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Skill Idea O' Doom.

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Power of Love (Ryoku No Koi) [-person's name-]

Bloodline: N/A

Description: In the world of shinobi, it is a dangerous in most cases to love. It is dangerous to extend that feeling, because in most cases, it leads to one thing and one thing alone. Hurt. Rather caused by losing the one you love, or rejection. Rejection leads to dispair. Dispair leads to death.

However... in it essential for one to love to be human, because without love. There is not life.

If one has love, they can find happiness, and if one has love... they can find the strength in them, to fight off all odds. Fight against death itself. Fight for their loved one, continue giving when they should lay down and die.

Anyone who has this skill holds love close to their bosom, and has truly found the power of love.

Effect: When a loved one (named when taking this skill) is in peril (Danger, the life-or-death kind), the weilder of this skill gains the following:

- +10% of Taijustu, Ninjustu, Or Genjustu (choose one)

- +10% Evasion

- +10% Accuracy.

The Skill lasts until the loved one is out of peril, and can be activated if your loss would force them to be in peril. Activation of this skills' affects ALWAYS needs staff approval, no matter what battle.

Side Note: Can only be used ONCE per battle. As in, one match-up, not. "Oh, I beat this one, now I'll go run after the other for a post and fight them too."

Ranks: []

Cost: -2 per person.

Edited by Warr
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That's exactly what I said, but in more complex terms, as in, you actually have to read.

Bonus tends to mean plus.

And, I didn't feel like putting in meaning less numbers, when it could be expressed in words.

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I'd say aim for -4. Also state that this skill can only be used once per battle. I know it's more or less a given, but you know how people use words to their advantage.

Yes, that they do.

And it makes me want to go "STABSTABSTAB." to them.

Good idea.

Shooting for it.

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I love this idea, but I think you need to put some kind of requirement on this. Put in a clause that says something like.

'If opponent does not believe that the loved one is in peril, or that it is not a loved one they can have a staff member come and check.'

Also, how long does this last? Until they are out of peril? Is it immediate peril or general peril? For instance, if a loved one is about to be killed by the opponent, and the opponent drops them to fight you, would you loose it? If they were in peril if you did not win this would you gain the bonus?

There is a lot of grey area, please make it a bit more concrete.

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Will do, Cntr. ^__^ I was going to add a clause about Staff review on the case of the loved one, so we don't have people going all beserk/powered up when they've bought this skill when a teammate they just teamed up with on the first time is in danger.

*Goes in to edit*

I think I edited it and fixed things.

Edited by Warr
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No, not necessarily. It's left open. Would you rather it mean only PC? I know NPCs don't have stats like PCs, in most cases, but that'd be a case when you'd ask a staff member for approval.

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I was asking because what you put up there as a condition would limit it to only PC's. Also, I think someone could be in danger without being below 10% HP. If your genin little brother is in a battle against a jounin, more than likely he will not see a turn where he has less than 10% HP.

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I see this skill as being very abusable by someone creating a pet and making it their 'loved one' (see konoha pet-wielding clan) and then buying a pet with low hp so that when it dies, the user gets 3 stats with a +10% bonus each. I believe we had a staff topic on percentiles?

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It's restricted to human loved ones, and might be to PCs.

Whichever you think would be better, PCs or NPCs and PCs.

I'm not partial on that matter.

And restriction you can think of that would prevent that, Sako?

Other than a clause that if anyone tried doing that with a pet, they would have had to have the pet from Character Creation, and assumably in their history before hand.?

Edited out the insta-ability to activate if loved one was below 10%.

Edited by Warr
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and technically with that example sako, the pet isnt in danger once it is dead. So even if it did effect pets that example wouldnt really work.

I don't know if I like the limited to PC's really, though it would be easier to manage I don't think it would be very realistic. I like this skill but I need to see more construction on why can be considered a loved one. Maybe you should think about also lowering the SP, but making it multiple ranks, one rank for each person you choose.

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Power of Love (Ryoku No Koi) [-person's name-]

Bloodline: N/A

Description: In the world of shinobi, it is a dangerous in most cases to love. It is dangerous to extend that feeling, because in most cases, it leads to one thing and one thing alone. Hurt. Rather caused by losing the one you love, or rejection. Rejection leads to dispair. Dispair leads to death.

However... in it essential for one to love to be human, because without love. There is not life.

If one has love, they can find happiness, and if one has love... they can find the strength in them, to fight off all odds. Fight against death itself. Fight for their loved one, continue giving when they should lay down and die.

Anyone who has this skill holds love close to their bosom, and has truly found the power of love.

Effect: When a loved one (named when taking this skill) is in peril (Danger, the life-or-death kind), the weilder of this skill gains the following:

- +10% of Taijustu, Ninjustu, Or Genjustu (choose one)

- +10% Evasion

- +10% Accuracy.

- User is affected by status effect, Sole-Focus, Saving Loved One.

Sole-Focus, Saving Loved One: User receives +10 to accuracy, but -10 to defense. Effects last until battle with opponent is finished resulting in enemy retreat, disabilitation (Not even sure if that's a word, but them being disabled), collapsing, or death, or the same factors for ones' self. Opponent in this statement equals all opponents in this particular section of battle.

The Skill lasts until the loved one is out of peril, and can be activated if your loss would force them to be in peril. Activation of this skills' affects ALWAYS needs staff approval, no matter what battle.

Side Note: Can only be used ONCE per battle. As in, one match-up, not. "Oh, I beat this one, now I'll go run after the other for a post and fight them too."

Ranks: []

Cost: -2 per person.

Try that one, and before finishing this submit Sole-Focus in the status effect area to be approved, or take it out. Your choice.

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