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Cellar Door

2 Skills

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Effect: When targeted by any attack that has a chance of inflicting the status effect ‘Prone’, characters with this skill have a 100% chance of being inflicted with ‘Prone’ for the duration indicated by the attack.
Description: There’s a good chance that any skinny person you encounter is going to be swifter and more agile than their bigger counterparts, but it is equally true that when a tough guy hits a scrawny person they fall down.
Cost: +1

Genetic Block [bloodline Branch]
Effect: Characters with this skill must specify 1 branch from a bloodline that they possess. Characters with this skill may not purchase ranks of the chosen branch of the bloodline.
Description: Not all shinobi are perfect creatures, despite the many generations of breeding that have gone into producing superior warriors. Some, even those with powerful genetic mutations have problems using those abilities. In some cases this may be due to a mental inhibition, a subconscious reluctance, or a physical disability.
Cost: +1

Edited by Cellar Door
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Skinny: Do you get inflicted with Prone for one turn or do you always get hit with the full duration of whatever was targeting you?

Genetic Block: This seems okay, if we could price in fractions I would probably put this effect around a +1.5. Not sure how valuable I think people getting additional SP for saving their SP is worth. I want to lean towards +1 instead of +2.

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