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Glutton's Night Out [Red Group]

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A tower creature has crashed through the treeline at the base of the mountain. While it is smaller in comparison to some of the other creatures, the damages it has caused are no less significant. As it walks by it reaches one of it's eight long, scaly clawed hands towards the ground and scoops up any animals too slow to void it and throws them into it's enormous gaping maw. Each step it takes closer to the village, a thick menacing mist encroaches in tandem.


It is up to the group of young shinobi who are the last line of defense for this village as stronger creatures drew away more powerful shinobi leaving only these few. The creatures sniffs the air as saliva drips from it's bloody mouth. It can smell the fear and sweat of the village, but it's many eyes come to focus on the appetizer. A band of tender morsels stand before it and a feast of flesh and bone. The creature rears back and howls at the sky. The trees bow at the force of the sound and the air itself is split. With the full moon as a backdrop and dense fog roiling into play, the showdown begins.



Ninjutsu: 100
Genjutsu: 0
Taijutsu: 200
Defense: 260
Concentration: 200
Accuracy: 200
Evasion: 100
Speed: 140


The Terrain Begins as "Plains"
The Climate Begins as "Mist"


@Kouta @Tsu @Cloudnine @disthawk12 @Princess @Renzukn


Yoshito paused halfway through eating a delicious kebab. He was a sucker for the savory ones, the beef and the gravy often dripping down his chin before he notice. Several of his shirt had acquired gravy stains this way. Either way, the scrawny genin heard the cracking of trees and was nearly rooted to the spot as a creature five, maybe six times taller than he was strode into the town as if he belonged there. Pausing only to regretfully sigh at the wasted money he spent on food, Yoshito tossed what was left of his kebab into the garbage. He had a duty to do. And secretly, how cool would it be for him to legendarily take down this monster after just having exited the academy? So he flexed his hands, nervously tucked his forelock of hair behind his ear (he wasn't wearing his hatai-ate today), and strode into the main thoroughfare of the town. His hands were itchy and nervous, and in his palms little geometric shapes formed of chakra formed, cracked, and then popped out of existence. It seemed like a nervous tick. Only Yoshito wasn't nervous. He was gonna be a hero. Heroes don't get nervous.




Uzumaki Yoshito!

Taijutsu 80
Defense 0
Ninjutsu 80
Genjutsu 0
Concentration 100
Speed 100
Accuracy 100
Evasion 80


Renzukan staggered back a few steps as the vile creature erupted from the tree line and into view.  "What the hell?" was all he could manage to get out.  What was this disgusting thing?  It didn't really matter what it was, or where it had come from, as it was an obvious threat to the villagers around him.  He wasn't going to be one to flee or stand idly by as the beast ripped through the town.  Noticing the boy standing in the center of the street facing the monster, Renzukan ran forward, stopping to the left of Yoshito.  The Suna Gennin prepared himself, his hands clenched tightly into solid fists.  'This will be a decent test of strength.' he thought, considering how best to approach such a large opponent.  He wasn't sure what had brought such a monstrous thing out into the open like this, but it was his duty, and anyone else's that would step forward, to stop it.


Tagera Renzukan, Suna Gennin

||Taijutsu|| 200


Jikiniki saw a couple of boys standing in the looming shadow of a monstrous beast that was tearing its way through the village. No one qualified to fight this thing was around by the look of it, something Jikiniki would no doubt go off at someone over on the off chance she survived this. Because, though she knew it was a stupid, terrible idea, she was going to run over to those boys and stand with them. Shaking her head as she placed a tooth pic in her mouth, Jikiniki exhaled heavily and ran over, coming to a rest just behind the two. "If we're lucky, there's a few more like us around, otherwise... let's hope it is not as strong as it looks." She was shaking a little, in part from anticipation in part from fear. She'd never seen anything like this, and given how the days that had passed since her graduation could be counted on one hand, assuming all but one of the fingers on that hand were cut off, she felt dangerously out of place against this horrific creature. Only time would tell if she could pull it together.


Hyuuga Jikiniki, Konoha Gennin
(Taijutsu) 100
(Defense) 20
(Ninjutsu) 0
(Genjutsu) 0
(Concentration) 0
(Speed) 80
(Accuracy) 72 [80-8 from Mist]
(Evasion) 60

Inner Conflict


Some ninja lack the heart of steel to finish a weakened enemy in front of them. As soon as they have the upper hand they find that they are unable to take that last step and end the battle. This moment of hesitation is small in time, but costly in the seconds of battle that can determine life or death.
Effect: When an opponent falls below 15% total health for the first time in battle you may not preform any offensive actions that include them as a target for two (2) turns. This skill must be shared at the start of a battle.

Compulsive Tic [Chewing Toothpics]


The character has a compulsive need to do a physical activity every couple of minutes. Whether this is a quick motion of the hand, tugging on their braid, adjusting their glasses, or pulling on their ear they simply cannot help but do the motion repeatedly. 
Effect: The character must perform their chosen physical tic every 600 written words. This count is kept between posts. If the character fails to meet this requirement they take a -5% reduction to all of their non-tank stats for the rest of the day, cumulative. This reduction lasts for the rest of the day in character or at least two (2) days in real life, whichever is longer. The chosen tic must be something that requires physical motion.


Posted (edited)

Tokei was having pleasant dreams of candy corn when he was rudely awoken but the horrified scream of a woman not to far away. The scream that had awoken tokei been one of many which made tokei start to curse as obviously something bad was going down and tokei did not have part in stopping when he got outside he saw many groups some high ranking sennin class ninja and jounins along with a group of gennin about tokei level when tokei got down there all he saw were;"Little Kids?" Tokei exclaimed as wondering he had an otome situation on his hands but none the less it looked like one more ninja would hurt them as tokei got down there he started to clearly see the monster that they needed to defeat It lumber around like an abomination. Tokei had wondered if he was actually stronger than most of these children because covers can be misleading.





(Taijutsu) 140
(Ninjutsu) 140
(Genjutsu) 0
(Defense) 180
(Concentration) 100
(Speed) 200
(Accuracy) (200-20=)180
(Evasion) 200

Edited by disthawk12
Posted (edited)

Furousha Rokuro lumbered from the festival grounds, hot on the heels of some of the other gennin. His feline tail bristled as the air was rife with demonic aura. It seemed the larger abominations drew the attention of the much higher ranking shinobi, leaving the smaller demons that emerged through the treeline the responsibility of the gennin. Not that it meant these lesser demons were by any means a pushover, Rho was certain they'd have to fight tooth and claw to drive back this infestation. 


He steeled himself. While he wasn't able to defend his homeland from the Iwa's incursion, Rho was ready to turn to his calling now. The blood in his veins came from ancestors who hunted yokai to the ends of the earth in gruesome bloodsport. Squaring his massive frame, the feline slits of of gray eyes honed in on the hazy image of the many-armed creature and he snarled in challenge. Maybe he should be more afraid.





TAI 160
DEF 220
SPD 170
ACC 190 [198] 178
EVA 150 [158] 





Daimyō's Shades
Placement: Head
Attributes: Lucky - The wearer of this item gains a +5% increase on all monetary gains.
Special Abilities: Really, Really Lucky - Once per battle or role-play topic, the wearer of this item may make 2 rolls when rolling a 100-sided dice, and take the better result. The usage of this item must be mentioned in the ‘Reason’ of both rolls.


Chainmail Shirt
Placement: Body
Attributes: Underlay - This item may be worn in addition to another item that occupies the same 'Armor Slot'. If this item is destroyed, any other items occupying this slot are also destroyed.
Anti-Bleed; Rank II - When afflicted by the status effect 'Bleeding' the damage dealt to the wearer is reduced by 10x per turn where 'x' is equivalent to the total rank of this attribute affecting the wearer. This effect may not stack with other instances of 'Anti-Bleed'.





Feline Superhuman Sensory
Effect: 'Blind' caused by physical darkness is instead downgraded to 'Impaired Eyesight'; this character is now immune to 'Impaired Eyesight' caused by physical darkness that was not caused by this skill. Similarly, This character passively receives +X to their Accuracy and Evasion stats as long as their eyesight remains unimpaired, where X is equal to their level. This may stack with other effects, but may not cause this character's accuracy or evasion to exceed 1.5 times its base.
Cost: -2


Edited by Cloudnine
Posted (edited)

Tsu has missed the 72 hour posting limit. Since this was not a turn where anyone took action beyond posting stats, we will move forward with first turns.



Yoshito's Speed Percentile is 500. 
Renzukan's Speed Percentile is 223. 
Jikiniki's Speed Percentile is 556. 
Tokei's Speed Percentile is 334. 
Rokuro's Speed Percentile is 371. 
Ichigo's Speed Percentile is 334. 
Monster's Speed Percentile is 417. 

The order of turns, assuming that there are no changes in speed, will be as follows:
Renzukan, whose Turn Order is 223, and which will be 446 at the end of the turn. (Turn #1)
Tokei, whose Turn Order is 334, and which will be 668 at the end of the turn. (Turn #2)
Ichigo, whose Turn Order is 334, and which will be 668 at the end of the turn. (Turn #3)
Rokuro, whose Turn Order is 371, and which will be 742 at the end of the turn. (Turn #4)
Monster, whose Turn Order is 417, and which will be 834 at the end of the turn. (Turn #5)
Renzukan, whose Turn Order is 446, and which will be 669 at the end of the turn. (Turn #6)
Yoshito, whose Turn Order is 500, and which will be 1000 at the end of the turn. (Turn #7)
Jikiniki, whose Turn Order is 556, and which will be 1112 at the end of the turn. (Turn #8)
Tokei, whose Turn Order is 668, and which will be 1002 at the end of the turn. (Turn #9)
Ichigo, whose Turn Order is 668, and which will be 1002 at the end of the turn. (Turn #10)

Edited by PandaMattMatt
Posted (edited)

Renzukan grinned, glancing around at the group that had gathered.  He pulled back the hood of his jacket as he looked back to the hideous beast that stood before them.  “Well, looks like everyone else is busy elsewhere.  I guess this one is on us to take down.”  His hands came together in a series of seals and two exact replicas of him appeared.  All three lowered into an aggressive stance as he prepared to attack.




Techniques Used:


Clone Technique | Bunshin no Jutsu
Type: Ninjutsu 
Rank: Academy Student 
Cost: 5x Chakra 
Effect: This technique may be used in the Setup Phase or Main Phase. When determining the cost of this technique "x" is considered to be the number of "Clones" created by the user and may never be greater than 2. "Clones" have 1 Health and 1% of the user's other statistics. "Clones" are not physical, and may not use items, techniques or attack during their turn. The user of this technique gains +20 Evasion or +20 Accuracy for every "Clone" on the battlefield. The effects of 'Clones' may be ignored by any character with heightened senses (i.e; Byakugan, Path of the Sensor, Inuzuka Smell Tracker, etc). This technique may be used in the Setup Phase 1 time per battle. 
Description: A technique that most students are required to be proficient in before they can graduate from the academy, the Bunshin no Jutsu is the most basic of the myriad of clone techniques that exist in the world. By properly molding their chakra, the user is capable of creating near perfect replicas of themselves. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the basic clone technique does not produce physical clones but creates something more akin to a projected image, which is a real image that has no form. The Clone Technique is considered an E-Ranked jutsu, and is not very powerful, but with practice and ingenuity many shinobi have come to use it in masterful ways. Most often stalling by hiding out among their clones, or setting themselves up for a strong offensive.
Points: Free Upon Creation



Applicable Skills:



Tree Climbing Training

Effect: Characters with this skill gain one of the following effects permanently;

• Gain a -10% Chakra cost reduction on any chakra-based technique.

Description: The idea behind climbing vertical surfaces to improve one’s chakra control is not new. Many shinobi traditions have taught it for years under different names. The exact details of the training vary, but the concept is simple, to climb a vertical surface one must focus a static amount of chakra to the soles of their feet. If too little chakra is applied, one simply falls. If too much chakra is used, they will repel themselves from the surface. The key is applying just the right amount, a trick which has many applications in the world of the shinobi.
Requirements: 15-Post Jōnin Training, x In-Character Time (Normal; 14 Days, Gifted; 12 Days, Genius; 10 Days, Prodigy; 8 Days, Legendary; 6 Days)
Cost: -1 SP[Jonin-Taught]




Setup Phase: N/A


Main Phase:

Renzukan used Bunshin no Jutsu to create 2 clones

+40 to Accuracy

New Accuracy: 200+40(Bunshin no Jutsu)-24(Mist Climate)=216

Cost: 10-1(Tree Climbing Training)=9


Lose Phase:

Loss: 0 Health|-9 Chakra|0 Staminga

Gain: 0 Health|+8 Chakra|0 Stamina

Total: 0 Health|-1 Chakra|0 Stamnia


Turn Order: 223+223=446

Edited by Renzukn
Posted (edited)

Tokei was pleasantly surprised at the fact that his teammate had also heard the cries for help and stepped into action. "Rho, it awhile hasn't it how are you doing?" Tokei needed to act soon for he needed to turn the battle in specifically tokei's favor while tokei was aware of the monster strength but how it tore trees straight out of the ground he knew he need to conservative or he would deplete any chance he had of helping everyone else win  


No Action is taken 



Turn order: 668

Edited by disthawk12
I made a post:Disthawk12
Posted (edited)

The Furousha's sand colored ears swiveled to the sound of a familiar voice. Tokei. His teammate had been busy and his whereabouts were largely unknown. Under normal circumstances Rho would be glad to see Tokei as a friend who'd been away, but under the threat of demonic invasion the gennin was glad to see Tokei as an additional asset in battle. "I could be better, I guess." For obvious reasons- exhibit A was the many-armed freak before them. "How about you, Tokei? It has been some time." 


With a snarl, Rho honed his feline claws. They were keen and pointed, and buffed to a deadly shine. His stance shifted so that he was ready to pounce at any moment. The gennin around him were in the process of readying themselves too. They needed to hurry, as it seemed like the monster was headed their way, fast. "Let's make this count!"



Turn 0 
Climate is Mist! Rho's new accuracy: 178
Drawing: Lefty and Righty!


Type: Claw [Arsenal of the Cat God]
Size: Medium
Level: 5
Sharpened Edge II [When calculating the damage of this weapon, treat this weapon as if it were 10x levels higher. The value of 'x' is the number of ranks of 'Sharpened Edge'. Maximum of 3 ranks may be purchased. This shares ranks with the attribute 'Lightened Craft'.]
Description: Good ol' righty. Can always rely on righty.

Type: Claw [Arsenal of the Cat God]
Size: Medium
Level: 5
Sharpened Edge II [When calculating the damage of this weapon, treat this weapon as if it were 10x levels higher. The value of 'x' is the number of ranks of 'Sharpened Edge'. Maximum of 3 ranks may be purchased. This shares ranks with the attribute 'Lightened Craft'.]
Description: Good ol' lefty. Does everything righty can, and more.

Choosing to gain charges in Wild Beast Style!


Wild Beast Style
The Wild Beast Style takes the concept of self control within a battle and refocuses its energy in a new direction. This style, rumored to have been started by tribesmen who lived and died by the whim of the harsh forests and grasslands of Hara no Kuni, is based around the concept of perseverance. As a battle progresses, users of this style will build up a battle rage which can be focused in a devastating show of force and control. In addition, one of this style has been known to draw attention during the battle, making themselves impossible to ignore at their peak, allowing allies time to gather their strength.
Effect: In addition to gaining Rage Counters through successful strikes with Wild Beast Style techniques, the user will also gain a Rage Counter every time they take damage from an opponent per turn, including ghost damage). A user may not gain more than one Rage Counter per opponent attacking them in a single turn. Additionally, Rage Counters may be spent in one of the following three ways.
1. The user may at any time spend a Rage Charge to increase the chance to hit with a Wild Beast Style technique by 2x% and raise its base damage by 5x% rounded down, with x being equal to the amount of charges spent. In addition, until the end of their next setup phase their speed is considered to be increased by 5x% their base speed.
2. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Rage Charges.
3. The user may spend x Rage Charges in their setup phase, targeting a single opponent. The targeted opponent will roll 1d100 in their Response Phase. If they roll below 20x they MUST at their next possible Main Phase target the user with their action. If the target is a higher ninja rank than the user then the chance to hit is lowered to 10x instead.
Cost: [starter Skill]



Turn: [HP: - | CH: - | ST: - ]
Total: [HP: - | CH: - | ST: - ]
Speed Percentile: 371
Turn Order: 472





Arsenal of the Cat God [Rank 2]
Effect: This character gains two (2) 'Claw'-type medium weapons with the attribute 'Free-handed' upon taking this skill's first rank. 'Claw'-type weapons granted by this skill possess a level equal to x(y/3), wherein x is equal to this character's level and y is equal to the current number of ranks in this skill. When purchasing ranks in this skill, this character may select 'Sharpened Edge' or 'Lightened Craft' and apply one rank of that attribute to both 'Claw'-type weapons. These weapons have a maximum level of 120 and may only have additional upgrades through skills.
Cost: -2
Feline Superhuman Sensory
Effect: 'Blind' caused by physical darkness is instead downgraded to 'Impaired Eyesight'; this character is now immune to 'Impaired Eyesight' caused by physical darkness that was not caused by this skill. Similarly, This character passively receives +X to their Accuracy and Evasion stats as long as their eyesight remains unimpaired, where X is equal to their level. This may stack with other effects, but may not cause this character's accuracy or evasion to exceed 1.5 times its base.
Cost: -2



Edited by Cloudnine
Posted (edited)

(As we are well beyond 72 hours ichigo forfeits his turn. Lets get this party back up and running)


"I can't wait to get my teeth on all of these meat bags. But you all will do as appetizers." The creature said as he looked at those who would shield it's future victims from its hunger. It was in no rush, but that didn't mean it wanted to be bothered with such little things, and so it vowed to make their deaths quick and come back to suck the marrow from their bones dry later. The creatures muscles began to tense as it prepared itself for battle.


Speed Percentile: 417
Turn Order: 834


Edited by Seigen
Posted (edited)

Having had enough conversation with the disgusting beast already, Renzukan moved in, closing the distance in a matter of seconds.  His feet planted firmly as he thrust both hands forward in an open palm strike that resembled a simple push.  His target was the creature’s legs and, if his hit was successful, he would hopefully unbalance the beast.  



Response Phase: N/A


Setup Phase: N/A


Main Phase:

Renzukan uses Ikkyo: Irimi against the monster

Cost: 40-10[Steadfast Durability Rank II]=30 Stamina

Chance to hit: 60[Base] + 21[Accuracy Mod]=81%

Damage: 25[Base] + 10 [Martial Artist Rank II] + 50 [Tai Modifier] = 85 Damage

Effects: Renzukan gains 2 Counter Charges if the monster fails to dodge


Techniques Used:



Ikkyo: Irimi 一教:入り [First Teaching: Entering]

Type: Taijutsu [ Desert Aikido ]

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina

Damage: 25 Damage

Effect: If this is the first “Desert Aikido” performed by the user in battle, this jutsu will generate an extra “Counter Charge” if it hits the opponent.

Description: The most basic of Aikido movements, the First Teaching is all about positioning and proper balance. The “Entering” motion involves both hands being thrust forward into the opponent, testing their balance and giving knowledge of their footing to the executor. With enough force it is possible to knock an opponent backwards with this maneuver, but its purpose is an exploratory one, so that further techniques have higher rates of success.



Applicable Skills:



Martial Artist[Desert Aikido] Rank II

For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 damage per strike (per rank).

Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.

Ex: Genin Basic attacks gain +3 damage per strike, Chuunin +6 per strike, etc.


Steadfast Durability Rank II

Your stamina knows no bounds! Your body is able to push harder and for longer durations than that of your companions.

Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. This shares ranks with the skill 'Inner Calm'.

Ex: Genin techniques cost -5 Stamina, Chuunin techniques cost -10 Stamina, etc.

Cost: -1 SP per 2 ranks(Path of the Warrior: Elegant Warrior)



Lose Phase:

Loss: 0 Health| 0 Chakra|-30 Staminga

Gain: 0 Health|+8 Chakra|+10 Stamina

Total: 0 Health| 0 Chakra|-20 Stamnia


Turn Order: 446 + 223 = 669


[[ @Kouta is up next with a turn order of 500 ]]

Edited by Renzukn

Jikiniki glared over at the beast, its lumbering form sending shivers once more down her spine. It was grotesque, but her impromptu allies had begun their assault and, crunching her tooth pic between her teeth, Jikiniki refused to be left behind. Chakra flooded her eyes and brought the beast before her to life as its chakra circulatory system sprung to life. It was nothing like what she'd seen in humans before (not that that surprised her much), so she dreaded the work it would take for her to work out the weak points she was dealing with here.

There was no trainer quite like practice though, and Jikiniki threw herself forward, chakra surging around her fingertips as she sought to strike out at the pulsing masses of chakra that beat with a sickly pulsation that set her own heart beat to quicken. She knew she alone could do little, but maybe with the others by her side...there was hope yes...

==Response Phase==
No Action

==Setup Phase==

Activating Byakugan
Cost: 5 Chakra

Jikiniki's New Stats:


(Taijutsu) 100
(Defense) 20
(Ninjutsu) 0
(Genjutsu) 0
(Concentration) 0
(Speed) 80
(Accuracy) 80 [100]
(Evasion) 60

Critical Hit Range increased by 5%.

1 Trigram Charge generated

==Main Phase==
Performing technique Hakke Hachi Shō | Eight Trigrams Eight Palms | 八卦八号掌


Type: Taijutsu [Jūken | Hijutsu; Hyūga | Dōjutsu; Byakugan]
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 15 Stamina; 15 Chakra
Damage: 10
Effect: The target of this technique is afflicted with 3 turns of the status effects ‘Damaged Muscles; 1’.
Description: The Eight Trigrams Palms are renowned the world over, as an extremely versatile derivative of the Jūken taijutsu. Being one of the Hyūga clan’s most powerful attacks, for many generations, the variants of this jutsu were only taught to members of the Main House to ensure that their secrets might never be stolen in some way. The power of these jutsu, is in the their ability to be combined with the Byakugan, and the Jūken style of taijutsu to surgically inject one’s own chakra into the tenketsu of an enemy, locking down that part of the body, and hindering movement, and the molding of chakra. While many believe the Thirty-Two Palms to be the most basic incarnation of the technique, some of the youngest and most gifted Hyuuga start their path towards mastering Jūken once they are a real shinobi. Unlike the fully evolved forms of this technique, a student employs sudden and immense bursts of speed to strike an opponent eight times with precise chakra injection into key tenketsu to cripple the muscles of their young opponents. Most Hyuuga who learn this form of the Eight Trigrams Palms grow out of it by the time they are gennin.

Cost: 15 Chakra 15 Stamina
To Hit: 60[Base]+10[Acc]=70%
On Hit: 10[Base]+20[Tai]=30 Damage
1 Chakra and 1 Stamina Damage
Damaged Muscles [1]
Gain 1 Trigram Charge


==Loss Tag==
Loss: HP-|Cha-20|Sta-15
Gain: HP+|Cha+5|Sta+5
Total: HP|Cha-15|Sta-10

Posted (edited)

Tokei looked around and went into a stance based on his eye-catching crow style he saw how the other gennin that were fighting but they needed a strategy because just beating with blind attacks would not help Tokei and Rho looking like the oldest among the group it was up to them to make a team out of the kids that were here with this tokei had said"EVERYONE! We need to formulate a plan this is not going to go well if we try to beat it solo but if we time our attack to benefit the person after then we might have a chance" Hoping this would help everyone around him cooperate Tokei started off the massive combo that he wanted everyone to be a part of with an attack to disrupt the monster concentration making sure that it would stay dazed until the next opponent attacked 


-Response Phase-

No Action

-Setup Phase-

Choosing to gain charge with Eye-Catching Crow Style


Eye-Catching Crow Style | 目を引くカラス流 | Mewohiku Karasu-Ryū

A fighting style developed by Tokei Hatake after witnessing a large crow eat the eyes from a young animal, leaving it weak and helpless to defend itself. This macabre vision inspired him to strike his foes in their eyes, depriving them of the ability to strike him or defend themselves. He would be the wise crow that took the sight of the weak lamb, and his foes would fall before him as all prey are destined to do. This style focuses on making sudden slashes with weapons that are aimed at lacerating the eyes, causing agonizing pain.
Effect: The user may learn techniques of the [Eye-Catching Crow Style] Taijutsu Style and may accumulate "Crow Charges". "Crow Charges" are only gained in the user's Response Phase and only if an opponent suffered the effects of 'Impaired Eyesight' or 'Blind' during their Main Phase on a previous turn. A maximum of one (1) charge can be gained from this effect per opponent per turn. In addition, a character possessing "Crow Charges" may expend them in the following ways:

• The user may spend x "Crow Charges" when performing an attack with the [Eye-Catching Crow Style] tag. If they do, the attack deals an additional 5x% base damage and if the attack hits the opponent loses 2x% of their Accuracy until the end of their next Main Phase.
• The user may spend one (1) "Crow Charges" when performing an attack with the [Eye-Catching Crow Style] tag that inflicts the status 'Impaired Eyesight'. The duration of Impaired Eyesight is increased by two (2) turns, to a maximum of three (3).


-Main Phase-

Using Ranton: Overstimulation


 Ranton: Ka Shigeki|Storm Release: Overstimulation|嵐遁:過刺激
Type: Hybrid [Ninjutsu|Taijutsu|Storm|Eye-Catching Crow]
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 30 Chakra and 30 Stamina
Damage: 15
Effect: Impaired Eyesight [1], Impaired Hearing [2]
Description: The user creates an orb of chakra in the air above them, glowing with storm energy like a miniature sun. As the orb lowers, they deliver a powerful heel kick to it, sending it careening into the opponent’s head, dazzling their senses with the sudden onslaught of power.

Using Subtle Lightning




Health Chakra Stamina

-       30      30


Health Chakra Stamina

 -        7        


Health Chakra Stamina

-       23       22

Status Effects: N/a


Speed Percentile: 1002


Damage: 15+35+35+20=105

To hit: 60+8+18=86

Applicable Skills



Combinatorial; Storm

May use Storm Element techniques. The first time a target of a Storm Element attack successfully dodges damage from the attack, they must dodge an additional strike of the Storm Element with the same chance to hit. The additional strike deals 20% of the total damage that was dodged and has no effects. This may only trigger once per attack. In addition, the user may choose to apply the bonus from one of the Subtle Elements skills required to learn this element if they own it.





Ninjutsu Mastery (Storm) Rank 4

A master of the ninja magic arts, you bend your specialty element to your whim.

For each rank of this skill choose a Ninjutsu Element.

Ninjutsu of the chosen type of Element will deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Void" Ninjutsu as your chosen element, which would include any Ninjutsu that does not fall under a specific type of element.

Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.




Subtle Elements; Lightning
Effect: May use Lightning element techniques. All Lightning Techniques have a +8% chance to hit. All 5 “Subtle Element” skills share ranks.


@Tsu Is up next

Edited by disthawk12

The monster seemed awfully... patient, being greedy as it was. As eager as the atrocity seemed to sink its teeth into human flesh, it shuffled about, waiting. For what? For one of them to slip up? The other gennin already charged towards it. As always, Rho hesitated. Tokei mentioned something similar to the young man's train of thought: to go into this battle without a plan was just an invitation for the monster's massive maw to pick them off one by one. At the same time though, if they could all overpower the monster in one fell swoop at the beginning, wouldn't that be ideal?


Rho would nod at Tokei's words. "We need to see what this thing can do! But be careful." Feline claws honed, the Furousha gennin lashed forth with his left. The strike was poised to cross jaggedly across the monster's leg. 




Turn 1
Climate is Mist! Rho's new accuracy: 178




Striking once with Lefty!




Type: Claw [Arsenal of the Cat God]

Size: Medium

Level: 5


Sharpened Edge II [When calculating the damage of this weapon, treat this weapon as if it were 10x levels higher. The value of 'x' is the number of ranks of 'Sharpened Edge'. Maximum of 3 ranks may be purchased. This shares ranks with the attribute 'Lightened Craft'.]


Description: Good ol' lefty. Does everything righty can, and more.


Target: Monster

Damage: 50 [2x level 25 weapon] + 10 [Warrior: Claw II] + 40 [tai mod] = 100 

To-hit: 60 [base] + 17 [acc] = 77%

Turn: [HP: - | CH: - | ST: -6 ]

Regen: [HP: - | CH: - | ST: +10 ]
Total: [HP: - | CH: - | ST: - ]
Speed Percentile: 371
Turn Order: 1113





Warrior [Claw, Rank 2]

Effect: For each rank of this skill choose a specific weapon type. An attack from the chosen weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes.

Cost: -2




[Monster has missed the 72 hour deadline and loses its turn.]


Following up on the barrage of attacks that his fellow Genin had produced, the Hanabi boy formed a set of seals before pulling back his right sleeve, his hand started to glow.  He lunged forward again, his glowing hand aimed directly at what he assumed was the beast’s eyes.  A small explosion of colorful chakra erupted from his palm.  A low, guttural growl escaped him as he swung as hard as he could at the monster, wanting to put out as much damage as quickly as he possibly could and hopefully end the fight quickly.


Response Phase: N/A


Setup Phase: N/A


Main Phase:

Renzukan uses Desert Aikido; Flashbang Strike against the monster

Cost: 40-10[Steadfast Durability Rank II]=30 Stamina & 40 - 4[Tree Climbing Training] = 36 Chakra

Target: The Monster

Chance to hit: 60[Base] + 21[Accuracy Mod]=81%

Damage: 30[Base] + 10 [Martial Artist Rank II] + 50 [Tai Modifier] +35[Nin Modifier] = 125 Damage

Effects: Monster is Stunned for 1 Turn, Monster must roll for Firework Effect, Monster takes 7 Burning Damage next turn


Techniques Used:



Desert Aikido; Flashbang Strike

Type:  Ninjutsu/Taijutsu Hybrid [Firework][Desert Aikido]

Rank: Gennin

Cost: 40 Stamina + 40 Chakra

Damage: 30

Effects: Target is Stunned for 1 Turn

Description:  The user gathers chakra in the palm of their hand and, after slipping inside of the opponent’s guard, detonates a small explosion as they strike at the target’s face.

Points: -5



Applicable Skills:



Martial Artitst[Desert Aikido] Rank 2

For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 damage per strike (per rank).

Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.

Ex: Genin Basic attacks gain +3 damage per strike, Chuunin +6 per strike, etc.

Cost: -1 SP for 2 Ranks [Brutal Warrior]

Combinatorial; Firework

Allows the use of the Firework element. Opponents hit by a technique with the Firework element roll a 1d20. 1-4 results in one (1) turn of "Impaired Hearing", 4-7 results in one (1) turn of "Impaired Eyesight". A roll of 4 results in both status effects being applied.

Requirements: Subtle Elements: Fire and Subtle Elements Lightning

Cost: 0 SP[Heart of the Firework]


Subtle Elements; Fire

May use Fire element techniques. All Fire techniques deal an additional 5% of their total damage in 'Burning' damage on the following turn, rounded up. All 5 'Subtle Element' skills share ranks, however each skill may only be taken once.

Cost: -1 SP


Steadfast Durability; Rank 2

Your stamina knows no bounds! Your body is able to push harder and for longer durations than that of your companions.

Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. This shares ranks with the skill 'Inner Calm'.

Ex: Genin techniques cost -5 Stamina, Chuunin techniques cost -10 Stamina, etc.

Cost: -1 SP per 2 ranks(Path of the Warrior: Elegant Warrior)


Tree Climbing Training

Effect: Characters with this skill gain one of the following effects permanently;

• Gain a -10% Chakra cost reduction on any chakra-based technique.

Description: The idea behind climbing vertical surfaces to improve one’s chakra control is not new. Many shinobi traditions have taught it for years under different names. The exact details of the training vary, but the concept is simple, to climb a vertical surface one must focus a static amount of chakra to the soles of their feet. If too little chakra is applied, one simply falls. If too much chakra is used, they will repel themselves from the surface. The key is applying just the right amount, a trick which has many applications in the world of the shinobi.

Requirements: 15-Post Jōnin Training, x In-Character Time (Normal; 14 Days, Gifted; 12 Days, Genius; 10 Days, Prodigy; 8 Days, Legendary; 6 Days)

Cost: -1 SP[Jonin-Taught]



Lose Phase:

Loss: 0 Health| 36 Chakra|-30 Staminga

Gain: 0 Health|+8 Chakra|+10 Stamina

Total: 0 Health| -28 Chakra|-40 Stamina


Starting Turn Order: 892

Speed Percentile: 223

New Turn Order: 1115


[[@Kouta  is up next with a turn order of 1000 ]]



As the groups latest series of attacks bounced of the creatures sternum. They were more of an annoyance than anything, but they did manage to stall the monster long enough day to come one more.

"Damnit, times up already? I didn't even get to eat much." Soon the mist that had appeared when they descended upon the land arrived once more to sweep them away just as quickly. 


"See you next time, meatbags."



Thank you for participating, each ninja in your team receives the following rewards for your heroic actions, in addition to the previously discovered rewards:


4 Milk Chocolate Shuriken
-A four pronged piece of chocolate shaped to look like a Shuriken. A classic treat for children dressed as ninjas.
Effect: Gain 1 JP when this candy is eaten.
Value: $25
2 Pumpkin Juice 
-A small wax bottle containing a sweet orange liquid. Even the small amount in the bottle packs a punch of flavor including cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin and just a little hint of something spicy.
Effect: This candy may be eaten when your character receives experience. When you eat this candy, you gain +100 EXP. Only one "Pumpkin Juice" may be eaten per thread.

Value: $50
2 Black Licorice Bats
-Only psychopaths like this candy. The unforgettable flavor of the licorice root in the shape of a hairy bat, complete with little strands that get caught in your teeth. Makes a squeaking sound when you eat it.
Effect: When this candy is eaten, you may increase the word-count of the post that this candy was consumed in by +200 Words. Eating multiple 'Black Licorice Bats' may stack this effect to a maximum of +400 words.
Value: $50


2 Dark Chocolate Kunai
Effect: When this candy is consumed, the user's Chakra and Stamina Regeneration is doubled for 1 turn. Only 1 of this type of item may be used per battle.
Description: A candy made of rich dark chocolate that melts in your mouth the instant it touches your tongue. The luscious creamy texture is complimented by a slightly sweet taste, but ends with a satisfying, slightly bitter, finish. Oh, and it's shaped like a Kunai, cause ninjas.

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