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The Blade Of One Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms

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Blade of A Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms

Weapon Type: Katana

Size: Medium

Level: 10

Special: Sentient Thought, Insubstantial Body, Scattered Union, Blanket of Blossoms, Graceful Suffocation

Description: The Alchem Clan. A once proud clan of righteous ninja, who had the power to transform the very earth itself into other forms of matter. The Alchem Clan of today respect life, and know that the art of human Alchemy is the greatest sin against god they could ever create. In the past, the Clan’s most rebellious members did not protect this sacred vow. They performed experiments against god, trying to become masters of human life. In many of respects, they failed, often with disastrous results that destroyed the unlucky alchemists.

Some of their experiments succeeded.

The Alchem Clan created a well of incredibly powerful super weapons. Each one had abilities that were never seen in normal weapons. They were steel, yet they were not. These weapons lived, they thought and moved all on their own. Some of them possessed great strength. Others possessed great Wisdom. Some of them had the power to change form. The weapons were imbued with a power that, the Clan leaders understood, could only come from the Forbidden Art.

They confronted the members of their clan, and called out the perpetrators, several alchemists who has fashioned these wonderful weapons. They described the method of creating these weapons, the vile and wicked process, which they had discovered upon seeing the weapons.

”Hundreds of Souls, ripped from their body in unholy crimes. Several hundred weapons lifeless, and dull, the soul rejecting its metal sarcophagus. Few weapons find a binding connection. Few weapon come to consciousness, imbued with the soul of a human whose life was extinguished. Immortal, and indestructible are these sins against god. Forever hidden, it is our only choice of action.”

Special prisons were designed for the weapons. The weapons could not be unmade, and the souls could not be detached, but they could be pulled apart, their powers dimmed, their might broken. The Alchem Clan altered the minds of these weapons, forcing from them their identities, their true names. These names were given to the God of Death, and were locked away inside of his head, inside of his palace. This knowledge could be moved, taken from the weapons, and unable to be recalled by any but a human with a soul that is compatible with the trapped one. The weapons were still extremely powerful, and very dangerous. To protect everyone involved, prisons were designed. The weapons would be hidden, as weapons. The Alchem crafted the failed experimental weapons, each holding a life force, but not mind, into living prisons of metal. The true weapons were hidden within, and the living souls distorted their identity, and silence their power. Alchemic symbols were given to each shell, ensuring it to be unlocked only by one who knew the name of the true weapon, or was of the Alchem Clan, and was strong enough the break the seals themselves.

The exact number of these weapons is unknown, but there is assumedly only thirteen, one to each Alchem creator, but since the weapons were never recorded, this number is unreliable. One such creator was Alchem Fhaju. Fhaju was an artist, and used his Alchemy to construct beautiful homes and works of art. He viewed this weapon as his greatest masterpiece. Fhajou created the blade that would become this sword with his own alchemy, and in it, he transferred his desire for an artful soul to be compatible with the metal. After hunting down several scores of artists, Fhajou would one who was a flower arranger.

The flower shop owner bonded with the metal, creating a blade obsessed with crafting flowers. In its most released form, the blade would actually turn into a field full of flower petals, a tribute to the soul’s wishes.

The soul was not the only one to gain his own wishes. The Blade of One Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms, like the rest of the soul-imbued weapons, was doomed to a fate of limbo, its memories eradicated, and its form sealed inside of a second weapon. On the gallows, its creator actually requested a name for its sealed form. He requested that the Fabulous Katana was to be placed into a straight sword, with no marks, or anything else, that would tell it apart. Let some lucky warrior discover it and use it, even if not how Fhajou originally intended the grandest of weapons to be.

Sentient Thought

Description: Being the Embodiment of a long lost soul, the weapon or armor in question is able to think for itself, and, if possible, move on its own accord (of course, this does not apply to a chestplate, that cannot move to begin with, but would apply to, say, a whip) to a certain degree.

Effect: Weapon can Talk Freely with the character. It can move on its own

Cost: $5 (Purely RP Purposes)

Insubstantial Body

Description: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. These particles are all inexplicably linked to the user, so they require nothing more than thought to maneuver them. Despite how they move, destroying the entire sword in this form is impossible, although attacking all of the petals at once MIGHT give the attacker a brief moment of armistice until the petals can swarm in on them again.

Effect: As long as the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon cannot be “Un-Equipped” but does not take up the user’s hands, leaving them open to use handseals. All jutsu that would “Break,” “Un-Equip,” “Make Useless for the Remainder of Battle,” or “Destroy” this weapon (or anything similar) do not do their intended function. Instead, this weapon is unable to attack, or use, any jutsu that involve this weapon directly, for one turn.

Scattered Union

Description: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. Since the Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms are inhabited by a single, once living soul, they can be manipulated on their own, without direction from the user. This form of attack is undoubtedly weaker than normal, but the user is able to do multiple things simultaneously.

Effect: As long as the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon can attack on its own, once per turn. While it attacks, the user may still attack, defend, or do any actions the user normally would. As long as the weapon is attacking by this effect, all damage it would deal is halved. Damage is based PURELY on base damage, and stat modifiers, nothing else. The user can choose to attack the enemy with the weapon on purpose, canceling this effect until that turn ends. This effect does not apply to any techniques used by this weapon, or any techniques that require this weapon to use, or any techniques that at all are related to this weapon. This effect cannot be used during the turn that the user uses a jutsu that specifically requires The Blade of A Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms, nor in the turn that follows it. This ability is deemed "Inactive" or "Unuseable" for the remainder of battle, or until the jutsu "Chire" ends, if three or more Area of Effect Jutsu successfully hit the scattered weapon. The AoE all have a 90% chance to hit the weapon immediately, but the weapon gains its own dodge roll to try and evade them.

Blanket of Blossoms

Description: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. These particles then begin to rain down, like a gently drifting blanket. The user can move in between these blossoms, since they move in order to conceal without cutting their own master. As they fall even faster, and begin to surround the user more and more, the enemy will inevitably lose sight of the user. This means that they will have no idea where to look for attacks, while the user has more and more time to prepare accurately.

Effect: For Every turn that the jutsu “Chire” is active, the user will gain an amount of Accuracy every turn equivalent to X. (X=2^(z+1)) (Z=Number of Turns that “Chire” Has Been Active) The opponent will also lose an amount of Evasion every turn equivalent to X. (X=2^(z+1)) (Z=Number of Turns that “Chire” has been active). When the jutsu “Chire” ends, these bonuses/reductions are immediately removed. If the jutsu “Chire” is used again, then the equation begins at its beginning all over again.

Requirements: Scattered Union

Credit: To Cntr for the idea of the math from Aisuhime

Graceful Suffocation

Description: Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms is usually in a state referred to as the “Dormant” state. In this form, the weapon appears as nothing more than a normal Katana, albeit one with a strange aura surrounding it. When commanded, Thousand Falling Cherry Blossoms takes on the form that spawns its name. The blade itself will dissolve, leaving the user holding nothing but the hilt (which can be dropped or let go of, without losing control of the petals), as thousands of small particles of pink-red chakra scatter into the air. With the field totally coated in these particles, the user can attack more than one enemy at once, since particles rest only inches or less from all of the user’s foes at one time. Attacking like this will require that the user guide the petals themselves, to ensure that their allies are not hit in these swarm-type attacks.

Effect: While the jutsu “Chire” is active, this weapon’s attacks are all considered “AoE”, but their cost ratios are raised to reflect the user’s current AoE cost ratios. (If user is Chunnin, the weapon uses Chunnin AoE Ratios for cost) This effect cannot be used in conjunction with “Scattered Union,” but both may be present on the weapon at the same time (you simply cannot activate both of them in the same turn). This effect does not apply to any techniques used by this weapon, or any techniques that require this weapon to use, or any techniques that at all are related to this weapon.

Cost: 20 Post Quest [Approved by a Moderator/Admin AND Myself]

Edited by Kouta

Insubstantial Body - Can I see this 'Chire' technique?

Scattered Union - How many attacks does it get? Limit it. Make this effect have it's own activation cost thing, that this ability can only be used while this 'Chire' technique is active.

Blanket of Blossoms - Weapons, skills, bloodlines, whatever, can not directly affect opponents in any way. (Is there a similar ability on Cntr's referenced sword?)

Graceful Suffocation - Also an additional cost of its own to initiate.


Chire shall be posted soon, but to give you a brief rundown of the concept until then, the jutsu is like a Terrain Jutsu, that will change it to "Falling Cherry Blossoms" which will be a terrain effect that causes damage of whatever anytime an opponent moves in battle, or something like that.

You still pay for each attack in full. Shall I increase the cost to attack? I figured it'd be enough just to cut the damage in half.

Skills and bloodlines were never to affect the enemy. Weapons have never had this limit, to my knowledge (considering that they freaking ATTACK the enemy anyways...). Yes, that ability appears on Cntr's sword as well, just targeting a different stat, and taking longer to wear off than my version.

The ability already requires that you pay the cost for an Area of Effect Jutsu, using the swords base damage to Calculate. As far as I knew, that WAS a cost to use it.


I see. I'd like pricing to be reserved until the technique goes through considering these abilities rely on it. That aside:

Weapons and nothing can directly affect opponents, because in no way there are any 'auto hits' or 'auto inflictions.' I'll hope I don't need to CAPITALIZE to get that point across.

That automatic infliction to others is ridiculous, this goes to that referenced weapon too (I don't know why I didn't get a peak at that before it was break-kneck-fast-ly approved).

The cost of raising attacks to be AoE ratio is not what I'm talking about. Example, "User pays 100 Chakra, attacks from this weapon will now be AoE while Chire technique is active for 3 turns." Similarly for Scattered Union.


Price Waiting is fine. What you said afterwards is not.

Blanket of Blossoms - I can work on the ability to make some chance for the ability to fail, only on the condition that Cntr's weapon is changed as well to the same standards.

The last statement on your post, however, makes little sense, looking at it logic-wise. I think that your illogical statements comes in failure of knowledge about Chire (which would be my fault).

Insubstantial Body - Chire causes the blade to scatter into fifty bajillion pieces (NOT the ability. The Jutsu does that by itself), and fly all over the field. Logically, the user cannot hold that. Its impossible. Why should I have to pay chakra to not hold what I already cannot hold? And why would I not hold it for only a limited time? Then suddenly be holding again what I cannot hold. Explain that one to me, and I MIGHT go for that.

As for the no-breaking rule...I MIGHT make this into a separate ability, because I can see logic in this statement. Instead of constantly not being able to break it, I'll simply say "Whenever the jutsu chire is active, and an attack WOULD break, render useless, etc etc" It is logical that you simply coat them with chakra or whatever and so instead they simply get blasted all over the field until they can come back. Plausible.

Graceful Suffocation - And as for the attacking everywhere effect. Again, Chire scatters the petals all over the field. It is slightly less illogical (yet still illogical) to have to pay chakra for the petals to fall all over the field, when they ALREADY fall all over the field. That is ALL this ability does, anyways. I merely state the logical effects of scattering the blade all over the field. It will hit, all over the field. I do not see how chakra costs are required to make a blade fall where it is already falling. All I do is use Scattered Union, and Sentient Thought (which dictates that the blade can move itself) to clutter the petals on the separate attack targets.


Regarding para's 4 and 5. I actually have no problem with Insubstantial Body, I didn't mean to imply one.

As for logical and illogical I don't care as much for facts and probability as I do for fairness and reasonability. I don't like the fact that this weapon goes into God mode with incredible potential for abuse because of logical. Hence costs to initiate a temporary time to make AoE 'attacks', note 'attack' used instead of 'weaponary attack' implying that a 'technique involving the weapon' or something similar may be used, I noticed, again - hence initiation costs. <- Regarding of course, Graceful Suffocation, with similar issues towards Scattered Union.

With Blanket of Blossoms, of course it shouldn't be solely this weapon - the Cntr weapon ability should be made in a similar image and ammended (or vice a versa).


Nappers, you would not be arguing if I made a jutsu that had a base damage equal to this sword's base damage, and made it AoE, would you?

Now, I'd like to quote that Cntr himself (and several others afterwards) has stated several times that Weapon Abilities are not limited as skills, in the sense that they cannot resemble jutsu (Meaning that Weapon Abilities Can Resemble Jutsu). The ability is as fair as any jutsu, so whats your problem? Its actually more fair than any jutsu, in that I have to have a certain technique active just to use it. Why should I be forced to dwarf it any more? I'm paying fair chakra for each attack made fairly, so I find no fault with this specific ability. And yes, it does specify weapon attacks, in saying "This Weapon's Attacks" not "Attacks and Jutsu Made By This Weapon." If you'd like me to specifically write out that to please you, I have no qualms against it. I see no way that this ability makes it at all Godlike, just because I can use an AoE sword? Would it make any difference if I used an AoE Jutsu every single turn? None. At. All.


Back to the fun little "No Affecting Enemies." A Well wisher of mine has given me one word to defend that claim.

Sharingan. Thank You.


The only one that you should even be arguing about, is Scattered Union, for using a rarely seen method of attack. I pay full price, cut the damage in half, and get to attack one time with my weapon every turn, as long as the aforementioned jutsu is active. The only bonus this gives me ,is that the aforementioned single, half damage attack, does not take up my main phase, and leaves me to attack as normal, or do whatever the hell else I wish to do. Again, I fail to see the godly implications, as that is a only slightly useful (Although I expect very pricey) Ability. At Max with a weapon I do around 120 Damage currently, so that means I'd get a shot to attack with 60 Damage a Turn...I'm freaking amazed at the godly potential behind that. An attack that they can dodge that will only do 60 damage to a general foe, less to one who focuses with defense. The gods themselves definitely must have put their hands on that weapon to create that ability. I'm sure the entire world is shaking.

Like I said, I do not mind having to up the cost to attack, so that I'm, say, doubling the cost to attack, AND halving the damage. The above is all that is implied by that ability. If you see some way it can be abused, simply say so, and I'll use restrictions to limit that ability. Do not assume that I instantly want a godly weapon. I like my weapons to look pretty, and be useful, but, if you noticed from my latest set of attack jutsu..I murder you with my jutsu, not the weapon effects.

Speaking of which, I just posted it.


Probably not.

I'd prefer specifically written.

This is nothing to do with the Sharingan? Haven't we all been arguing about that for years? You should probably note that it has abilities that I don't even agree with as being abilities of the bloodline itself. That, is a moot point with you can play with well wishers to all your hearts content.

If nothing's being agree'd to here, there's no debate.


Er, seeing as how you ARE using my clan as a background for this legendary weapon... how do to expect to obtain it? Wouldn't it be under guard of the only two Alchem left?

Oh, and post in the RP.


Wee! Multiple posts at once to respond to!

Nappers: I have specifically stated that both abilities cannot be used in conjunction with jutsu. I have also further limited Scattered Union, dictating that ONLY Base Damage and Modifiers affect the strength of the attack, nothing else. This way, there is no way that I can use some kickass skills and get uber damage off of it.

As for the mentioning of Sharingan, it breaks your supposed law of not affecting other characters, which you say my item does, thus making it have something in common with this weapon. You are admin, enforce the law and change the bloodline. There is no reason why it should be able to do something that other items/skills/bloodlines cannot.

As to your final, spiteful sentence, I have no problems agreeing to things, if they make sense. The "Initiation Cost" makes no sense, so I'll be hard-pressed to agree to it. I would ask of you, though, if you see some godlike-potential to this weapon, please point it out, and I'll fix it with limits, since this was, in no way, originally created to be a godlike weapon with secret loopholes, like you are so dead-set to believe it is.


Cntr: Incorrect. All of these soul-possessed blades were put inside of their little prisons, and were sent out from Iwa, because the clan feared that the Alchemists, who know the way that the weapons were sealed, would succumb to the same lure that their creators did, and would try and unlock the weapons without permission. It would not be safe for these weapons to remain in the same place as hundreds of alchemists (since these weapons are not new, they are actually rather old, so at this point in the past I imagine your clan was happily flourishing) who may try and revive them.

Thus, the weapons have been, silently, passed off as nothing more than normal weapons for decades, maybe centuries (since I have no knowledge on the exact age of the Alchem Clan, and so I never set a more defined time period than "in the past not very close to today") until they could, as the Clan Leaders planned, find the people in the world who could use them, and would use them, in a way that they deemed appropriate. They used this random shuffling method to find people who would not abuse the weapons. (or they intended to, but the exact words used were "who would use the weapons as they were meant to be" although this means this if one of these weapons bears an evil soul, it can be used evilly, just as the Alchem feared)

So, all somebody would need to do to actually gain one of these weapons, is somehow buy or gain its sealed form. Now, All of these require my permission to even have an inkling of a chance to possess, but even afterwards, you have to go through a small roleplaying journey lead by my character (which I can describe in full if you wish, it has been done two times in NA history so far) before I let you buy the weapon. This usually means that you buy a Level 1 weapon of the same type as the one described in this blade's history. Then you go on the roleplay journey, and then you can keep the level one weapon if you like, but generally, it becomes discarded, and this will allow you to purchase the actual weapon. This is to reflect "Unsealing" the weapon from its prison, and then possessing the true weapon.


Alchem has been around for centuries, before ninja villages were made, etc. Early alchemists actually had their own society, until greed corrupted them, along with outer forces.

Scattered Union allows for once per battle that the user can make basically two attacks in one turn? (Granted the sword attack is gimped.)


I was thinking more like once per turn, that the blade itself (it is sentient) guides itself to attack one enemy. The user can do whatever he or she wants during that time, healing, attacking, summoning, etc. It is like the weapon becomes more of an ally, and less of a tool.


Well, you stated in the effect 'Once per battle' and if it will be on is own like that, then it needs an HP amount of something of the liking so that it can be stopped. That or a cost per turn required with it and a turn restriction on how long it can go on.

Posted (edited)

Okay, I've now added a way to disable the ability. If you hit the scattered pieces of the weapon three times (you can only hit them all at once with AoE jutsu, so I specified such a method of attack) then the ability becomes canceled until the battle ends, or the jutsu "Chire" ends.

Oh, and for those of you who have been waiting on it...Chire exists here:


Edited by Kouta

Always, 100% of the time, 90% chance to hit. No evasion bonuses, since the particles are everywhere, so you have a good chance of hitting them.



You guys can price this now (since Chire exists and is approved, follow the link to check it out)...and, if you don't mind, could you (like Sako does kind of, and it makes me happy) go and tell me why you price ____ ability it at ___ dollars? I like to have everything make sense, ya know?


God damnit! I'm getting sick of this! Just because I argue with someone, my creation gets fucking ignored! It happens to me, EVERY FUCKING TIME! Quit posting all around here, and ignoring this one, unless you have a problem with it. In which case, tell me!


Now-now, Kouta, no need to get so...wordy. I see nothing wrong with this at all, you see, I just...don't know what to price it. I'd imagine it'd be somewhere in the $1,000 range. Maybe even less. Actually, I'd settle for $700. Also, how would one go about obtaining such a weapon? I imagine you made this for someone in particular, so I'm curious as to how -they- will actually get it. A quest of some sort, perhaps?


I'm actually look for a cost on each ability, if you don't mind. this will likely make it more pricey in the end, but it allows the people involved to purchase them at their leisure.

Originally, I thought up the weapon for Poke of Uberness. Seeming to fall inactive, the weapon was no longer designed for pou, but it was still stuck in my head. So I took it out. I may take it myself if I ever get the cash for it.

As for how to gain them, Its been described already:

So, all somebody would need to do to actually gain one of these weapons, is somehow buy or gain its sealed form. Now, All of these require my permission to even have an inkling of a chance to possess, but even afterwards, you have to go through a small roleplaying journey lead by my character (which I can describe in full if you wish, it has been done two times in NA history so far) before I let you buy the weapon. This usually means that you buy a Level 1 weapon of the same type as the one described in this blade's history. Then you go on the roleplay journey, and then you can keep the level one weapon if you like, but generally, it becomes discarded, and this will allow you to purchase the actual weapon. This is to reflect "Unsealing" the weapon from its prison, and then possessing the true weapon.

Since you posted here (unlike almost ANYONE who the bumps are designed to reach out and grab the attention of) I believe your question is likely to receive the answer of:


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