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Samehada サメ皮 (Sharkskin)

Weapon Type: Great Sword

Size: Large

Level: 0 (See Clause)

Special: Indestructible


Titanic Momentum: Samehada is truly a Titantic Blade in size, weight, and strength. A sword which dwarfs even the greatest of blades in size and ferocity. It is like trying to stop a speeding teenager from stealing your dirty mags. Any attacks that would be considered a 'block' are instead a full hit. All attacks with this weapon have a 10% higher chance to hit. In addition, damage done to a shield, barrier or any other type of structure meant to block the sword are dealt critical damage.

Shark Skin: Because of the Abrasive material which Samehada is made of, Sharkskin the opponent is cut deeper than they otherwise would Every successful hit with this weapon gives the opponent x bleeding damage for one turn, where x is the user's Taijutsu score divided by 16, rounded up.

Chakra Devourer: Samehada is a hungry hungry hippo when it comes to chakra. Nomnomnomnomnom. Every turn that this weapon is "equipped" the user will lose 2% chakra if an opponent was not hit by this weapon since their last turn. When an opponent is struck with Samehada they lose x chakra, where x is equal to the level of the weapon. All chakra lost because of this ability (by the user or opponents) is tracked in the Loss Phase as "Samehada Chakra". Twice per battle the user may use the "Samehada Chakra" for any single cost as a free action. All values are rounded up. This "Samehada Chakra" is kept until used, even after a previous battle has finished.

Samehada the Ripper: Because of the Abrasive Material of Samehada, and its weight and size it can cause the great damage can occur from strikes.

The user may activate this ability x times per battle, where x is their level / 40 rounded up. The effects of "Shark Skin" are considered to be doubled for attacks made this turn. Response Phase jutsu of lower rank than the user may not be used against this attack. In addition, the user rolls 1d6 for the following effects that will be applied to the first successful hit from attacks this turn::

1 - 4: Roll 1d80, if the roll is less than the user's level / 2 (rounded up), the limb is severed. The target is considered under the effects of listed below for each limb until the limb is reattached. See below for more info.

- 1 (Left Leg): "Shackled [Leg]" or "Shackled [Paired Legs]" if the Right Leg has also been severed.

- 2 (Right Leg): "Shackled [Leg]" or "Shackled [Paired Legs]" if the Left Leg has also been severed.

- 3 (Left Arm): "Bound [Arm]" or "Bound [Paired Arms]" if the Right Arm has also been severed.

- 4 (Right Arm): "Bound [Arm]" or "Bound [Paired Arms]" if the Left Arm has also been severed.

5 - 6: Roll 1d60, if the roll is less than the user's level / 2 (rounded up), the target is considered under the effects listed below until they seek medical attention. See below for more info.

- 5 (Torso): "Metabolic Shock"

- 6 (Head): "Dizzy" and "Fazed"

Medical Attention: The reattachment of limbs or the need for medical assistance can be met at a hospital or by a ninja with the skill "Field Surgeon". Must be done within one IC day.


Description: Samehada is a sword which has its base and true features hidden by a large amount of white cloth, which seems to be very sturdy, and which covers the entire length & width, which is saying something, as the blade of Samehada is roughly seven feet in length, and two and a half feet in width.

The handle of this legendary cleaver like great sword is a goldenrod color, decorated in the spiral design one might see on a candy cane. At the end of the handle is what resembles a skull, stylistically placed. The rod itself is roughly three feet in length.

Under the cloth covering, Samehada is the color of grey that one would see upon a large shark. This is as any one who knows a single thing about the sword, because its kindred-ness to shark kind, and the fact that a legendary shark may or may not have been butchered for its manufacture.

Cost: 7000 word quest to find it and obtain it. This quest will consist of, in the least, reading up on the legends of the sword, looking for it's probable whereabouts, and for information on the current member of the seven swordsmen who uses it. Once the 7000 words of questing to find the current owner ends, a D100 must be rolled, and to obtain the sword, the user must roll over 100-X, where X is their level. If they do not roll the amount necessary to gain the sword, they may write 2000 more words to try again, and upon this try, they will roll a D100 with a target number of 75-X, where X is their level. If they fail this roll, the user may write 1000 more words, and roll a D100 once more, with a target number being 60-X, where X is their level. If they succeed, they can find the user, and gain the current wielder's blessing. This blessing will also amount to the user gaining a bonus of +4 to their roll to grasp Samehada for the first time and the sword not reject them. Questing must be done within Mizu no Kuni, and any questing for this sword must have Warr's prior permission.

Clause; This sword, just like every other sword amongst the legendary swords of the Seven Shinobi Swords of Kirigakure no Sato, is considered level '0' until the user has trained at least 4000 words with it. Following this training, it is considered level 10. 2000 more words of training is required to make the sword grow to its next stage, which its final stage, which is level 20. All of the Seven Swords of Kirigakure no Sato can have their level upgraded via $, but not until the user has reached the 'maximum base potential' of the blade, and mastered it.

Ownership; This sword is not one which can be gained lightly. Slaying its user or simply pilfering from its user will not make the blade work with ease; as it has slight sensibilities of its own. Any ninja whom would try to take Samehada is given a 1d10 roll, with the results of 1 through 7, the potential user is dealt 'bound arm' for one turn and may not roll again or train with the sword. With a result of 8-9, the potential user is dealt 'bound arm' for one turn, and drops the sword, needing to try to pick it up again and reroll. With a result of 10, Samehada accepts the potential user. In addition, no abilities of this sword are counted as 'activated' and any user suffers 10% reduction in their to-hit until the potential user has trained it to mastered it, completing the 6000 words and unlocking it's 20 weapon levels.

Edited by Warr

So...the 85% of the previous limb chopping ability dropped to 75% (at max)? Thats soooo much better -_-. Oh, and if you hit the body or head, its a 100% at max? <.<. Also, you need to specify "Barrier, Wall, etc" type jutsu in that same ability because you having a spiky sword doesn't stop me from using a Zanzoken ability to get the fuck out the way.

Lastly on "Samehada the Ripper", you have some fail grammar: "and its weight and size it can cause the great damage can occur from strikes."

Also, just a hint: I'd make it devour part of any chakra barriers it hits. Cuz that makes sense to me.


So...the 85% of the previous limb chopping ability dropped to 75% (at max)? Thats soooo much better -_-. Also the small little detail that it is an activated ability that can only be used 1-3 times per battle. That's kind of important. It use to be on every hit you had that % chance. Oh, and if you hit the body or head, its a 100% at max? <.<. Sure is. Also, you need to specify "Barrier, Wall, etc" type jutsu in that same ability because you having a spiky sword doesn't stop me from using a Zanzoken ability to get the fuck out the way. No he does not. Response phase jutsu can only be used on jutsu of the same rank or lower. This just makes this activated ability apply the same response phase rules as a jutsu would of the same rank as the user. This also prevents someone from being "lawl kawimari" out of the way of the major ability of a legendary weapon.

Also, just a hint: I'd make it devour part of any chakra barriers it hits. Cuz that makes sense to me.

This actually would be a good addition, but "chakra barrier" doesn't define anything accurately. Does that mean a barrier made of chakra or a barrier made from chakra? It also might make the ability more complicated than needed, part of the aim for this revision project is to hone the ability to simplistic forms. If it will add to many words for the sake of an edge case it is not really worth it. I would edge towards just skipping this idea unless it can be extremely streamlined (one sentence).

On another note, for ripper, after thinking about it I think it would be fair to say...

"In addition, the user rolls 1d6 for the following effects that will be applied to the first successful hit from attacks this turn:"

Posted (edited)
1 - 4: Roll 1d80, if the roll is less than the user's level / 2 (rounded up), the limb is severed. The user is considered under the effects of listed below for each limb until the limb is reattached. See below for more info.

Change this word? Otherwise it could be interpreted that the person wielding the Samehada is supposed to be affected instead of his opponent.

Edited by K Mitsuhide

Good catch, it was there because we were originally going to let the targeted player/the one hit by the sword roll the d6 and such.


@Titanic Momentum: I don't really understand how this makes the blade any more accurate or harder to dodge? As shown throughout history blades that are large and long can only be swung in so many directions and unless you're swinging vertically down its going to be impossible for it to gain any actual momentum.

@Shark Skin: I have a problem with this simply because my Meitou got denied for giving double the bonus to warrior. As soon as the user hits 1600 taijutsu which is highly likely for someone using this blade, they break beyond an additional 100 additional damage points, and thats without paying ANY skill cost.

@Samehada the Ripper: I also dont like how it DOUBLES the effect of shark skin, meaning that if the user were level 100 with say 2000 taijutsu they could easily deal out at least 300 damage a strike before any modifiers were dealt.


@Titanic Momentum: It's a seriously huge sword. A huge ass sword swung by someone with a considerable amount of strength, and a ninja at that. It's going to be hard to dodge as a result, as there's only so much room you can just 'herp derp sidestep' from when you're trying to sidestep from a speeding truck. That is why it increases accuracy, period.

@Shark Skin: The difference is, this is a Legendary sword, does not actually stack skill points, and is dealing bleed damage. It also doesn't automatically give you a bonus of 100 damage for nothing, you have to actually invest in taijutsu do to that.

@Samehada the Ripper is an activated ability, and can only be used a certain number of times per battle. And again, consider that you're actually having to stack stuff into it.

I'm aware you're targeting the sword because you're irked that we denied Meitou having a free 10 ranks of Warrior without the user actually having to invest any points in Taijutsu. The difference here is this is a legendary sword, and has a sizable chance that you can't even GET it when you try to get it. It also requires you to invest a ton into taijutsu if you actually want to effect, you can't just sit on your laurels about it.


Maybe we should move sharkskin from the user's Taijutsu to the weapon's level? Or maybe a "lower of the two" that comes to about the same in power.

Also, Leon, your skill was denied because we expect other creations outside of skills (like this) to have high levels of power, and we need to cap each one differently. I can talk with you more in detail if you like about your skill specifically in PM or IM if you want to learn why exactly yours was not allowed.


Personally speaking, since it takes 2,000 taijutsu to get even a 125 damage boost, I'm not seeing an issue here. Without breaking your build by over-investing, that'll take until roughly jounin level or higher to attain. At that point ninja are throwing around thousands of damage at one another, with that in mind, 125 damage is wimpy in comparison.

If it goes by weapon level, well, quite frankly it's far easier to get to level 100 than it would be the other way.


Thats why I think a "lower of the two" would be better, it requires proficiency in both then.

Also, a normal Jounin attack is only around 600-800 damage (~300 base damage + 500 mods if they have 2000 damage), not in the thousands. At sennin rank is when you start to see consistently throwing damage over 1000.

Posted (edited)

^ That's also not counting skills, bloodlines, items, ect. At that point a jounin as a metric butt-ton of those sitting on their person. I'm not saying it's consistent, but they can do it with only moderate difficulty.

I really don't like the 'lower of the two' rule, especially since it caps out anyway. Can't really call it 'proficient in both' when once the weapon reaches level 100, it will never exceed that no matter how strong the user gets. Eventually you'll be more proficient in one than the other, and you're consistantly at odds with the weapon constantly dropping it's damage because you leveled yourself up and didn't get money (because I still hold to the belief that we're horrible with money rewards). Or, in rare cases, the other way around.

And this is coming from the person who originally liked everything on the weapon to be based on level.

Edited by Eechi-go

Honestly basing it on the weapon's level kills the flavor of the sword to me and also seriously gimps one of it's key shining abilities. It's 125 bleed damage at that point, but with the fact that someone could easily just invest in a litany of equipment to do the equivalent in stack, it's not as big an issue to me as it might be to some. Especially with the fact that the bleed damage is based on the user's taijutsu and there are a ton of status effects that lower a ninja's taijutsu.


I'm just saying that this +25% on your taijutsu modifier is free, and that it needs to keep tight constraints. This is a legendary weapon so it gets bonuses and I do not think this is game breaking, but I want to keep a short leash on powerful abilities like this. You know how it happens, someone sees this approved then goes off and makes one slightly tweaked and 2-3 down the road we have a monster.

That being said, this is one of the most powerful weapon ability sets I have seen that I am willing to approve. If a weapon is going to get legendary effects, I would like it to be a canon weapon like this.



I would like to see it mentioned that Samehada the Ripper ability can only be used once per turn. They way it's worded one can infer that " the following effects that will be applied to the first successful hit from attacks this turn" meaning that it's only the first attack, but one could argue that's only talking about using the ability once. You can, at max use it three times.

And for clarification Taijutsu 'score'...mods or stats?


It already implied it can only be used once per turn by the effect only taking place on the first successful hit from attacks: So, if you do a multi-hit it'll only effect the first succesful hit in that battle.

@'Score', Score is always Stats, because their modifiers can be modified by skills, etc.

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