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NA 8.3.x Official Q&A Thread

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What do the new sealless rules mean for the currently approved Rasengan? Will someone need to remake that? Or is its legendary quest status used to make it immune to such changes?

The Rasengan is an exception and will not be changed, but thanks for bringing it up!

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Such Techniques that are just having seals added to a previously sealless tech, will they need only one stamp or the full gambit?

Edit: I caught that right after I posted, and didnt get a chance to edit this.

Edited by Peace
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Update for the sealless jutsu. If you have a jutsu that is sealless and instead of resubbing it would rather just make it use seals and keep everything else the exact same, please send cntrstrk14 the link to the technique in question and he will fix it without the need for a re-approval. The technique will stay 100% the same except for the removal of the sealless effect.

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By Example, I meant "Do you have a specific skill or set of skills you are confused about and can link to?" 


Cursed Seals aren't a defined system in current NA, and the few that currently do exist were made on a Seal by Seal basis. If they do not have any sort of clause that [again] says something along the lines of "This skill cannot be used with a Bloodline or the Celestial Gates" than it is not automatically considered to be an Advanced System. If a Cursed Seal does say that it cannot be used with a Bloodline, etc., than it is considered an Advanced System. Just like it is possible to have a Bloodline that isn't considered an Advanced Systems [these are generally passive bloodlines and are not as powerful as a result]. 


Any questions or concerns about  specific skill/s can be linked to and clarified/edited to reflect this system change. 


Also, please remember that your character can know more than one Advanced System at a time - a character could have an Activated Bloodline, the Celestial Gates, and Sennin Mode. They just can't use them at the same time. 

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How are status effects going to work with the new speed system. For example if Ren got two turns of bound arms before and he had three turns over his opponent he would be able to act on his last turn. Now it seems that even though he would be three times faster than someone he would have to wait two turns which would be six actions for him.

Also since you can only have additional main phase or setup phases are te amount of (small) weapons one can pull out during the setup phase going to change?

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You do not get additional PHASES. You get additional ACTIONS within those phases. This is important because something that Stuns you will mean you skip all actions you would get in that Main Phase. This all takes place in a single turn, so if you have Bound Paired Arms like you said, you would have it for the entire turn no matter how many actions you got in the phase.

And yes, this means you can pull out or draw additional weapons and junk in the Setup Phase if you choose to have a second Setup Phase action.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

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