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Hardcore Skittlez

Aragane Shun Purchase Thread

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Funds on Hand; 625 両




Aiketsu | 愛欠 | Loveless


Type: Tsurugi | Longsword

Size: Medium

Level: 10

Attributes: Indestructible [50 両] | Inlaid Element; Liquid Steel [100 両] | Lightened Craft [100 両] | +Sharpened Edge [100 両]

Description: Aiketsu was a blade cooperatively forged by members of many of the Aragane clan's branches as a graduation gift to Aragane Shun. The blade's hilt is lavishly designed, with a guard meticulously shaped to take on the appearance of a pair of heavenly wings. A third wing branches from the sword's guard and sweeps downward to form a partial basket, providing its wielder a near-ideal amount of protection for their hand. The blade's pommel is shaped such that it appears to be a bird's talons clutching onto a rounded sapphire. The actual blade of this Tsurugi is elongated and formed through the combined manipulations of many Liquid Steel wielders. As a result of this joint forging effort, the blade has taken on a garnet hue and is only very lightly reflective. The blade's name was given to it by Shun, as he felt as though it was a "loveless" gesture by many clan members seeking the favor of his parent's wealth. Even so, it has become a treasured piece of his arsenal and rarely leaves his sight.

Cost: 580 両


Transation: 625 - 580 = 45 両
Remaining Funds on Hand: 45 両

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Mahōka, Shouri Subeki Ougon no Ken魔法香 ・勝利すべき黄金の剣 | Mahōka, Golden Sword of the Victorious


Type: Tsurugi | Longsword

Size: Medium

Level: 30

Attributes: Indestructible [50 両] | Inlaid Element; Lightning [100 両] | Elemental Resonance; Lightning [300 両] | Chakra Blade [50 両] | Greater Affliction: Clobbered [400 両] 

Description: Mahōka, Shouri Subeki Ougon no Ken- or simply Mahōka, is a blade designed and crafted by Aragane Shun. Mahōka is modeled after the legendary blades of a time before the prominence of the katana's singular, curved edge. In a form typical of Shun, the blade is made with incredible care and extravagant coloration. It bears a rich navy hilt and a guard constructed of a golden variant of the Aragane's Liquid Steel kekkei genkai. The blade possesses a similar strip of gold stretching down its center, bearing an inscription upon it that serves to draw out its wielder's chakra and convert it into a bright aura that dramatically enhances the blade's cutting power. When wielding Mahōka in this way, the otherwise steel hued blade takes on a vibrant golden glow. The blade comes complete with a similarly ornate scabbard.

Cost: 1730 両



Shun's Funds: 865

Cost: 1730 * .5(Merchant) = 865

865 - 865 = 0


Remaining Funds: 0

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
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Balance: 1116 Ryo



Sword of Rupture, Ea | 乖離剣 ・ エア | Kairi Ken ・ Ea






Weapon Type: Tsurugi | Longsword
Size: Medium
Level: 10
Special Abilities:


Noble Phantasm
Effect: This weapon may never have its level increased through any means, nor may it be granted attributes other than those at the time of submission through any means. For the purposes of calculating this weapon's damage, treat this weapon's damage as though it were 5 levels higher per medium or large weapon stored within the wielder's Eternal Vault; these weapons must be at least level 10 to grant bonus levels to this weapon. At the time Sword of Rupture, Ea is equipped, the wielder will select up to two (2) attributes possessed by other Medium or Large weapons stored within the Eternal Vault, per Ninja Rank. Sword of Rupture, Ea is treated as though it possessed those attributes and met their requirements; these attributes are removed from Sword of Rupture, Ea, when the blade is willingly unequipped.
Prototype God
Effect: Whenever this weapon would be "Destroyed" it is not destroyed and is instead unequipped and immediately returned to the Eternal Vault; Sword of Rupture, Ea may not be equipped for two turns following it being unequipped by Prototype God. Sword of Rupture, Ea may not be replicated or copied through any means.

Standard Attributes: Unique | Indestructible
Description: Sword of Rupture, Ea, is the sole weapon that has remained stored within the Armory of the Golden King over all of the centuries that the armory’s key has exchanged hands; it is considered to be the strongest weapon stored within the Armory at any given time and is transcendent in nature, unable to be replicated through any mortal means. The blade of a ruler among rulers, Ea is a weapon that is said to have been forged before the conventional concept of a “Sword” had been dreamed. Though classified as a “Longsword”, Ea is a weapon that possesses no edges and no pointed tip, being blunt on every facing. Its ‘blade’ is rounded and more akin to a drill or a lance than a conventional sword, though it is small and intended to be wielded as a blade would. The weapon’s ‘blade’ is comprised of three sections that rotate slow in different directions, similar to a quern. When used to attack, Ea’s sections will accelerate their rotation and draw in the air around it, compressing and infusing the air with chakra. That air then is expelled from the blade and is used to serve as its “cutting edge”. When thrust into an opponent, Ea’s sections may be rotated at varying speeds and used to grind away at the target’s internal organs.
Aside from the blade’s unique structure, its strength is unlike any other blade in existence. Rather than drawing upon its own structural integrity and shape to increase its damage potential, the blade seems to have a power that stands directly proportionate to the strength and value of those items held within the Armory of the Golden King. The blade is a fickle one and prevents its wielder from properly accessing the other weapons within the Eternal Vault. In compensation, however, it may draw upon the combined strength of the weapons within the vault and borrow their power for truly devastating attacks.
Cost: 930 両



Cost: 930*.5(Merchant 10) = 465

Transaction: 1116 - 465 = 651

New Total On-hand: 651

Edited by Hardcore Skittlez
Had the wrong total balance pre-purchase
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Balance: 2704



Seikan'na Kishi no Kōra | 精悍な騎士の甲羅 | Carapace of the Dauntless Knight

Armor Type: Chestplate

Placement: Chest

Special Abilities: --

Attributes: Indestructible - 50 | +300 Defense - 1200 | Anti-Burn - 200 | Chakra Shield - 655 |

Description: A chest-plate forged by Aragane Yoko at the specifications requested by her former team-mate, Ippo Biju. This armor is possesses a mixture of bronze and gold-hued plates that are arranged to give the impression of several large and stoic "faces", lending to the armor's intimidating appearance. Though designed with Biju's size in mind, this piece was made with several adjustable straps that allow it to be adjusted as he grows.

Cost: 2105




Armor Kind: Biju Gauntlets
Body Placement: Forearm
Attributes: Indestructible; Unique, Elemental Defense [+360 lightning defense] Elemental Shield: Lightning
Special: Conducting Capacitors
Effect: Any turn in which the wearer is struck by or uses a lightning technique, they may reduce the cost of a technique of the 'Lightning' or 'Magnetic' elements by 70 Chakra for two turns. If unused the energy dissipates. This effect may not reduce the cost of a technique lower than 50% of its total cost
Description: A creation of Ippo Biju; it contains 8 magnetic rods with their lengths wrapped with copper wire interconnected with four chambers which contains gel and two opposing metal plates which acts as capacitors. There is a chamber along the outside of the forearm a quarter in diameter for energy propulsion or magnetic rail use. The outer shell is blackened metal. 
Item Slots: 2


Cost: 400



Total Cost: 2505 * .5(Merchant) = 1253

Transaction:  2704 - 1253 = 1451

New Balance: 1451

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Balance: 1451
Rank 3 Ninjutsu Amplifier - 1200
Akihime, Sasayaku Kaze no Ken | 秋姫 ・  囁く風の剣 | Akihime, Sword of the Whispering Wind
Weapon Type: Chain Sword
Size: Medium
Level: 10
Special Abilities: --
Standard Attributes: Indestructible | Link Formation | Chakra Blade | Greater Affliction: [bleeding: 60]
Description: A sword forged within the melancholy of Aragane Shun, Akihime was designed with elegance and the spirit of falling leaves in mind. It is a chain-function sword whose edge is a brilliant silver and bound by several gem-like structures running down the center of the blade. The hilt is western in design and appears as that of a standard longsword's cross-shaped guard; it is green in hue and seems to emulate leaves falling through a gentle breeze. The blade was imbued with the Wind element and was designed to be capable of slicing through the greatest defenses.
Cost: 830
230(Level 10)+50(Indestructible)+100 Link Formation+50(Chakra Blade) + 400(Greater Affliction) = 830
Hai-ō | 灰王 | Ash King
Weapon Type: Tsurugi | Longsword
Size: Medium
Level: 10
Special Abilities: --
Standard Attributes: Indestructible | Chakra Blade | Greater Affliction: [burning: 60]
Description: Hai-ō is a blade forged by an unknown smith and gifted to the Aragane clan as a token of goodwill, as he hoped to continue to be the sole-provider of arms within his local region. Though not of Aragane make, the blade is of fine design; it is modeled after a thick tsurugi and has been stained a rich black hue. Engraved into the base of the blade is a ninjutsu seal that allows the blade to harness the power of fire, permitting the blade to become entirely engulfed in a glut of flame. Though Hai-ō’s hilt possesses enough space for two hands and is rather large for a Tsurugi, its astonishingly light craftsmanship allows it to be wielded effortlessly in a single hand.
Cost: 730
230(Level 10)+50(Indestructible)+50(Chakra Blade)+400(Greater Affliction)= 730
Total Cost: 2760 * .5(Merchant) = 1380
Transaction:  1451 - 1380 = 71
New Balance: 71


Notes: CP on Greater Affliction-- I used it at a 1:1 cost:cp ratio, and then did 60*.8(standard Status cost for those two) = 48, which is within the 50 for Greater Affliction

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Balance: 1471



Responsibility of Rule
Armor Type: Liquid Steel Pendant
Placement: Neck
Special Abilities: --
Standard Attributes: Elemental Shield: Water [ 750両 ] | Indestructible [ 50両 ] | +50 Speed [ 200両 ]
Description: Designed in the likeness of a very ornate sword, this pendant is a glimmering piece of Liquid Steel craftsmanship and bears several small gems placed throughout the blade’s form. True to its image, the pendant is sharp and was a gift from Aragane Shun’s parents as a reminder of his position as their heir and a representative of the clan while traversing the world. Within the pendant is a lesson: Reach carefully for the treasures of the world, as a haphazard hand pays its price in blood.
Cost: 1000
Trade Prince Bangles
Armor Type: Liquid Steel Bracelet
Placement: Wrists
Special Abilities: --
Standard Attributes:  Elemental Shield: Earth [ 750両 ] | Indestructible [ 50両 ] | +50 Speed [ 200両 ]
Description: A set of plain bangles frequently worn by Aragane Shun. Forged of Liquid Steel, these bangles possess great defensive enhancements and are capable of being worn over the knuckles as impromptu knuckle-dusters; additionally, their composition is simple enough that they may be easily reformed for various uses by a member of the Aragane clan with ease.
Cost: 1000
Aragane Shiro’s Lucky Sash
Armor Type: Sash
Placement: Chest
Special Abilities: --
Standard Attributes: Adamantine Inlay [ 655両 ] | Indestructible [ 50両 ] | +50 Speed [ 200両 ]
Description: A sanguine hued sash passed down for generations within the Aragane Clan. Though ancient, the sash has seen meticulous upkeep and possesses the same defensive inlays present during its original wearer’s reign as the inventor of Liquid Steel. It has since been inherited by Aragane Shun and now is worn proudly, and frequently, as a utilitarian accessory to any shinobi attire.
Cost: 905


Cost: 1000 + 1000 + 905 = 2905

Merchant Bonus: 2905 * .5 = 1453

Transaction: 1471 - 1453 = 18


New Total: 18

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