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Cellar Door

Status Effects | Damaged Damaged Tenketsu, Damaged Muscles, Opened Damaged Tenketsu

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Damaged Tenketsu
Effect: Characters afflicted with this status effect must roll a 10-sided dice when paying any Chakra cost. If the result is a 1-x (‘x’ being determined in the technique that afflicts this status effect, and may never be more than 8), the character may not pay that cost unless they pay 150% of the base cost. This effect stacks with other instances of the status effect ‘Damaged Tenketsu’ to a maximum of 1-8. (i.e. Damaged Tenketsu [1-2] applied once and Damaged Tenketsu [1-2] applied once would become Damaged Tenketsu [1-4] for the duration they would both be applied.)
Max. Duration: 4 Turns
Cost: 5x


Damaged Muscles
Effect: Characters afflicted with this status effect must roll a 10-sided dice when paying any Stamina cost. If the result is a 1-x (‘x’ being determined in the technique that afflicts this status effect, and may never be more than 8), the character may not pay that cost unless they pay 150% of the base cost. This effect stacks with other instances of the status effect ‘Damaged Muscles’ to a maximum of 1-8. (i.e. Damaged Muscles [1-2] applied once and Damaged Muscles [1-2] applied once would become Damaged Muscles [1-4] for the duration they would both be applied.)
Max. Duration: 4 Turns
Cost: 5x


Open Tenketsu
Effect: Characters afflicted with this status effect have all Chakra and Stamina regeneration increased by an additional 10% of the total statistic. (On a turn when a character would regenerate 10%, they instead regenerate 20%. On a turn when a character would not regenerate, they regenerate 10%.) This effect is not considered advanced regeneration. A character may only be afflicted with 'Open Tenketsu' for a maximum of 3 turns per battle. May not be self-afflicted.
Max. Duration: 3 Turns
Cost: 30

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I'm assuming you intend them to lose the phase if they fail to "be able to pay the cost" yea?

Max Duration 3, to better fit with things like Charmed and confused which also limit or stunt your actions, and to better fit with the quarantines, which similarly do such a thing.

Also, how do we address things with ongoing chakra costs (I.e. upkeeps)? Do they deactivate?

I don't like how widespread and catch-all this effect is. Even with Quarantines, which strictly forbid one of the three attack types, you are left with other avenues to pursue. This stops weapon abilities, bloodline powers, attacks themselves, possibly even item use, all from a singular status. Too stronk.


As for induced regeneration, I don't want this to be self-inflictable. Too many bloodlines and such are balanced by their upkeep costs versus the ability to regenerate, and this laughs in the face of those rules and then also recovers your chakra.

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The first two are much less strong than Confused.

Confused is 3 turns, with a 50% chance for any offensive action to zing back and hit you in your own face. This is an up to 60% chance just to fizzle, and for basically double the cost of Confused and if you're just CCing one resource. If you want to try and nullify them out for all offensive actions like Confused, it'd cost Quadruple. We've seen through lots of play-testing that Confused is only really strong if you're dumb and go full ham. (Even then if you fail the roll you waste your resources, and you damage yourself.)

Like the numbers are pretty self-explanatory here;

Confused; 30 DP for 1 turn, 50% chance to waste your chakra/stamina, and hit yourself with your own attack.

Damaged Tenk + Muscles 1-5; 100 DP for 1 turn. 50% chance not to be able to pay any chakra or stamina costs.

I'm willing to deal on the duration, and stuff, but I want to lay this all out to combat your knee-jerk. Anyway, I don't think 4 turns is unreasonable, and I don't think it's too much to say any cost. There are currently no good mechanics from the main-site to help a person counter-play an advanced system.


For Open, I could be okay with saying it may not be self-inflicted, but with the 3 turn limit it kind of manages that in and of itself I think. Most advanced systems cost 5% per turn, and that'd shoot your net gain down to 5% at 2000 chakra you'd gain an extra 100 Chakra each turn. Not counting the 30 you pay. So that'd drop it to 70, or less to keep your Advanced System going.

More food for thought.

Edited by Cellar Door
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And I respond to you: still too stronk. Here's why, on my end.

Confused stops all offensives with a 50% chance. And if you fail that chance, it blows up in your face. Great. IT doesn't stop your ability to RPJ, or your ability to cast Set-uP Jutsu like Terrain or Element-Adders. IT also doesn't stop a brief ditch to heal yourself or use a Set-Trap. So in a turn like that, I am LIMITED by the spectre of confusion, but I clearly have options to play my turn.

This ability, however, interferes with everything I mentioned above. You could, theoretically, trap them in a loop in which you continue to apply this multiple times, and it stops their ability to RPJ against you to get out of it. The problem here is that you have a 60% to stop their whole turn (if they continue to fail checkpoints). So while Confused focuses on All Offensives at 50%, you are targeting EVERYTHING at 60%. you just make it fail instead of hitting themselves. That, to me, is worse.

Which sounds worse, just on paper: "You have a 50% chance to hit yourself, if you attack offensively." or "You have a 60% chance to fail everything you do if it involves chakra."

Not mention: Momentum. That is the underlying power here. You disrupt all their upkeeps at a 60% chance, and force them to either ditch their bloodlines and upkept climates and abilities, or waste a turn to set them all back up, wherein you can simply attempt to tag them with this ability again.

Now, I'll grant you one point. The system has no real counter for Bloodlines. I'd be okay with a status that inhibits their ability to upkeep at a % Chance, and this could easily fly. But again: You don't get to potentially nuke their entire turn at a 60% chance.


No, its a 10% BONUS regen. They already have their 5% + 5% covered in standard regen, so normally, where a character would gain no chakra because he is upkeeping a system (or would gain 5% in a cheap AS), he now gain 10% or 15%. So instead of breaking even he now gains 200 or 300 (assuming 2000 chakra). Yes, that does imbalance it a bit.

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Characters afflicted with this status effect have all Chakra and Stamina regeneration increased by 10% of the total statistic. 


Unclear what this means. I know what you WANT it to mean, but the wording makes me think you mean "10% of the bonus you have"

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Damaged Tenketsu: APPROVED


Damaged Muscles: APPROVED


Open Tenketsu: Now this one I am on the fence about. I like how clean the effect is, but my problem is with the self targeting. The crux of the problem here is that you are paying chakra/stamina to give yourself chakra/stamina. At 60 to target yourself that means if you have 600 Chakra + Stamina you break even, and anything above that you gain back additional Chakra + Stamina. There is some counter play in that if a person hits you with Metabolic Shock or Metabolic Break Down that you are a bit screwed as you are out the amount you paid, but you are guaranteed at least one turn of it as your Regeneration happens before your Response Phase. So if you do this in one turn bursts there is no way to interact with it through Metabolic effects. At this point it basically is free resources, and there is no reason for a person to not have this attached to a technique of theirs to gain back the resources. So I would propose one of two fixes...


1.) We change when regeneration occurs to be at the end of the turn instead of at the beginning of the turn. This is strange because it let's you have "free" first turns if your regeneration is high enough.


2.) We change regeneration to occur after the Response Phase. This dodges the "free turn" problem, but is a bit awkward because then regeneration occurs at the same time damage does, which makes for some confusing scenarios. (what happens when someone takes lethal damage but also regenerates enough HP to live?)


3.) We change regeneration to occur after the Setup Phase. We kinda dodge the "free turn" problem and also dodge the confusion problem, but are now in a bit of a weird place. Not sure if this feels "right", but it isn't much stranger than regeneration occuring before the Response Phase which is not even really a "phase" at all.


4.) We change this effect to not allow the user to target themselves and make it only able to target others. This would solve the "free resource" problem as it is not something just anyone would take as it requires at the very least for you to sacrifice a Main Phase action to target an ally. Would be a staple for support characters, but not a staple for ALL characters.

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