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.: The Adventures of Blueboy Wonder

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This is only to reinforce my point I said earlier, in case some haven't caught on to it. Recently, there is a lot more going on in my life. Ups, downs, lefts and rights; but I'm not leaving, nor do I plan to. I love NA, but it's just a heads up that some days, I might not be on until late, or even not at all and I can't give warning to it because of the randomness.

Don't worry, the times that I am here, I'll be working like always; this is just to tell you I won't be as active as I was. Besides, if anything needs my attention, the right people have my number in case of emergencies =)

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A whole lot has happened and is continuing to happen in my life; even more than before. However, all I can do is tell of a few things. If you really want to know, catch me around privately. Anywho;

Finals have started, so yeah, enough said about that. For a lot of my free time I have decided to learn Spanish, for the past month or so. Why? Because in just under a week I will be heading to Spain for 12 days. I'm sorry I haven't given warning sooner and I'll give more details on the subject closer to the date of leaving. June 17-June 29 are the dates.

I'm going to try to commit around here when I can, but when I usually get home, I am dead tired and can't do that much. I have no idea how summer will be like, I really can't give any steady plans. I got a job Friday and Saturday evenings, usually. Some other days are thrown in occasionally.

I will discuss my absence with anyone under my guidance and other staff so you won't be left alone for that long. Again, I apologize for my lack of activity, participation and usefulness.

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Hoy nosotros salir por Espana!

Yes, today I'm leaving for Spain with my best friend. Goodluck to everyone here, don't burn down the place while I'm gone Tony, stay away from shiny broken things....that means you too MD x:

After I get back, I'll probably have more time around here, again, I'm sorry to those I'm currently involved with. Oh, and if anyone has my phone number, it's dead- so you can't contact me.

Anyway, here are some details: I'm leaving tonight a 5pm EST, overnight flight to Paris and then to Malaga, Spain. I'll miss you people!

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Hola! Perdoneme por mi mal Espanol, pero tengo sueno pronto. Tenero un bueno tiempo y estoy feliz estar hogar!

If that made any sense whatsoever, then my immersion to the country was a success. Anywayyyyy, coming back alive is a success in and of itself. Yes, it was a great time in Puerto Banus, Spain and all the little places we went to visit. I've thought about this place the time I was gone and tomorrow, I will make my way back in to action. Tonight, I need to crash, it was a long and tiring day!

But it's nothing like traveling to make you appreciate home. Drop me a message or IM if you want to hear my stories, because I'm back with lots of them. My best friend and I had a blast together, really great times to remember.

But now that I was able to check in to this place, I can really say, I'm home.

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Sorry for the short notice but I'll be out and reduced activity for x amount of days. Today I was on an all day tour to and back from a college and tomorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken care of. Of course I have no idea what the plans actually are since my visit was 6 months ago and my teeth are basically grown in...anyway, because of the drugs and whatnot, I don't know how long I'll be out and how it's going to affect me.

I'll be back as soon as I can, but not working so hard for a few days. Friday, depending on how I;'m feeling could be sketchy. So if you don't hear from me or I don't do much of anything you know why. Or maybe its perhaps my friend claims she's living at my house for the next few days. Either which one.

Those who want or need to, know how to reach my cell.


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Funny story, I went in this morning and they told me my teeth are grown in and aren't impacted so it's not necessary, but recommended to take them out.

Bottom line, I'm not leaving, I just have to tell the people who were going to visit me that I'm not helpless. So I'll still be around, given other things don't come up!

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Here's just an update on me and my activity. I work Saturdays and Sundays from early morning to early afternoon. There is a good chance afterward I get home and take a nap or a rest. At some point [during every day] I see my best friend and hang out with her for a decent amount of time.

Now more than before my friend is probably going to have a lot more of my time because she just broke up from a relationship (positively) but she'll still need support and all that. Everyone who I am participating with please be patient and I'll get to it asap and let's hope I have the inspiration when I do D:

So my activity really won't change, I don't think. You'll just know where I am 90% of the time.

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Tomorrow I'm going to an amusement park with friends to celebrate the last of summer. School starts September 2nd, but it's the only day our schedules don't conflict. I know, bad timing with Phase 3 and everything and I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll get as much done as I can tonight before though.

It's like having desert before dinner; vacation before the bulk begins :x

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School starts tomorrow unfortunately. Yeah, only High School but apparently being a Senior makes it go extremely quick? Anyway, you can expect me to not be on in the morning to middle afternoon. Then I don't know what my schedule is going to be like, but I think this time around, I'll be on more often then I was when school ended last year. Oh and please do bother me during school if you know my cell; give me something interesting to do.

::Goodbye Summer.

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Alright, at the moment I have a few things on my plate that I need to throw out in the open. For one, a good deal of my shortened activity in the past few days was a result for preparing and taking my driving test. That being said, I can now go where I wish when I want, so I can abide to my time schedule now. That being said, on Saturday I'm taking the ACTs and that night I won't be on because I'll be at a friend's house. I have no idea how Saturday is going afterward. Sunday morning I work, so it looks like then will probably be my most stable time, after I get home in the afternoon.

And by October 1st by the latest, I'll have college applications and all of that done. So things should be looking up.

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Hey guess what? It's around Christmas time, so I'm going to be busy getting presents and ready for the whole season- on top of school work and finding a job (Gee, this sounds familiar.) Also, with many things in life to consider, but I'm just a thinker.

This is just a notice that my activity will be random even if it appears that I'm logged on the site. As is life.

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Finals/Midterms time. I've been busy preparing for them for the past few days and normally that wouldn't be such a big deal, however one class I have to make a presentation, lab report and portfolio. So in light of that and keeping up with a social life, I probably won't do much for the next few days. Eh, we'll see.

I'm also majorly sidetracked with things on my mind, that's probably the biggest thing that steals my creativity! Sorry in the meantime.

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Tag! I made it back from the big apple alive! (But think I may have gotten a lead at a possible conspiracy in the wroks...) Anyway, if anyone has the chance, go see Mama Mia on Broadway, I never saw a show before but this is top of the notch and really worth the money if you can get the tickets 50%, which isn't that difficult to do if you buy at the right time.

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Yoes! Sorry that I've been a bit off on the activity front with those I'm involved with, it wasn't something planned so to speak. With the end of High School happening now, a lot has been going on, finals, prom is tomorrow- but the biggest thing is helping along friends with life. You know friends take top priority with me. But I'm thinking at the very least Sunday (Saturday I'm heading to the beach for the day) I'll have stuff for the people I'm involved with. Pax.

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Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuten Abend! I'm heading up to Lock Haven for summer orientation tomorrow and Monday and I'm not sure when I'll be back that night. Gee, maybe now the whole 'Graduation' thing will set it it's delayed quite a bit.

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Tonight until tomorrow or the next day I'm heading back up to NJ/NYC as one of summer's last get togethers. Then sometime between now and the 29th, I'm hopefully taking a trip up to see a friend who moved away and that'll take a day to do.

Dear Staff; I'm trying to mold it around our dates but I'll do my best. It's not like I'll be gone during the entire board shutdown. Oh and the 29th I move in to college, that'll be another post and another warning :x

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Moving in tomorrow, that's going to be a long day and a half. Not sure when i'll be able to get back on here but you guys will top the homesickness, I'm sure. On that note I'm sorry if I won't be able to find the time to do some stuff on account of adjusting all of that.

And Tony- I am not taking your advice. That is baaaaaaaaaaad news for the first day DDDDD:

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I don't update this at all do I? Oh well, tomorrow I'm moving back to Lock Haven a day early to help those freshmen move in. So Imma be a slave for a dsy! Saturday I probably won't be on 'till late and tomorrow I dunno when. Then with school starting back up I'll get busier.

But you k now, in reality, all this really means is me saying "I have insurance now" since...I don't stay far from this place ever. <3

Peace be with you,

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You must also excuse me, my nerve decided to get pinched (I think) causing the right side of my being to twitch, pain, needles and numb in any position than flat on the floor. That makes me be able to have less time and focus here. Hopefully it'll go away soon so I must apologize if I seem short or angry, I'm just uncomfortable. So I'll probably just be relaxing and call this an excuse to divulge my gasm of Other M :D

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