and doubtless would be a great success if it didn't look like something torn off an enormous demon dragonfly.
Cost: $20


Iron Sigil of the Stormgods
Type: Bangle
Attributes: Elemental Shield [Lightning] III

Stat Boosts: +80 Defense -> +160 Defense
Description: A token of Shiina’s participation in the Kumogakure Chuunin Exams. It is an iron-grey band shaped like lightning that encircles the wearer’s palm.
Cost: $320



Shiina's Reinforced Jonin Longcoat
A dark hooded longcoat designed to blend into the forest, this garment is a gift from Shiina's father Shiro on the eve of the Kumogakure Chuunin Exams. Beyond its simple appearance it is sewn in with automatic defenses against basic chakra attacks and also incorporates a layer of steel plating for physical defense. Finally, this coat also breaks up the wearer's figure in motion, making them more difficult to track. Age and heavy use has dulled its colour from forest green to a worn grey while its weight has increased dramatically due to its integration with additional armour plating and Shiina's village Jonin Vest.

Special Abilities:
Ultra-Durable: The first time this item is afflicted with the status effect ‘Destroy Item’, the wearer may roll a 100-sided dice, and on an outcome of 41 or higher, the item is not destroyed.

Attributes: Chakra Shield II, Iron Inlay, Steel Inlay
Stat Boosts: +230 Evasion, +230 Defense -> +260 Defense
Other: +25 Item Slots
Cost: $120



Shiina's Reinforced Jonin Longcoat
A dark hooded longcoat designed to blend into the forest, this garment is a gift from Shiina's father Shiro on the eve of the Kumogakure Chuunin Exams. Beyond its simple appearance it is sewn in with automatic defenses against basic chakra attacks and also incorporates a layer of steel plating for physical defense. Finally, this coat also breaks up the wearer's figure in motion, making them more difficult to track. Age and heavy use has dulled its colour from forest green to a worn grey while its weight has increased  dramatically due to its integration with additional armour plating and Shiina's village Jonin Vest.
Special Abilities:
Ultra-Durable: The first time this item is afflicted with the status effect ‘Destroy Item’, the wearer may roll a 100-sided dice, and on an outcome of 41 or higher, the item is not destroyed.
Attributes: Chakra Shield II, Iron Inlay, Steel Inlay
Stat Boosts: +230 Evasion, +260 Defense
Other: +25 Item Slots


Heavy Desert Cloak (Tan) [+80 Evasion], Gained here

Shiina's Reinforced Jonin Longcoat
A dark hooded longcoat designed to blend into the forest, this garment is a gift from Shiina's father Shiro on the eve of the Kumogakure Chuunin Exams. Beyond its simple appearance it is sewn in with automatic defenses against basic chakra attacks and also incorporates a layer of steel plating for physical defense. Finally, this coat also breaks up the wearer's figure in motion, making them more difficult to track. Age and heavy use has dulled its colour from forest green to a worn grey while its weight has increased dramatically due to its integration with additional armour plating and Shiina's village Jonin Vest.

Special Abilities:

Ultra-Durable: The first time this item is afflicted with the status effect ‘Destroy Item’, the wearer may roll a 100-sided dice, and on an outcome of 41 or higher, the item is not destroyed.

Attributes: Chakra Shield II, Iron Inlay, Steel Inlay
Stat Boosts: +310 Evasion, +260 Defense
Other: +25 Item Slots
Cost: $20



Konoha Hitai-ate

Hunter's Mask
Attributes: Mask - The wearer of this item gains a +25% bonus when making 'Visibility Checks'.
Special Abilities:
Slayer's Mark - Once per battle when making an attack, the wearer of this item may designate 1 target as a Free Action. That target may not utilize any effects in their Response Phase that would increase their Evasion statistic or grant additional dodge rolls.
Description: It is a long-standing tradition that the hunter-ninja of any given village wear masks. Some are crafted of hardened porcelain and act as armor as well as the mark of their station, and others are made of cloth designed to keep their wearer warm or cool based on the climate of their homeland. Regardless of the make of a hunter ninja's mask, it serves to hide their identity and reflect that they are nothing but a faceless predator that is honed to the very peak of their ability. The prey of these hunters rarely elude them for long.



Konoha Hunter-Nin Hitai-ate
Special Abilities:
Slayer's Mark - Once per battle when making an attack, the wearer of this item may designate 1 target as a Free Action. That target may not utilize any effects in their Response Phase that would increase their Evasion statistic or grant additional dodge rolls.

Description: It is a long-standing tradition that the hunter-ninja of any given village wear masks. Some are crafted of hardened porcelain and act as armor as well as the mark of their station, and others are made of cloth designed to keep their wearer warm or cool based on the climate of their homeland. Regardless of the make of a hunter ninja's mask, it serves to hide their identity and reflect that they are nothing but a faceless predator that is honed to the very peak of their ability. The prey of these hunters rarely elude them for long.
Cost: $20


Total Spent: $450 + $80 + $20 + $320 + $120 + $20 + $20 = $1,030


Closing Balance: 1,104 – 1,030 = $74

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