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Posted (edited)

Skill Name: Villageless

Bloodline: Regular

Description: Due to circumstances beyond their control, a person can actually not be born into a Ninja Village. Due to this, they lose out on valuable training that would normally be taught to everyone in the village.

Effect: User does not gain access to a village element and taijutsu style as if they were a part of a village, they must pay full price. Also, the taker of this skill does not gain a resistance to terrain of a village that they would have been a part of. This cannot be taken 'No Element' or another skill that restricts or bans village elements or taijutsu styles is already taken by the user.

Cost: +2

Edited by Jinsoku Kazekobushi


Not to be a hard-ass, but because the draw-backs here are, no bonus element and no bonus taijutsu style. Normally that'd be a +2, but upon creation you don't get both. It's one or the other. So, you're only missing out on a single free skill. Savvy?

It also can't be taken with skill like No Element, which is essentially the same. Add a clause about that.

Posted (edited)

Yyyyeah. I guess. I was thinking because members of a village get a free element (or two in cases) AND they get easier access to taijutsu styles that it should be +2 to make up for that. If you really think +1 is fair, that'll work.

Alright, edited on both accounts.

EDIT: Actually I just remembered that you also wouldn't get a Terrain resistance of a village if you were not a part of one. So could we get rid of that and call it even on +2?

Edited by Jinsoku Kazekobushi

Just out of curiosity, why is this skill personal? I mean, to not belong to a village doesn't really seem like a personal thing. That, and your description doesn't directly refer to your character.

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