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Name: Bellybutton piercing

Item Slots Taken: One

Effect: If the final product of the Accuracy stat of the user's attack is below 50%, he/she gains a 15% increase to that total before the minimum (cap).

Description: A nondescript piercing of the bellybutton, set in the area where the wearer's chakra is most plentiful. It is said to enhance the natural flow of a person's chakra and boost their ability to react.

-User must post this along with stats, skills, etc. before a battle is initiated.

-User's stats are at 50% for two RL days, or two IC days (Whichever is longer) after receiving this piercing.

-User must role-play having the piercing done, either at a professional establishment or done by themselves/a friend.

Cost: $130

Edited by Rhapsody

First one, price has to go up. WAY up. Making chakra invulnerable to people your level or lower is a really major effect. In fact, I don't even know if we want an EQ doing that. Sounds much more like a skill.

Second, Make sure to specify that is adds the 2% before the minimum is put into play.


(Lulz. Just wait. there's going to be a staff topic about this! D:)

First - changed a little bit. :x Upped the price, although I don't really think it's enough. Dx

Second - So if your to-hit chance was 5%, then you'd add on to that instead of the minimum of 15%? o_o


First one I would say for a failure chance of 50% it should cost a lot more still, wait for someone else though. IDK if stuff like this has been approved before.

And no, you add it on before. So like, if after mods you had a 10% chance to hit, then you would gain the bonus from the earrings to go up to 22%. If you did it after the minimum you would start at 15% and get boosted to 27%. (Which would basically make 27% your new minimum to hit if it wasn't done before capping.)


:\, well needless to say, that needs repricing. $111 is just a joke price <_< I can't believe they were dumb enough to approve that...

By extension, since it is sill a tank stat, why wouldn't it be logical to block attacks against HP? This to me seems much more like a skill if anything. I don't see how an item can give this effect and not just make the user completely impervious to attacks.


just add 'cap' after the word minimum in the effect.


and ask Warr about Suna, I made him kage of the village, so he is in charge of all trafficing there and back.

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