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General +1 Hinderings | Attention Deficit, He's Got Battle Scars, Subtle Brain Chemistry, Trip Hazard

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Attention Deficit

Bloodline: None

Description: Some ninja just have a harder time keeping their head in the game. New combatants tend to distract them from the ones they are already facing.

Effect: At the start of your turn, if an enemy's summoned creature or clone(s), or a new enemy has entered the battlefield since your last turn, the user is "Fazed" and inflicted with "Distracted" for 2 turns.

Cost: +1


He's Got Battle Scars

Bloodline: None

Description: A survivor of intense burns in their lives, they never fully recovered. New burns simply exacerbate the old ones, making everything worse.

Effect: Whenever this character is inflicted with "Burning; x" they will suffer an additional turn. This can push "Burning; x" beyond its duration cap.

Cost: +1


Subtle Brain Chemistry

Bloodline: None

Description: Either due to experimentation, bad genetics, or worse, this user's brain chemistry has been changed been for the worse. When under assault by Genjutsu, the user's brain will translate some of that assault into real pain.

Effect: Whenever the user is hit by a Genjutsu, they will suffer 2 turns of "Headache" in addition to the jutsu's effects.

Cost: +1

Edited by Kouta
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Pulled back!


Attention Deficit: This is fine.


He's Got Battle Scars: This needs an update, 'Burned' doesn't exist.


Subtle Brain Chemistry: This is also fine. Narrow enough to be dodged often, but damaging enough when it does matter to be worth the full 1 SP.


Trip Hazard: This is simply not worth +1 point. This is so narrow and the bonus so small that it's just not approvable in the modern age of Hindering Skills. (I also think Terrains got updated since this was posted and a lot of them had % to activate mechanics removed).

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Buffed up Attention Deficit. Now also inflicts "Fazed" alongside "Distracted".

Changed "burned" to "Burning; x"

Brain Chemistry is the same

Trip hazard died.

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These all look good. He's Got Battle Scars is narrow enough to still be worth only +1, but it is a solid +1 now. A character could use some of the main site equipment to build up a defense against this to counteract this somewhat, so I am okay with where this landed.


Had some questions about how Attention Deficit worked and Kouta cleaned up that wording as well, so that looks great now too.



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