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Ninjutsu Blade

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Attribute: Ninjutsu Blade

Weapon: All except thrown weapons

Description: The weapon has been imbued with the ability to be used harmoniously with the wielder's chakra, rather than relying on pure brute strength.

Effect: Uses Ninjutsu stat for damage modifications. Opponent defends as if attacked with a 'normal' sword.

Cost: $750

Edited by dowhatnow
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As much as I'd pull for it to happen/be allowed, I doubt Cntr would. A similar effect for artifact/legendary weapons is one thing, but not for general use.

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The one I made is not "Alchem only" for use, it just can only be created by an Alchem.

Brings up something that's been bothering me; I don't think that Ninjutsu should really ever modify weapon damage. Even if it was explained with gruesome detail, without heightening the cost significantly, it seems pretty unlikely; considering that most weapons use physical motion and momentum to inflict damage, even using ideas involving Ninjutsu 'sharpening' the weapon would still be reliant on physical strength and skill.

I just think that the idea by whole should be thrown out. Nothing wrong with using Taijutsu for weapons; least it keeps people from throwing all their stats into one place

(at the very least, aside from being limited to the Alchem, it should 'cost' more, since you're replacing the focus of physical strength; the energy has to come from somewhere)

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The one I made is not "Alchem only" for use, it just can only be created by an Alchem.

Then it may as well be Alchem-only.

(at the very least, aside from being limited to the Alchem, it should 'cost' more, since you're replacing the focus of physical strength; the energy has to come from somewhere)

I find this section of RN's post very agreeable. Not that the rest of it isn't logically sound, but this is the only portion I find relevant to this ability.

Up the cost, then maybe?

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