Azure Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Ding Dong Ding Dong The clocks struck midnight throughout the warm wooden cottage. On this night of nights, the portals between mortals and ethereal forces lapsed allowing souls to enter its presence. Warm food and dink delight lined the homestead, ready for guests to arrive and make merry. Though the time here would be forgotten, there was one who always knew what transpired in this land. All roads led to this cottage without a name, governed by a large, jolly toy maker. All would come to be judged, naughty or nice. It was a time where all could come. From any race, any village, any time and any reality. Carol Of The Bells Ooc: Welcome to the Holiday thread of 2013! Trying to get this rolling ASAP! The rules follow as always: You may RP your PC(s), future character ideas, NPC(s), even alternate forms of your own character! Just have fun.
Cloudnine Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 A shock of white-blonde hair approached the cottage. Hyuuga Kokeshi, paler than the snow, strode with such ghostly grace he may as well have risen from the grave. He was a young man now, though his demeanor remained androgynous at best. Koko was tall and lanky as ever, except now he traded in his skinny jeans and puffy jackets for green elfish garb. Every closer step turned into an excited skip- a destination at last! The boy always seemed doomed to wander, far from his friends and without a home. And every time he woke up, it was under a different sky. The seas would then claim him again, sending him to deep slumber until fate determined he start anew. Sometimes the Hyuuga wished it to end, but another part of him knew his wandering didn't mean he was lost. And so he woke up to no surprise as he washed up onto these icy shores, not a soul in sight. At least he woke up with jingly elf shoes. His outfit jingled with him as he jogged right up to the cottage door. "Trick or treat!" he shouted gleefully, hammering away at the festively decorated door. Koko knew no time or place anymore, but this seemed fun!
Anonymous Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 (edited) A slender figure came up behind the tall boy, standing not quite as tall he did. She chuckled lightly under her breath. "Silly boy, that's the entirely wrong holiday." She approached the door, stepping past the youngster. She brushed a couple strands of blond hair that had fallen across her face out of the way, and adjusted the bright red and white cap that sat atop her head. She opened the door. "Sorry I'm laa~ate! I brought cookes!" [[Yaiba has a tray of sugar, gingerbread, rasperry filled, and triple chocolate cookes]] Edited December 3, 2013 by Anonymous
PandaMattMatt Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Hanabi Hinoko made his way through the snow, there was a bright glow around his body that fluctuated different colors. Green to red to gold to silver and back to green. There was a cup of (strong) eggnog in his hand given to him by the man walking next to him. Hanamajo Junsei was abnormally dressed for the cold weather. He wore thick black leather boots, warm red pants with a fluffy white trim around the bottom of the pant legs, a matching hat and coat, but no shirt. However the cold didn't seem to phase him at all. Hinoko was more appropriately dressed with a thick brown and green winter coat with thick boots. However, since it was his third cup of eggnog, he really wasn't feeling the cold anyways. There was a warm red blush across his face mixed with a relaxed look. With in moments the two arrived at the cabin, just in time to see two people disappearing inside the door. Without sharing words, the two men began to race for the door laughing all the way. Just before the door closed shut, Hinoko touched the wood, barely beating Junsei. "I win! You owe me a drink!" The buzzed shinobi said to his new friend. Junsei just smiled at Hinoko for a moment. "Of course!" The two burst through the door with a smile, Hinoko threw off his jacket and made a bee line for the bar. Junsei picked up his friend's jacket and put it on the coat rack before joining him. "Bartender, two Kirigakure Blues!" Junsei said happily. As soon as the liquor was in Hinoko's hands the glow around seemed to intensify! The greens, golds, silvers and reds seemed to dance around the room as a few sparks let loose from his body and the glow around him became more solid. --Hanabi HinokoHanamajo JunseiNA-verse Drink List
ZeroFate Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 "Lateness forgiven." Hayato said as he reached down from the ceiling to snag a raspberry filled cookie from Yaiba when she walked in the door, doing his best to contain the falling crumbs as he ate the dessert from an upside down position. He'd been trying to stay out of sight for the most part, since parties weren't exactly his personal favorite thing. He could not, however, resist the temptation of those cookies. As for the other company in the room, he'd made it a point to avoid the Hyuuga with the jingly shoes. That particular person weirded Hayato out to a degree too high for attempted socialization. The other two visitors who'd just walked in already looked remarkably drunk already, and would probably be worth some entertainment value if observed throughout the night. For the time being, though, he'd stick to being "that weird guy on the ceiling." Going to be RPing an older Hayato for this, since 11 year olds aren't fun to have at parties.
PandaMattMatt Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Hinoko happily finished his drink. Pushing away from the bar and smiling brightly, literally, he saw that there was a person holding a tray of cookies. "I want the gingerbread!!" he shouted across the room. He made his way to the girl who had brought the cookies. He politely gave her a quick little bow, taking a moment to steady himself, then grabbed a gingerbread cookie. The man ate it as if it were the most precious meal he had ever had. It was sweet and spicy and delicious. However, he was distracted as a few pieces of crumb fell to his head. He looked up to see a something hanging upside down eating a cookie. "SHIT THE CAVE SPIDERS ARE HERE TOO!" He yelled with his mouth still full of cookie. Junsei was about to order another drink when Hinoko started yelling and pointing at the ceiling. Junsei turned around suddenyl expecting to see an arachnid, but saw only a man sitting upside down eating a cookie. For a moment, he thought about investigating further, but decided to finish order his drink. "Gimme a Rasengan, please!" He said smiling brightly at the one of the bartenders. After he had gotten his drink, he stood up and made his way over to the Hyuuga in odd clothing, "Friend of your's by chance?" He asked pointing up at the man on the ceiling.
ZeroFate Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Shit. I knew I shouldn't have drawn attention to myself. Hayato took his cookie and tried to subtly walk across the ceiling to avoid any more intoxicated eyes from staring at him. If the night was going to go like this then he at least wanted a buzz out of it. Standing over the bar, he sank one of his wrist blades into the ceiling and latched the grapple locks, then slowly lowered himself down, admittedly in a spider-like fashion, until eye level with the bartender. "A Power Spear. . .please. . . extra everything." The woman was a little taken back at the strange man hanging upside down from the ceiling ordering a drink, but she made it for him anyway, and watched in bewilderment as he took it and slowly pulled himself back up to the ceiling with some sort of automatic reel powering the cable he was hanging from, sipping his beverage through a straw all the way up.
Azure Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 "You do not score the ladies just up and pulling out the powerspear. Or from being a spider, only Oto chicks dig that. If you get arrested for hanging under the influence, MAYBE you'll score...maybe." Hayato wasn't alone, hanging by the ceiling and all that jazz. He had been at once point, maybe, but no one could ever be truly sure. All the boy would know though was that Haruyuki was standing upside down right next to him shaking his head as if to say 'son I am disappoint.' Taking out a flask, he began to swig from the silvery container and gravity didn't even seem to mind.
ZeroFate Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 "Oh hai." Hayato remarked to the surprise company he just received, his expression largely unchanged, before taking another large dose of Power Spear. "I'm not actually here for the ladies. Or guys, in case you were going to ask. And after I've had enough of these I doubt I'll be able to tell which one you fall under." *another swig of alcohol. He certainly hoped that Haruyuki knew how to take a joke well, because insulting a Hachinin was basically suicide otherwise. "I'm just here for the food." With that Hayato bungie-corded down and snagged another raspberry cookie from Yaiba's plate, skillfully avoiding the loss of any of his drink.
Cloudnine Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Kokeshi stared at Yaiba as he contemplated what day it was... for a day be to in costume knocking down doors, and he wasn't trick or treating? Could it be... a second trick or treat? With cookies. The Hyuuga's eyes were as big as moons as he admired the tray of cookies, not waiting for the girl to find a place to set them down before swiping a handful of the chocolatiest ones. More friendly faces bustled into this odd and magical cottage. Many of the times he washed ashore, few or no one was there to greet him, so this occasion definitely was joyful. He was ushered in to the bar, where he gawked over the drink selections. The last time he'd washed ashore, he wasn't of drinking age yet. But since the bartender showed no signs of shooing him away, Kokeshi boldly sauntered up. "A cup of that please. No. Just that." Ask and beaming Koko received a mug full of maraschino cherries and a dollop of whipped cream. A young man with dark hair at the bar directed his attention skywards, and the Hyuuga stared blankly at the figure on the ceiling. Did Kokeshi know him? No. But was he a friend? Yes. "Yeah! He's my friend!"
Eechi-go Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-" Despite the general rowdiness inside the cottage, the festivities would be relatively calm outside of the occasional exclamation or sudden uproarious laughter. The sound resonating from outside the building would likely be drowned out until it started to seemingly approach closer and closer. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-!!!!" Suddenly one of the cottage walls would give way in an unexpected explosion, brick and debris being flung in all directions as all manner of red-nosed shark, ospery, bear, toad, chicken, and potoo flailed into the room, each one attached to a harness that was pulling along a Christmas-themed sleigh. Upon that sleigh rode none other than Nibble and Izzy themselves, with Nibble wearing a santa hat that was half falling off his head and a fake wizard beard that was practically super glued to his face. Samehada rode on his back with it's own little santa hat adorning the tip of it's hilt, as well as a beard that hung half-eaten from the base. "JINGLE JINGLE, MOTHERFUCKERS." "GIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGIGI-!!!" With that, Nibble pulled Samehada off his back, aiming it's mouth at each and every party-goer in the cottage. With a quick bend of the hilt, Samehada began firing presents out of it's mouth like an automatic machine gun, giving every motherfucker in that cottage a taste of the holiday spirit.
ZeroFate Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Hayato nearly choked on his drink when the elf-clad Hyuga declared him a friend. WE'VE BEEN SPOTTED! ABORT MISSION! EVASIVE MANEUVERS! I'm not going to just dive out of this party until I'm good and wasted. Besides, he can't be that bad. He was spared any further thought on the subject, however, when some sort of white shark-man burst through the wall in a sleigh towed by a veritable zoo. One of the more exotic birds fluttered up and attached itself to his shoulder, quickly adopting a rigid posture as it stared ever forward with an expression that can only be described as "tripping all kinds of balls." A stream of wrapped gifts poured through the room from the gaping maw of Samehada almost immediately afterward, of which Hayato managed to catch his fair share with his free hand. A moment ago he had been about to ask Haruyuki to put him into cryostasis for an hour or so, but now, "Looks like this party finally got interesting."
Cellar Door Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 (edited) The sounds of merriment and happiness seeped from the small cottage that always seemed to have enough space on the inside for any who wanted to join at a steady cadence, and while occasionally the decibel level would raise above the average with some particularly funny joke, or obnoxious statement it was not enough to disturb the little hot spring that had materialized out back out of necessity. The bath was a warm respite from the chill that permeated the arctic climate around the cozy cottage, and no matter how long one stayed outside, it seemed as though their eggnog stayed warm. As odd as this little cottage was, it was also the relaxing hangout of a gang of extra-dimensional monkeys from some unthinkably horrific plane of existence, but of course, as with most monkeys, they were unwilling to talk of their fiendish home planet. For the time being though, they had quelled their blood thirst enough to partake in the festivities along with their fellow merry-makers. Up until this the point, the evil, astral monkeys had been joined by only a single non-monkey companion, and even he was slightly unsure of how he had come to be in the confusing, monkey-filled, albeit soothing bath hole. Most of his clothes had somehow disappeared from his person, the mask however was still with him. He was satisfied with the knowledge that no matter how hard the multi-verse tried, somethings were just too integral to be spun away from you when destiny decided to hurl through a universe spanning worm-hole into some cheery, yuletide hell. He also found the monkeys to be amenable companions, they weren't the sort of evil monkeys to rush about wreaking havoc. They were a deep thinking bunch, and obviously were saving up all the vile intentions they could muster for when they decided to let slip disgusting, monkey farts in the water. Fox Mask watched the snow fall as he calmly sipped on the mug of eggnog with suspicion. He suspected that whoever the mastermind behind his life was, had laid this foamy, creamy liquid in his possession simply to state that he had never tried such a strange and... European-tasting beverage in his life. Wait... where was Europe? Without warning a rogue snowflake assaulted the Foxed Mask Man's nose, which was of course his only weakness. The vicious sneak attack had a low DP cost though, little damage was sustained, but some sort of insidious status effect caused him to sneeze violently. Fox Mask waited, his well-trained body ready for the next crippling effect, but it seemed the snowflake had only been of gennin rank, for he escaped with only the one sneeze. "Gesundheit." The Fox's eyes slid to the side, watching one of the strangely subdued, but obviously vicious apes out of the corner of his eyes. Good god... they were learning. He would have to find his long-time confident Matt Gitlin at some point. The man and his beard were the only people he knew who spoke German. Perhaps he could convince these nazi-monkeys not to kill the rest of the party-goers. Edited December 6, 2013 by Cellar Door
Rhap Sodos Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 (edited) "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-" It was two sounds really, or at least, two voices crying out as one as the strangely born sled came bearing down on the cabin, bearing it's increasingly loud passengers straight in the mess of things. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-!!!!" There was something almost... harmonious in the way the two gleeful screams mingled, Izzy's clear tenor according with Nibble's more raw exultation as the two young Kiri-nin came [litterally] crashing into the party. In lieu of actual reindeer to pull the aforementioned sleigh, Izzy had somehow managed to wrangle up a pair of fake antlers that miraculous managed to stay atop his messy mop of blonde hair, happily fulfilling the missing role. As was usual with the tall Kiri-nin, he wasn't wearing much else besides, though somewhere, somehow, he had managed to wrastle up long woolen scarf of festive colors that to wrap snuggle around his neck and drape over his otherwise bare torso. While Nibble and Samehada distributed presents in a very Nibble and Samehada fashion, Izzy was content to brush off the snow and other less-weather oriented debris that had managed to accumulate from their travel and entrance, laughing as he watched his friends antics. It did not take long for him to discover his other friend and mentor hanging from the ceiling, though it didn't strike Izzy as all that surprising. In fact, he idly wondered if he should be hanging from other ceiling as well. "Hi Haruyuki! Sorry we're late. There was difficulties with the chicken." Edited December 6, 2013 by Rhap Sodos
PandaMattMatt Posted December 10, 2013 Posted December 10, 2013 (edited) Junsei watched with a single eyebrow raised at the series of events that took place shortly after he asked the elfish Hyuuga whether or not he knew the spider-guy wannabe. Just after that, there was a scream, a crash, a petting zoo, and a sword vomiting presents. Junsei caught the one aimed at him without spilling the drink in his hand. Before he opened it up, all he could say was "Huh." Staring a moment longer, he shrugged and downed the rest of his rasengan. He set aside the box launched at him for now. Smiling sweetly at the bartender, he held up two fingers. Not long after, two shots of Oto's famous Orochi Sake slid down the bar and into Junsei's hands. Winking at the bartender, he got up and walked over to the tall man with blonde hair and fake antlers. "I feel like I know you... I just can't put my finger on it. Drink?" Junsei said winking as he offered the tall boy the shot of Sake. Hinoko at that moment was just glaring in the general direction of Hayato. Still completely convinced he was a cave spider. He had grabbed another gingerbread cookie and was munching on it angrily when a sleigh burst through the wall of the cabin. At the exact moment that Nibble started launching off presents to everyone, Hinoko exploded in a huge display of crimson, emerald, gold and silver. The sparks filled the room with color and light and beautiful designs that fell gently to the ground like snow flakes. When he caught his own present, Hinoko paused for a moment, then exploded into holiday color again! "FUCK YEAH PRESENTS!" Edited December 10, 2013 by PandaMattMatt
Azure Posted December 10, 2013 Author Posted December 10, 2013 “There is a Yamanaka lass down there and all you want to do is eat food. I’m not sure you you are. Son, I am disaapoint.” Haruyuki shook his head, believing in the very least that Hayato had reached puberty. Girl, or guys if he would have it, came and went but a Yamanaka were LEGENDARY! One did not simply turn away their looks for food, even if it was delicious. Izzy would have at least acknowledged it even if not in a sexual way. Nibble would have awkwardly splash attacked that. Speaking of, his goons arrived. Haruyuki had arrived wearing a drawn on version of a snowman suit. Complete with a top hat, carrot nose, two eyes of coal and a corn cob pipe. He tipped his hat the Izzy. “If Samehada eats that potoo, I’m not cleaning its liter box. HEY, GILGAMESH!” Haruyuki dropped a sack in front of his sharky student. It was an ordinary brown sack with no obvious adnorments, but a strange smell radiated from them. Upon opening and excavating the innards, Nibble would find a plethora of fruit cake gummi squids. Followed in behind the merry duo, a blonde haired lass with opal eyes waltzed into the cottage. She wore an elvish dress of green and hemmed with red. On her ears dangled one bell, each and she had a tiara of pine needles and one stray mistletoe. She scanned the cottage with the keen sense of a hunter and found her prey quite quickly. And it was not the guy that exploded fireworks. On her way, she nabbed an Orange Jumpsuit and began to nurse it casually. “Heeeeeeey good lookin’. You carrying a candy cane?” Jennabel winked at Junsei, nudging closer to him. Meanwhile. Matt Gitlin sat in the corner by the fire, drinking eggnog and growing his beard.
PandaMattMatt Posted December 17, 2013 Posted December 17, 2013 Junsei quickly became oblivious to Izzy. As soon as the sexy blond woman sauntered up to him and asked if he had a candy cane, he had definitely rearranged his priorities. "Funny you ask." Junsei said winking at the woman. He downed the shot of Sake intended for Izzy before making a rather deliberate time of reaching into his pants and pulling out a red and white striped candy cane. It was still wrapped of course. "You'd be surprised how much I can fit in there. Not just candy canes either..." He said trailing off ambiguously with a charming smile. He bowed slightly and presented the treat to the blond woman. "A sweet for the Sweet?" He asked looking up at her form his bow with smoldering eyes. Hinoko however was laying on his back laughing. He was laughing to hard that he was actually tickling himself by the way he shook and it made him laugh even harder creating a vicious cycle. As to why he was laughing, no one could be really sure, not even Hinoko. He had completely forgotten why, but he still thought it was the funniest thing in the world. "OH MY GODS HELP ME! IT HURTS SO GOOD!" He said laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his face. His sides had begun to ache his stomach felt like it was being stabbed because it was so sore. It was an odd sight for sure. Not really being helped by the endless array of green and red fireworks shooting from his body that zoomed around the room and made cute popping noises as they burst in people's faces gently.