Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Posted July 22, 2015 ☸ Watanabe Izanagi ☸ Both the victor and the vanquished are but drops of dew, but bolts of lightning - thus should we view the world. - Ôuchi Yoshitaka Character Information History Statistics Bloodline Positive Skills Hindering Skills Ninjutsu Techniques Taijutsu Techniques Genjutsu Techniques Hybrid Techniques Equipment Inventory Logs
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) ➣ Name: Watanabe Izanagi ➣ Nickname: -- ➣ Village: Kirigakure no Sato | Village Hidden in the Mists ➣ Nationality: Tetsu no Kuni | Land of Iron ➣ Clan: Watanabe | Exiled ➣ Age: 15 ➣ Birth Date: September 19 ➣ Gender: Male ➣ IQ: 124 ➣ Blood Type: O + ➣ Sexual Preference: Bisexual- Male Preference ➣ Voice Actor: -- Appearance ➣Height: 5'7 ➣Weight: 132 lbs ➣Hair: Long, Black ➣Eyes: Sharp, Blue-Grey ➣Description: Watanabe Izanagi is a teen of very sleight build. While his musculature is toned and carries an amount of strength to be expected from one with such an intensive upbringing, his form favors speed in every way. His body is without significant scarring, save for the small and lightly colored cuts found on his hands- these presumably originated with sword training from an early age. Izanagi's hair is long and corvid in hue, typically worn pulled into a ponytail while allowing his bangs to hang freely in his face. Though sharp featured and typically fitted with a stoic gaze, the teen's expression could rarely be considered severe- there is a particularly warm kindness that hides behind his lightly colored eyes. Izanagi's attire varies greatly based on the situation, though he seems to prefer a wardrobe that accounts and allows for the use of a long, military overcoat; this overcoat is black with golden trim and is a momento from his days within the Watanabe clan. He greatly dislikes the shinobi sandals and prefers to wear them very rarely, often opting instead for civilian boots or sports shoes. He is quite literally never seen without his sword- even as a Samurai in exile, he considers it near to a sin to be far removed from his blade. Persona ➣Likes: Spicy Candy, Simple Rice Dishes, Poetry, Cooking(though he is quite terrible at it), Combat, Hot Tea ➣Dislikes: Loud individuals, Overbearing Conviction, "Wasting Time", Rain/Storms, Vivacious Women ➣Synopsis: Watanabe Izanagi is an individual that runs parallel, but distinctively separate, from his kin in the Land of Iron. While a devoted civil servant with a strong sense of right and wrong, his perceptions of such Samurai concepts as Absolute Honor are starkly differing. He is an individual who believes that Honor is ultimately found in victory, and that an individual slain maintaining his honor can in no way continue to benefit his lord or the society in which he dwells. It was for this reason that his development of a subtle methods of Kenjutsu saw him expelled from the Land of Iron, and indeed, from the Watanabe clan of Samurai. Tasked with finding honor in a world of the honorless, he is a boy who actively searches for the good in each person, though without the naivety that such outlooks typically bring- he by no means believes that every individual is inherently good or evil, but rather that they inherently have the capacity for both. It is in this task and belief combined that one may witness his ultimate dedication to a task presented to him; Izanagi is not one to give up, as his pride is quiet but large. While it is not something that frequently finds him in misfortune, it does occasionally lead him to push himself beyond his own natural limits, sometimes training or sparring until his muscles could not suffer him to stand. The boy-Samurai is ultimately a kind and giving soul looking to blend many walks of life into a more harmonious, unified existence. In this, he finds friend in Samurai, Peasant, and Shinobi all the same. He is polite and well mannered, but does not fall so far into tradition as to refer to others almost exclusively by their surname. He respects the boundaries of others and expects his own to be respected in turn. Though friendly and well-meaning, he has a queer sense of humor that tends to fall to the annoyance of those around him. With a particular appreciation for puns and deadpan jokes, he is often seen laughing alone; to Izanagi, it is a shame that more do not appreciate the "subtle" humor present in wordplay. Almost ironically, despite his enjoyment of wordplay, the Watanabe youth is rather terrible at solving riddles, and by extension, difficult puzzles. His thought processes are typically straight and simple, leaving little room for the more flexible line of thinking required for riddles. Almost paradoxically, he has a great appreciation for vague and very metaphorical poetry; however, often times, he misconstrues the text's actual meaning, and tends to quote it out of context. To the chagrin to those around him, he enjoys quoting the aforementioned poetry with great frequency. Edited July 23, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) History ☸ Prologue | The Death of a Swallow; [x] To live and to die with Honor. What such a life entail? What is Honor, and why was it something that has plagued the Samurai since the inception of their perhaps falsely noble code. Was it wrong for man to reach so feebly for an ideal that was so far beyond their natural capacity? Why, too, was it considered virtuous and noble to lay down your life for a Lord who had commanded you to do something in fact dishonorable? These were such questions that plagued Watanabe Izanagi at the moment whereupon he stared down the length of his still-unsullied blade, with its tip pointed at the stoic visage of his father. Why had he encouraged her to do what she did? His teeth ground into each other with the full force of his frustration. Izanagi lifted his blade above his head and readied himself for the next strike. Blood trickled down his arm and splashed onto his face and coat as he did so, and he witnessed his father slowly slide his own katana back into its sheath, readying himself in the typical methods of Iaidō. The man was almost toying with Izanagi, and they both knew it. He was fledgling, a child in an arena reserved for the honorable deaths of men representing ideals that were far beyond his own grief. Why had the elder man let it come to this? Was his own misguided sense of honor so twisted as to allow him to slay his own son in defense of a challenged ideal? The silence of the bystanders to this arena answered that question for the boy-samurai. Even still, he knew that the prolonged nature of this duel was buried deep within his father, a parental instinct that made him hesitate, as if he could allow the boy to surrender and see the err in his ways. Yet, there was no surrender in a clashing of swords; this was the land of Iron, the sheath to the great blade that represented the will of the Samurai- there was no honor in accepting a dueling opponent’s defeat, as there was no honor in surrendering. Honor! The word was poison on Izanagi’s lips. He believed in nobility, in the inherent capacity for righteousness in every man and woman’s soul. But… this was not honor, this was a game over the death of a warrior slaughtered. In Izanagi’s heart, there was vengeance and there was sadness. She had believed so fervently in bringing honor to the great Watanabe name, and he had allowed her sword to swing at a darkness greater than herself. Why? The duelists slid into position again, Izanagi’s ragged breath serving as a macabre symphony to this tragedy. He stepped forward, and with him, his blade descended. The shimmering arc of the unquenched blade sliced elegantly through nothingness, and it was rewarded with a biting pain in Izanagi’s right arm. His father had moved past him, cutting deeply into the boy’s limb as he passed. Was this truly a parent battling mercy and reluctance, or was this a lesson in knowing one’s place. Izanagi spun, his blade now curving horizontally toward his father’s position; it would miss if he continued to fight as he did, of course- and that was why he did not. In the midst of the katana’s shrill wind, his wrist twisted, and brought the blade in a downward slope. For the first time, then, he felt it bite into the meat of his father’s leg. Were he allowed, it would have been a moment of celebration- he had landed a blow on perhaps the then-greatest Samurai within the Watanabe. Yet, he was remiss to celebrate, as the simple fact was that he had wounded one of his few remaining family members. Was it fate that had pitted family against itself so soon after the painful spasms of loss? His hesitation at that moment brought another lance of pain shooting through his side. His precious crimson life flooded down the groove atop his father’s blade as it was slowly extracted from the boy’s side. Such pain was a gift of nostalgia however, as it brought back those days in training alongside his father- the shinai clattering against one another as he was taught the fundamentals of Kenjutsu. Even then, his preferences in combat had been scolded and looked down upon. As he had struck his father just then, he had previously played with such slightly deceptive tactics. To the lad, it was a show of skill to outthink his opponent’s steps, to catch them reading his body and not his mind. It was dishonorable, his father had said. Even now, as Izanagi turned again to face the man, he could see the distaste for his tactics upon his otherwise stoic expression. Strangely, the pain from his father’s own wound had not caused so much as a grimace. Perhaps that was the measure of a man who was accustomed to the injuries of combat, to the sacrifices of war. Damn him! He sent her to her death! Where his father’s stern and strict methods of training had failed, she had taken over and guided, instructed him… Sasaki. Her name fell into his thoughts like a leaf caressing the surface of a raging deluge- one that had become a still pond. She was there, even in her demise, to remind him of what mattered. Honor was a fool’s game, and nobility was a luxury that one did not always have; these are the things she would tell him before departing to the next battle, to the next danger. It didn’t make sense to him, why his elder sibling had so sought after the approval of her father, even after saying such things. Somewhere, in his battle-ragged mind, he knew the truth of the matter. She was a woman in the ever patriarchal society of Samurai, one who had to fight so much harder and win that much more to prove her worth. It had taken all of her too-short life, some eighteen years, to gain his recognition. Through strife and struggle, she proved her skill and her resolve, and was in many ways the greatest swordsman that the Watanabe had ever seen- it was said that she had achieved such levels of kenjutsu that the laws of the world bowed before her skill. How ironic was it that she had inherited all of such skill and it was the sole male heir that had been named for the progenitor of some ancient gods. The Male Who Invites, Izanagi’s name meant that he was there to invite fortune and prosperity into his father’s line, where a near-barren mother had only mustered two children after some two decades of efforts; he was the boy, and was to be the greatest. There was such poetic irony in the Watanabe, that the daughter would die repelling Kumogakure from the Watanabe’s holdings in the Land of Iron, and that the son was now to be found throwing his life away to avenge her ultimately meaningless death. Though it had been years past, thinking of it even now was a bitter wound to his heart. She had died defending the Watanabe name, only for Kumogakure’s shinobi forces to be pushed out of the country but days later by the arrival of reinforcements from other Samurai clans. Her death, ultimately, was meaningless. In some convoluted way, Izanagi hoped now to give it meaning. When he died here, in this arena, his father would be forced to acknowledge that somewhere, he had gone wrong. There was a sudden shriek of steel scraping against steel as Izanagi somehow found the strength to parry his father’s next strike. Their blades remained locked only for a moment, before the younger Samurai was thrown away by the shear strength of his father. He slid back, through puddles of a storm past. He laid there for a moment, propped onto a single arm, and stared at his father. His blood mingled with the dirty water, soaking further into his clothes. Even still, the elder man showed no remorse, as if this was as much an example to the rest of the Watanabe. That was precisely it, wasn’t it? Izanagi’s death would prove nothing to his father, but everything to the rest of the clan. It would show them that Honor prevailed, and that there was to be nothing mourned about laying one’s life down for a cause that they believed in. Dying here meant nothing. So, why not fight? Izanagi pulled himself to his feet and stared down his father, who even now moved closer to place what would likely be the killing blow. His mind called back again to those days of diligent training with his sister, and then to the delivery of her Death Poem. There was no body, they had said- she had been destroyed by the thunder and the lightning; in a cruel dagger’s twist, his father had not allowed Izanagi to even read the death poem. Discarded quickly in the fire, Izanagi had managed only to see two characters upon the crumpled eulogy- 捜す, “Seek.” Seek what, he had wondered? Life, her voice echoed through his mind as if she had said it only just then, Find life, not Honor. In breaking the chains of Victory, we are liberated to die Sovereign, Alone, Alive. His lips curled into a weak smile, it was a poem that she had recited often after striking a Shinai from his hands so many times that he could no longer wield the practice blade. He had always wondered what that poem had meant, and even when it felt now appropriate to decipher it, his mind was filled only with the searing image of his father’s emotionless face. What better way to finish this, then, than to emulate her greatest accomplishment? His smile dropped, his father was nearly in striking range now. He was still an amateur, inexperienced, incapable of replicating such a feat. He knew it, and… they, the watchers of this deadly duel, did not. His father was in range, now, and he had only one shot to make this work. He would employ the techniques of those who had robbed Sasaki of her vitality- it would be a trick, and his final maneuver. The boy turned to expose his back to his father, then cast a glance over his shoulder. His blade lifted to run parallel to his shoulders, arcing just beyond his body. The elder Watanabe’s eyes widened- he knew this technique, and he knew what it was capable of. His blade came up to ready a defense. He would try to intercept it, using superior speed that he had been holding back for the sake of disciplining the dying boy. It was Izanagi’s only chance. His eyes slid shut, and he felt the warmth of chakra pooling within his core. He heard his father freeze. His life was that of a bird, fleeting and fast- unable to be caught by the swing swing of a blade, but easily trapped within a cage of steel-- of Iron. Izanagi’s eyes snapped open and locked with his father’s, though they looked past him- frozen on some moment in time, some inkling of an impossibility. “Tsubame Gaeshi.” Draining him of all of the strength that he had remaining, he struck out once. He exhaled, a second strike. Then, a third. Within the span of a single breath, his blade rended the elder Watanabe’s torso, tearing his flesh and his ideals asunder. He collapsed to his knees. But a moment later, Izanagi lurched forward- barely catching himself and preventing an unfortunate fall onto his father’s upturned sword. That same sword dropped but a fraction of a second later, and he looked to Izanagi- awaiting the death blow. He had a peculiar look in his eyes, one that the boy had only seen once in his father’s eyes before, when he stared into the embers of Sasaki’s final thoughts. Shame. He knew that he had been deceived by a simple Shinobi trick, and he knew that he was the only one that had witnessed it. To the rest of the world, he had simply frozen. His pride would never recover, and he could not be allowed to suffer the shame. His gaze was stoney, yet somehow pleading. He desired the killing stroke. And Izanagi would not grant it to him- it would sacrifice everything that Sasaki had died for. Instead, he straightened his posture, and for the first time, looked down upon the aged expression of Watanabe Mikoto. He saw the vulnerability, the defeat, and the humanity within the man’s countenance. A scowl replaced the youth’s face, and he cast his bloodied sword to the ground before Mikoto. “I am Sovereign.” With his back turned to his father, he limped away. He heard the gasps of shock from bystanders accompany the sound of ripped cloth. Another step, and he cast a glance over his shoulder. This was the image he would burn into his mind forever: his father, ashamed, with his chest bared to the world- he had a tanto liberated from its sheath and pressed firmly against the left corner of his midsection. Izanagi looked away, unable to carry the weight of his father’s final seconds. The gasp of Mikoto as he plunged his blade into his abdomen was a sound that would linger as some specter in Izanagi’s mind as he wandered the world, free from the burden of honor- and even as he tightly tied the Kirigakure Hitai-ate to his arm. It was just a bad memory of a faraway land. Edited July 23, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Statistics ➣ Rank: Genin➣ Potential: Normal➣ Level: 0➣ Total Experience: 0 500 | 500 Health Power: 50Stamina: 50Chakra: 30 ______________Taijutsu: 40Defense: 40Ninjutsu: 0Genjutsu: 40Concentration: 80 Speed: 60Accuracy: 50Evasion: 60 ➣ Misson Log D Rank: C Rank: B Rank: A Rank: S Rank: Edited July 23, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Positive Skills Skill Point Tally +2 | Starting +2 | Defender +1 | Bisexuality +1 | Skinny +2 | Feeble Minded +2 | Villageless ___________ -1 | Path of the Warrior -2 | Samurai Kenjutsu -1 | Steadfast Durability (2 Ranks) -1 | Martial Artist [Hisei Ittō-ryū] -2 | The Seeing Mind -2 | Hisei Ittō-ryū -1 | Subtle Blade Total Skill Points: 10 Spent: 10 Remaining Skill Points: 0 ➣ Path of the Warrior | -1 | Effect: Gain 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level. - Brutal Warrior: May take 2 Ranks of 'Martial Artist' for 1 skill point. - Elegant Warrior: May gain 2 ranks of 'Steadfast Durability' for 1 skill point. ➣ Hisei Ittō-ryū | -2 | Effect: This is a Taijutsu Style that may only be utilized while the user is wielding a Katana and allows for the purchase and use of Taijutsu techniques with the [Hisei Ittō-ryū] descriptor. This skill allows for the acquisition and spending of “Hiken” charges. “Hiken” Charges are generated in the following ways: Two charges are generated whenever the user successfully attacks a target with a [Hisei Ittō-ryū] technique, and one charge is generated whenever the user equips a Katana as a standard Setup Phase action. If a [Hisei Ittō-ryū] technique is dodged or blocked, the user will lose one “Hiken” charge; additionally, the user will lose one “Hiken” charge any time their Katana is unequipped. “Hiken” charges may be spent in the following ways: • The user may spend one "Hiken" charge as a Setup Phase action; a technique with the [Hisei Ittō-ryū] descriptor used during the following Main Phase gains additional damage equal to the user's Genjutsu Ghost Damage modifier. • Characters with this skill gain a bonus 5X% to hit with [Hisei Ittō-ryū] techniques, where X is equal to the current number of "Hiken" charges that they possess. ➣ Subtle Blade | -1 | Effect: This character may treat [Hisei Ittō-ryū] Genjutsu-Taijutsu hybrids as though they were [seal-less]. ➣ Samurai Kenjutsu | -2 | Effect: This skill allows for the purchase of techniques with the [Hijutsu; Samurai Kenjutsu] descriptor. The skill-taker may now pay chakra to add additional base damage to their [samurai Kenjutsu] techniques and Weapon attacks at a ratio equal to the Ninjutsu cost:damage ratio for their current rank. This additional damage amount may never cause a technique or weapon strike to exceed 1.1+.2x times its base, where X is the number of ranks in this skill. ➣ Steadfast Durability | -1 | 2 Ranks | Effect: Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. This shares ranks with the skill 'Inner Calm'. ➣ Martial Artist [Hisei Ittō-ryū] | -1 | 2 Ranks | Effect: For each rank of this skill choose a Taijutsu Style. Taijutsu of the chosen Style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +3 damage per strike (per rank). ➣ The Seeing Mind | -2 | 1 Rank | Effect: Once per your rank in this skill you may treat your concentration and genjutsu as if they were 1.5x their current value for a single Genjutsu attack aimed at you. The incoming attack cannot be of a higher rank than your own. This may not be used against an attack from a ninja of higher ninja rank than your own. Must be used before the dodge roll is made. Must be mentioned that it is being used when the dodge roll is made. Edited July 25, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Kekkei Genkai Edited July 23, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Hindering Skills ➣ Defender | +2 | Effect: If an incoming non-AoE technique would deal enough damage to knock out an ally, the user must take the attack. User may only apply 50% of their total defensive modifier. Must apply a minimum of once per ally, but may choose to do so more then once. Restriction: Cannot be taken with Protector. Skill must be shared at the start of battle. ➣ Bisexuality | +1 | Effect: Any and all effects that specifically target gender now apply to this character, regardless of the intended target audience. ➣ Skinny | +1 | Effect: When targeted by any attack that has a chance of inflicting the status effect ‘Prone’, characters with this skill have a 100% chance of being inflicted with ‘Prone’ for the duration indicated by the attack. ➣ Feeble Minded | +2 | Effect: Genjutsu techniques last twice as long on you ➣ Village-less | +2 | Effect: This character doe snot gain access to a village element or taijutsu style as though they were part of a village; additionally, this character does not gain resistance to the terrain of a village that they normally are a part of. This cannot be taken with skills such as "No Element", or other such skills that restricts or bans village elements or taijutsu styles already taken by the user. Edited July 23, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Ninjutsu Techniques Jutsu Point Tally +4 | Creation +30 | Character Bundle Jutsu Point Total: 34 Jutsu Point Spent: 11 Current Jutsu Points: 23 ➣ Academy Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitute Technique) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10 Damage: None Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. Skip your main and setup phase this turn. You can only use this 1 time per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques. Description: A lifesaver, and a must-have technique. With this technique, the user is able to swap their body with a nearby object, usually a log, which will take the full force of any incoming blows for them, while they retreat to safe ground or search for an opening. ➣ Genin ➣ Chuunin ➣ Jounin ➣ Sennin ➣ Forbidden Edited August 17, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Taijutsu Techniques Jutsu Point Tally +4 | Creation +30 | Character Bundle Jutsu Point Total: 34 Jutsu Point Spent: 11 Current Jutsu Points: 23 ➣ Academy ➣ Genin Quick Draw Type: Taijutsu Rank: Gennin Cost: 10 stamina Effects: You may draw/sheath a weapon in your setup phase without using the entire phase on it. Only weapons, no items. You may only preform one action with each weapon each turn with this technique (Cannot Draw AND sheath a weapon in the same turn, but may draw multiple or sheath multiple.) Description: Through practice and mastery of their weapon the ninja can draw their weapon out at alarming speeds. Points: 1 ➣ Chuunin ➣ Jounin ➣ Sennin ➣ Forbidden Edited August 17, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Genjutsu Techniques Jutsu Point Tally +4 | Creation +30 | Character Bundle Jutsu Point Total: 34 Jutsu Point Spent: 11 Current Jutsu Points: 23 ➣ Academy Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 10x Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction. Effect: Adds +5x evasion and +5x accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it. A bunshin is considered to have 0 evasion and rolls to dodge whenever it is targeted in the user's response phase. The value of x is the number of clones you have made. Maximum of 8 bunshin can be made. Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique) Type: Genjutsu Rank: Academy Student Cost: 5 Genjutsu Effects: Change your appearance. A character 25+ levels above the one who uses this technique can see through it. Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You take that physical form, but only to a certain extent, such as body shape and size. You cannot, for instance, turn your arm into a bow and start firing ammunition at an opponent. ➣ Genin ➣ Chuunin ➣ Jounin ➣ Sennin ➣ Forbidden Edited August 17, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Hybrid Techniques Jutsu Point Tally +4 | Creation +30 | Character Bundle Jutsu Point Total: 34 Jutsu Point Spent: 11 Current Jutsu Points: 23 ➣ Academy ➣ Genin ➣ Chuunin Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi | 秘剣・燕返し | Concealed Sword: Swallow Reversal I Rank: Chūnin Type: Taijutsu-Genjutsu [ Hijutsu: Samurai Kenjutsu | Hisei Ittō-ryū | Meditative | Multi-hit | Evolving ] Cost: 30 Stamina | 30 Chakra | 2 [Hiken] Charges Damage: 105 [Physical] Effect: This technique is a multi-hit technique whose first strike is a Genjutsu(Modified by Concentration) strike that deals 0 damage, but inflicts [Half Opening: Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi(Second Strike)] and [Exposed]; these status effects last only until the resolution of this technique's second strike. The second strike is a Taijutsu strike that deals physical damage and is dodged normally using Accuracy/Evasion. These strikes resolve sequentially rather than simultaneously, but are still considered a single attack. This instance of Half-Opening applies to dodge rolls for the Second Strike of this technique without requiring an additional Response Phase. This technique only, and always, possesses two strikes. This may be used twice per battle. Description: Tsubame Gaeshi was a technique developed by Watanabe Sasaki, a prodigious Samurai from the Land of Iron; the original technique was considered something that “challenged even the gods”, as it was a kenjutsu perfected to the level of emulating Ninjutsu’s ability to bend reality- it was a technique that allowed the user to strike an opponent three times in the same stroke, with each strike originating from a different direction. The original technique was never truly passed on to any students or heirs, though its fundamentals were given to Watanabe Izanagi, Sasaki’s younger brother. In the Concealed Sword replication of Tsubame Gaeshi, the user will combine the principles of the original technique with the subterfuge of Genjutsu in order to replicate the effect of trapping an opponent within a cage of strikes. The user will project the image into an opponent’s mind of them being struck by this technique as if all three strikes happened simultaneously, often temporarily paralyzing them and leaving them open to the true strikes that follow up. The physical sword-strikes, while fast enough to be misconstrued as “being within a single breath”, are distinctively individual strikes. Sometimes, for dramatic effect, the user may blur their own motions using a localized genjutsu to maintain the appearance of the technique for all observing parties. -5 JP [-10 JP] ➣ Jounin ➣ Sennin ➣ Forbidden Edited August 17, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Equipment ➣ Head: ➣ Neck: ➣ Body: ➣ Waist: ➣ Forearm(s): ➣ Hand(s): ➣ Thigh(s): ➣ Calve(s): ➣ Feet: ➣ Main Weapon: Shinkūjin | 真空刃 | Empty Blade Type: Katana Size: Medium Level: 1 Special Effects: -- Attributes: -- Description: Shinkūjin is the simple katana that Watanabe Izanagi inherited from his sister upon her passing. It was once said that the blade was capable of great feats of war, slaying many enemies in a single stroke. Since its original wielder- Watanabe Sasaki's passing, the blade seems to have lost most of its ability as a deadly blade. Where it once felled armies with simple movements, it now is only barely superior to a basic training blade. The blade remains sharp and well-cared for, looking every bit as formidable as the day it was forged- but there just seems to be something missing. The blade is relatively plain, save for two instances of the Wheel of Dharma existing several inches above and below the blade's middle; the bottom wheel holds twelve spokes representing the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, while the top only has ten spokes to represent the ten directions. These engravings exist on both sides of the blade. Cost: 20 両 ➣ Secondary Weapon: Edited August 4, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Inventory Item Slots Used/Item Slots Total: 7/15 ➣ Items Shuriken [3] Size: 1 item slot Type: Small Weapon Damage: 6 Effect: -- Description: A small throwing star, common weaponry among ninja. Cost: 3 Kunai [3] Size: 1 item slot Type: Small Weapon Damage: 8 Effect: -- Description: A small dagger/knife, commonly used by ninja. Usually thrown. Cost: 4 Senbon Needle [4] Size: .2 item slot Type: Small Weapon Damage: 1 Effect: +1% Chance to Hit. Description: Very light and agile weapons for ninja. Not used much because of their weak tendencies, but if wielded correctly can be a deadly weapon. Cost: 1 ➣ Balance Money on Hand: 505 両 Money in the Bank: 0 両 Edited August 4, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez
Hardcore Skittlez Posted July 22, 2015 Author Posted July 22, 2015 (edited) Logs ➣ Experience ➣ Transactions +400 両 | +30 JP - Character Bundle -20 両 | Purchased Shinkūjin Edited August 4, 2015 by Hardcore Skittlez