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Terrick Sukrai

Shimazu Shiba Makoto

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~User Data~

-Posting: Depends, usually twice a week at least

-Time Zone: GMT -6


Name: Shimazu Shiba Makoto

Village: Iwagakure

Nationality: Tsuchi no Kuni

Clan: Shimazu Clan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Allegiance: Iwagakure no Sato, Tsuchi no Daimyo




-Height: 5'8"

-Weight: 129 lbs

-Hair Color: Brown

-Eye Color: Azure blue

-Clothing: Usually Makoto will be seen either wearing a kimono or her armour, which is patterned after the lions of the lands east of Tsuchi no Kuni.

-Physical Description: Makoto has bronze-skin with a somewhat muscled though still lithe build, the signs of someone who spent most of their time outdoors, yet is not without some curves to her as she starts to grow into womanhood. Her dark brown hair is long and reaches to her lower back when it's undone, though she normally keeps it tied back out of her way, letting her bright blue eyes stand out fully. She is very flexible, and trains daily in order to maintain the physique, knowing that strength alone does not always save the day. So far the only scars she has is from her training, as she has yet to venture out of the borders of Earth Country.


Background: Makoto's family is a bit odd, though for the Shimazu han it is actually quite common considering the economy in the area. Her father, Shiba Sakon, was like many a goshi, a samurai who in peacetime worked labourer's and peasant's jobs in order to make money. These sanpin samurai were forced to work many different jobs throughout their lives, although some managed to find a talent that they were good at and stuck with it, earning enough to keep the family fed. Sakon had found a good job working as a carpenter, acting as both foreman and architect along with a group of other goshi that had found either a similar calling or a taste for hard labour. And it was hard... Having none of the modern tools that many of the other countries and even the other han had, the men who worked the logging and lumbering jobs would have to sweat it out as their ancestors did, stripped to their shorts and left to sweat as they felled the giant trees of the mountains for construction of the local buildings, and thus they usually smelled foul of sawdust and the sap of cedars. Everything was done by hand, even the samurai were too poor to afford the technological advancements of their fellow countrymen, though the true reason for this isolation of technology came more due to the upbringing that most had. For the people of Shimazu han, anything new was viewed with suspicion and derision. Traditions were set in stone, and any deviation that wasn't unanimously considered absolutely necessary was met with hostility by the hide-bound samurai.

Still, this meant that life was not easy, yet it also made the clan strong. Those too weak of body to survive the harsh conditions got sick and died young, while those mentally unable to cope went insane. Those that remained were dogged, determined, and absolutely indomitable in both body and spirit, and this has continued in Shiba Sakon. It was during the time that he was building a house for a merchant that he came across a fair maiden by the name of Kachiko, with hair like black silk and beautiful golden eyes. At first he thought that she must be a kitsune or a Jorōgumo, for no human woman could be so beautiful. Fortunately for Sakon, she was as mortal as he, and more she had taken an interest in the samurai. After a year of seeing one another, Sakon proposed to Kachiko, to which the woman happily accepted.

The truth was, Kachiko was no merchant's daughter, but a konoichi sent by the daimyo to keep an eye on the Shimazu from within, to ensure that the attempts of the nobles of other lands to undermine the little power that they held onto did not send the Shimazu into open rebellion against the lands and the emperor. Despite her role as spy, Kachiko knew that her task was to make the Shimazu clan stay loyal to the Daimyo of Tsuchi no Kuni, and believed that the best manner to do so was to aid in its strength. It was fortunate for her that her feelings for the stolid Sakon were genuine, or there might have been conflict at one point or another. Within a year of their marriage though, Kachiko gave birth to the first of three children she'd bear Sakon: Horuda, Tsurara, and Makoto.

Shiba Makoto was the middle-child of the three siblings, and as such was usually passed over by the father in favor of the son, who was first-born. Despite this, there was no true favoritism occurring, it was just how things worked out. Horuda was expected to become a samurai just like his father, and so in a way Makoto and Tsurara had more freedom than their older brother in that they could learn whatever they wanted so long as they did not shame their family. In Makoto's case, she had flirted with the idea of becoming a samurai as well, but for the most part thought it was just a daydream, and that it could never happen. Boy was she surprised then, when her father overheard her talking about it with her sister Tsurara, he said that it wasn't impossible... Not understanding, she asked her father what he meant, at which point he explained to her that even though a woman is rarely if ever seen on the battlefield, every wife of every samurai was expected to know how to fight, and to defend the home in her husband's absence. Therefore, the wish to be a samurai-ko was not an insult to station, but rather is a goal that should be worked towards. In Sakon's mind, he meant that it would be good for his daughter to find a strong and well-ranked husband, and thus didn't discourage the look of wonder in his daughter's eyes, and moreso even suggested that he speak to her mother about what might be expected of the wife of a samurai.

Because Sakon did not know of his wife's occupation as a konoichi, he can be pardoned for what happened next, for when Makoto went to her mother and asked her to train her, Kachiko thought that she'd been caught. Still, she could not figure out a way from keeping her daughter silent without doing something, and she loved her daughter too much to even consider anything untoward. She knew that Makoto had shown some signs of having the capability to mold chakra, yet had said nothing to her husband lest he become displeased and run the girl out, and Kachiko as well. So, to appease the girl, she taught her a basic meditation exercise first that was used by beginners to manipulate their chakra and build it upwards, eliciting a promise from the girl not to tell anyone 'womanly secrets' as she called it. It was only after dinner, when Kachiko was preparing to sleep with her husband, that Sakon told her of the conversation he'd had and Makoto's wish to become a samurai-ko. Kachiko nearly laughed herself hoarse at her own foolishness! Of course! Makoto had always been a headstrong child, so she would be drawn towards something as reckless as the battlefield. Still, knowing that she'd already given Makoto one lesson on chakra, she knew there would be more, so she'd have to be careful in what she taught her child.

Still, this was not the end of the troubles a six-year old Makoto would cause... One day, while practicing her child's version of swordsmanship, she managed to sneak into her father's study and 'borrow' his sword, the Kumokirimaru. When her parents found out, Sakon had been furious, intent on punishing the girl for the audacity of having touched the family's greatest treasure. Kachiko begged him not to even as he stormed towards the small courtyard where he knew Makoto would be practicing, but that was not what stopped him short as he opened the door. No, not his wife's pleading, but rather it was the sight that befell him as he stood there, hand still on the doorframe, eyes transfixed at his grandfather's blade in the hands of a six year old.

His grandfather's GLOWING blade... Something it had not done even in his own or his father's hands!

When he spoke of the incident to the elders of the clan, they were worried that the sword glowing was an ill omen, for none of them had ever heard of it doing so before. To test this, they asked Sakon to bring the sword out where it would be tested by the local priests. After the ritual however, the priests declared that they could find nothing wrong with the blade, and that there was no evidence of spiritual tampering with the sword either, for surely the spirit of the sword would have grown angry if there had been. Confused at this, Shiba Sakon once more went to the elders and asked how this could be. By this time, the elders were of the thought that perhaps Shiba-don was merely getting old, and that his eyesight may be failing him, causing him to mistake the reflection of the setting sun along the blade for some supernatural glow. As such, they asked him to have his daughter repeat what she had been doing during a cloud-covered evening, to see whether or not their theory held true. Little Makoto was very nervous when her father had asked her to stand in front of all the old men and wave her father's sword, and she hoped that she didn't drop the sword and embarress her family... or Kami forbid damage the blade! Still, when they asked her to go through the motions that she did before, she did so without complaint, though always aware of the elders around her. As she went through her rough home-made katas, the old men saw nothing but a brat waving around her father's katana like a tree willow, and some of them began to laugh at the child and her father.

Makoto, being as children will, was upset that these old men were acting like it was a joke, and thought that they were insulting her 'style' in the process. Unconsciously, she began to channel her 'inner soul' as her mother had said, closing her eyes in order to focus herself. And just like in the last practises, while her eyes were closed, the blade began to glow a soft blue-white in the darkened night, causing the chuckles and laughter to sputter to a halt as they watched the child swing the sword, unaware of what her actions were resulting in.

Many at the meeting were shocked, some scared, others thinking that the girl was possessed of some strange magic and that she should be exiled. Only one of the younger elders, named Tozaburo, knew the truth. He'd seen the way the girl concentrated to make the blade glow, and more... he'd seen it before, in the magic of those who hunted in the shadows. However, if he were to reveal the truth like that, it would bring shame upon the whole clan! Not because the girl had the capabilities of ninja magic, but because the Kumokirimaru would thus be proven to be a ninja weapon, and thus the entire line of Shimazu would lose face! So instead, when asked his opinion, he quickly put together a plan that he hoped would save the clan's honour as well as maintain the secret he'd uncovered. He told the other elders that it was not the girl who was possessed, but instead it was the sword itself that was reacting to the girl's own spirit, as it reportedly had for her great-grandfather before. Wondering how this could be, they accused Tozaburo of having lost his mind, thinking that a woman would have a samurai spirit. Tozaburo countered this by reminding the elders of the story of Tomoe Gozen, who had helped Yoshinaka in the Genpei war by taking the capitol. Knowing that this was still stretching the opinions of the elders, Tozaburo wisely make a comment that, while Tomoe-san was indeed a legendary figure, perhaps young Makoto would need more... stolid training if she were to prove herself. After all, if the sword had accepted Makoto as its new wielder, then it would be unlucky to give it to someone else now, as the sword's Tsukumogami might curse anyone who takes it away. The elder's nodded their heads at this, for it was known to be a fact that a sword older than a century was very picky about who could wield it, and those that tried to force themselves on such a blade would either find it breaking at a critical moment or might accidentally fall on it, killing them and staining the sword forever. They did not want that for such a treasure as the sword, and so they decided that Makoto would inherit the blade. However, the elders demanded that, if she were to show true honor enough to wield it, she must be trained as thoroughly as any samurai in the clan! Tozaburo agreed to this, and so Shimazu Shiba Makoto found herself being pushed into the Nise training regime along with all the boys, including her brother.

Horuda, seeing that Makoto held his father's blade, demanded to know why she had been chosen and not him! Sakon tried to explain it best, but Horuda still thought that he'd been cheated. Just as the boy was about to demand that his sister give him the blade, his father frowned and said, "Do you really intend to use a woman's blade on the battlefield?! I thought I'd raised a son!" Horuda flinched at the words and implied insult, pulling his hand away from where his sister sat. "But how can I be samurai without a katana?" he asked, to which his father laughed. "How do you think boy? Do you think that when two brothers go to war, only one of them uses a sword? Of course not! You'll just have to have one made for you! That way, when you have your own grandchildren, you will hear them say to their friends that they wield the sword of their heroic grandfather, and you will take pride in knowing that you will be the beginnings of the sword's story for all of time!" To this, Horuda could say nothing, and bowed his head in thanks to his father before sitting down. Of course, that did not stop him from whispering to Makoto that he'd become so great a samurai that people would forget all about Makoto's blade, to which the girl replied mockingly that he'd only be great at tripping over it, resulting in a friendly tussle that was quickly broken up... And so began the rivalry of brother and sister.

Nine years had passed since Makoto's training began, and while it was hard, she proved that she had her father's blood in her by doggedly pushing her way through the male-oriented Nise schooling, turning her cheek at most of the insults, yet not so much that she became a target, as she showed that she could trounce an opponent just as handily as some of the upper classmen. As she grew in strength, learning the same Jigen-ryu that had become the staple of Shimazu samurai, and when times grew hard she too helped the family by working side-jobs, usually at the blacksmith's or wood-carver's shops. Kachiko however, did not stop her teachings to Makoto though, and usually gave Makoto tasks to do outside of her normal training, saying that if she truly wanted to be a samurai-ko, she could expected to fight against ninja at at least one point in her life, and as such must know how to catch them. Makoto had learned that ninja were disgusting beings without honor, and so wondered why she would need to know these techniques, and how her mother had come across them. Her mother carefully told her that while it was true that ninja sometimes fought without honour, they were the primary means in which the daimyos of other countries attacked their enemies, and as such anytime that the ones Makoto would be protecting would come under attack, it would likely be by a ninja. As for how Kachiko knew? She waved her hands dismissively, saying that it is common knowledge that you cannot strike an enemy if you do not know where they are, and as she had hoped to marry Makoto's father she had had to learn these things. It was a lie of course, but one which was easily believed when thought about, and so Makoto did not think to question it. Instead, she merely kept on training... And then, Kumo invaded.

For two years the Shimazu clan, like the other clans of Tsuchi no Kuni, wondered how the Tsuchi Daimyo could have allowed Kumo to occupy their homeland? Still, without orders to attack openly, the Shimazu could do nothing but continue to perservere. Ironically, the NCIA's actions had also destabilized the other daimyo's attempts to destabilize the Shimazu's holdings, and so they were a bit better of footing once the NCIA were gone. Admittedly, since there weren't any ninja in Shimazu-han the NCIA didn't bother with anything more than a token guard post there, but it still rankled at the Shimazu's sense of honour that they'd had to put up with such a coward in their homeland. What kind of hypocrisy was it to say that only ninja could police ninja? A uniform doesn't change a thief from being a thief, nor an assassin from being an assassin, and so in the eyes of the Shimazu this was nothing more than a coward's ploy to frighten the people into submission, a tactic which had never worked on the proud Shimazu. And sure enough, it wasn't long before the NCIA was thrust out of Tsuchi no Kuni, regrettably by the shinobi of Iwagakure. Still, with the war against Kumo in full swing, the Shimazu could now attack openly, and the various samurai were called to fight as well. Their efforts were on a lesser scale than those of the Resistance shinobi, but no less bloody as the samurai had to contend with fighting against magicians who could breath fire and seemingly multiply faster than you can blink in addition to the mercenaries and conscripted soldiers the Kumo Empire had at their command. Now that the Raikage had fallen though, it was time to return home for most who had survived. For Makoto however, a twist in fate had altered her own destiny, as one of the jounin of Iwagakure had reported the presence of a samurai woman wielding a blade powered by chakra, and thus the Council of Iwagakure decided that this swordswoman should be brought to Iwa and made part of their forces. They could not demand her presence however, for to do so would incite the wrath of the war-like Shimazu, which would do ill for the village just getting back on its feet, and so instead asked the Daimyo to make it an order to the clan. The Daimyo agreed, and despite the outrage of the elders at this they could not argue it, for it was an order from their lord. To appease them however, the Daimyo proclaimed that once she was allowed to retire, she would bring back valuable knowledge in how to fight against the killers in the dark, and thus would potentially become stronger than any of the other remaining samurai clans. Seeing the sense in this, the clan elders have ordered Makoto to go to Iwa with full knowledge that the elders of the clan would be judging her based on her performance, and more importantly that the world would be judging the Shimazu by her actions as well, and so she is under more pressure than any other Shimazu samurai has been in a long time. Setting her jaw, she set out with swords in hand and her armour on her back, ready to do her duty for clan and country.

Edited by Terrick Sukrai
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Personality: Determined, stubborn, and strong willed are the most common words given to describe the young woman named Shiba Makoto, as well as brash, prideful, and tomboy. Like her clansmen, her life growing up has been one without the benefit of technology or plentiful coin, and so she never takes anything that is given to her for granted, and also means that she has very little to complain about after living with hard labour for so many years. The downside to this is that her honour demands that she cannot accept a gift without repaying it however, as it would seem like the behaviour of a beggar or a peasant to do so, and likeways feels that her duty is still to support her clan in the same way as before, therefore she only buys what is necessary for herself before giving the rest to the clan coffers. She still despises the less-than-honorable tactics of shinobi, and woe betide the one who dares to call her one, for she will demand their blood if not their apology. Honor and duty are worth far more to her than friendship or love, and therefore can come off as a bit of a bitch if rubbed the wrong way, and also might cause friction if she were teemed with someone whose mentality comes into direct conflict with her own. Otherwise, she responds politely in the traditional way, and is curt and to the point rather than needless elaborate in her speech.

Likes: Makoto surprisingly likes cicadas, and listening to them chirp at night, finding it soothing to her mind. She also likes to see things occur in a manner that, even if surprising, is still somewhat logical. She has developed a taste for reading haikus, as well as music, though she doesn't spend too much time on them as back home it would be considered almost criminal to waste time dallying with such things when there are more important things to be done.

Dislikes: Deceit is her biggest pet peeve, followed very closely by being referred to as a ninja. She may have to work with them, but that doesn't mean she likes them, and reacts violently when accused of being one! Disrespect is another thing she will not tolerate, which means that her pride may be her undoing in the future.

~Favorite~ (What's your character's favorite…)
-Food: Chocolate is one of Makoto's favorite foods, as it was hard to come by and was only sold on festival days in her home village. She especially likes it on dumplings.
-Color: Gold and white are her favorite colors, although sometimes a bit of blue or red will catch her eye.
-Music Genre: She prefers Shakuhachi music to others, although Nogaku can sometimes interest her as well.
-Book Genre: Truthfully, Makoto has a bit of a disliking for books, and much prefers stories told by word of ear instead of paper.
-Hangout: Seeing as she is still new to the village of Iwa, she doesn't have one in the village yet, let alone a place to stay, so she's still exploring as much as she can.
Favorite Quotes: "Blood is just red sweat.” ~ Enson Inoue
"Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being.” ~ Daisaku Ikeda

Samurai Stats

A gifted shinobi is one of high latent potential and great promise. These ninja tend to have an IQ far above that of an average person, and seems to represent their battle mind through tactical advantage and intuition, more so than typical training exercises and the normal procedures of combat.

- +100 Stats (does not count as a level)
- +1 Skill Point
- +10 Jutsu Points

Rank: Osechigo (Gennin equivalent, Kochigo is Academy Student equivalent, Nise is Chunnin equivalent, Osenshi is Jounin, Daimyo/Karo is Kage/Sennin)

Level: 24

TXP: 9831.3

To Next Level: 168.7

-Stats (3060 out of 3060)- (60 from Chunin Exam flag)
(Health Power) 300
(Stamina) 280
(Chakra) 300
(Taijutsu) 340
(Spirit) 200
(Defense) 340
(Genjutsu) 160
(Concentration) 180
(Speed) 300
(Accuracy) 300
(Evasion) 360

Gifted roll: here

Edited by Terrick Sukrai
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Skill Point Tally: 25/25

Remaining Skill Points: 0



Skill Name: Know No Fear
Bloodline: Samurai
Description: To serve as a Samurai is to know that you will die. To serve well means being willing to die every day. This mindset is what allows a Samurai to become the warrior he is, and therefore to be the bulwark against his master's enemies. This foreknowledge, not merely a belief, is drilled into the samurai from their youngest days of training, and therefore any attempts to frighten them usually fall flat. However, a crafty opponent might use this to his advantage...
Effect: The samurai is immune to the status effects Afraid, Scared, Terrified and Petrified. These effects only cause the samurai targeted to become Distracted for one turn when targeted by opponents other than those who caused the fear-effect, due to the samurai's focus on trying to eliminate the source. Any techniques using Killer Intent by an opponent of the user's level or below are required to be laughed/smirked/chuckled/scoffed at (You are immune to such). This skill has no effect on Killing Intent used by those of higher level.
Cost: -3

Martial Artist [Ox]
You put the art in martial arts. Your expertise with the style that you possess puts others to shame and enemies to the ground.
Taijutsu of the chosen style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +5 damage per strike (per rank).
Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.
Rank: 1/10


Martial Artist [styleless]
You put the art in martial arts. Your expertise with the style that you possess puts others to shame and enemies to the ground.
Taijutsu of the chosen style deal a bonus +5 damage per ninja rank of the technique (per skill rank). You may choose "Styleless" Taijutsu as your chosen style, which would include any Taijutsu that does not fall under a specific type of fighting style. Basic Attacks deal a bonus +5 damage per strike (per rank).
Ex: Genin techniques gain +5 damage, Chuunin techniques gain +10 damage, etc.
Rank: 5/10

Skill Name: Demon Hunter
Bloodline: Regular
Description: The character has been trained to fight not only against mortal foes, but to specialize in fighting against supernatural entities as well through training, long study of ancient lore, and sometimes spiritual training as well.
Effect: Spirit and Genjutsu techniques used against Summons, demons, supernatural beings, anything that isn't a human being or a normal animal, do 150% base damage while Taijutsu only doing 75% base damage. This applies after the normal 'final equation' of damage is up, and then the modifier is applied. (Scrolls do not apply this unless they were made by the character with this skill).
Cost: -1

Skill Name: The Path of the Warrior
Description: Within every class of shinobi-nin, there are scholars, medi-nin, scouts, and warriors, and of the four, the warriors are the most dedicated. This dedication to their self and their village exhibits itself within the skills of the shinobi-nin over time, and a warrior grows fairly quickly in skill in regards to their peers.
Effect: Gain 1 extra Jutsu Point every other level.
Warrior's Way: Choose Two:
-Taijutsu: The skill 'Martial Artist' no longer has a 5-post Jounin restriction. May take 2 Ranks of 'Martial Artist' for 1 skill point.
-(Sword) Specialist: The skill 'Warrior' (Sword)' no longer has the level/2 restriction. May take 2 Ranks of 'Warrior (Sword)' for 1 skill point.
RP Guide:
-A follower of the Path of the Warrior tends to be dedicated to the arts they follow, hoping to become as best a warrior as they can be. A warrior might be a common born common talent shinobi who trains every hour of every day, or they might be a prodigy who might as well have been born in bedded in the arts. The personalities of a warrior vary, though they fight with power more often that tact.
-Cost: -1

Warrior (Sword)
A skilled and practiced veteran of your craft.
An attack from the specific weapon will deal a bonus +5 Damage per strike (per rank). Double this bonus for large weapon strikes.
Rank: 6/10


Steadfast Durability
Your stamina knows no bounds! Your body is able to push harder and for longer durations than that of your companions.
Stamina-Based Techniques cost 5 less Stamina per ninja rank of the technique. Minimum of 5 Stamina must always be paid.
Ex: Genin techniques cost -5 Stamina, Chuunin techniques cost -10 Stamina, etc.
Rank: 1/10


Defensive Martial Artist
Build like a brick sh*t house and twice as pretty.
The user takes -5 damage from incoming Taijutsu attacks per ninja rank of the user (per skill rank). The user also takes -5 damage from incoming Basic attacks per strike (per skill rank).
Ex: A Genin takes -5 damage, a Chuunin takes -10 damage, etc.
Rank: 1/10


Skill Name: Intestinal Fortitude
Effect: Rank 1: Gain 10% of your Total Stamina every turn. This replaces normal Stamina regeneration
Cost: -5 per rank (1 rank)

Skill Name: Shadow Stalker Samurai
Bloodline: Regular
Description: Samurai in the current day and age are normally seen as throwbacks to a more primitive time, from before the days of chakra usage and jutsu capable of slaughtering dozens of men in the blink of an eye, and thus are usually treated as inferiors or are seen as little more than house guards by most shinobi.
Except for the Shadow Stalkers.
Shadow Stalkers are samurai who, through rigorous training, exposure to chakra and chakra-related techniques, supernatural instances, and captured documents on shinobi training techniques, have become specialists in hunting down or defending against the various techniques of a ninja. Though still samurai and heirs to the ideals of bushido, they also know the secrets of those who slip through the shadows, allowing them to do the same in order to track their prey more effectively as well as resisting their offensive magics. Most travelling merchants will hope to hire such Stalkers as bodyguards if they feel particularly threatened, while every daimyo seeks to gain the services of one as a yojimbo.

Effect: 'The Character is not a shinobi-nin, and is rather a Samurai, and considered a Samurai, instead. Remove the 'Ninjutsu' Stat, and replace it with a stat known as 'Spirit'. Spirit is the same for all intents as Ninjutsu, in that if one would 'seal' ninjutsu they could 'seal' spirit. The singular difference between spirit techniques and ninjutsu techniques is that Spirit techniques may be used offensively -only- on supernatural creatures, (IE: Animal Kami; Demons, Summons, and other supernatural entities. For all intents and purposes, Spirit is exactly the same as Ninjutsu in regards to statistical battles, so the modifiers it gives to offensive attacks are defended against by the same modifier that would defend against ninjutsu. Skills like 'Knowing the Elements' may not be used against 'Shadow Stalker' or 'Spirit' Techniques, and all void and medical main site techniques for ninjutsu are capable of being obtained via the 'Shadow Stalker' skill as a requirement, if they fit the same 'effective rank' to take it. Spirit techniques utilized within the set-up phase may be used to modify kenjutsu or taijutsu attacks or techniques used in the subsequent main phase or may be used to 'up' the Shadow Stalker's stats for that turn, by the normal rules for the equivalent rank ninjutsu. Offensive Spirit techniques and Spirit/Kenjutsu, and Spirit/Taijutsu combinations may only be used during the main phase.
Cost: -1 Must be taken at character creation.

Skill name: Sense of Awareness
Type: General/Samurai
Description: A samurai spends much of his time in practice, learning how to effortlessly draw his weapon and strike in the same motion. Even more than this however, is the awareness that a samurai has of their surroundings. When they are fully in tune with themselves, a samurai can react to any attack almost instantly, as though they had known it was coming all along...
Effect: Samurai may draw a medium length 'sword' type weapon, and perform response phase jutsu involving the same weapon within the response phase, or utilize Response Phase skills/weapon attributes involving the weapon.
Cost: -1

Skill Name: Iron Constitution
Bloodline: Regular
Description: Through training, immunizations, and exposure to toxic elements, a person can render themselves more resistant to the effects of poisons and venoms. This is especially handy when being hired as a bodyguard and having to test the client's food and drink for assassination attempts.
Effect: For each rank in this skill, the user may roll a 'Resistance Check' to see if the poison effects them. This is made with a d100, and you must roll under the percentage this skill imparts in order to be rendered immune for that attack only. Each time a poison is used against you (even if it's the same poison type being used) you must reroll the Resistance Check. You gain 20% for each rank in this skill.
Cost: -1 for first rank, -2 for second, -3 for third, -4 for fourth rank. This skill may only be purchased on the basis of once per ninja rank (or equivalent). IE: 1 rank at gennin, 2 at chunnin, three at jounin, and four at Kage/sannin.
Rank: 1

Mountain Ox Style
Effect: Ox Charges may be spent in one of the three following ways.
1. The user may spend an Ox Charge during their Main Phase to increase the damage of an Mountain Ox Style technique by 5x% as well as increasing their Defense stat by 10x% until their following Main Phase, where x is the amount of charges spent.
2. The user may perform a technique that requires the use of Ox Charges.
- Iwagakure Ninja or 5 post training session with a ninja who already knows this skill.
Description: A good offense is the best defense, and the Mountain Ox Style takes this philosophy to the mat, literally. This martial art makes use of low attacks, grapples and throws that keep a low center of gravity and strong hand techniques, notably the bridge hand and the versatile tiger claw. Students of this style often spend hours in training only standing in a single low stance, which builds strength and focus. Mountain Ox Style is sometimes mis-characterized as solely external; that is, reliant on brute physical force; even though the student advances progressively towards an internal focus.
Cost: -1

Skill Name: Second Wind
Effect: Upon reaching 0 or less health, the user's HP is raised back up to 1 HP, but only once per battle. If the user's HP would be reduced below -25% of its total then this skill does not come into effect.
Cost: -2

Skill Name: First Aid Provider
Effect: May use Gennin Medical Jutsu that cost up to 3 points.
Cost: -1


Skill Name: Poverty
Bloodline: Shimazu clan only
Description: The Shimazu clan lives the life of half-noble, half indentured servant. As such, they must work the lives of three men to have half of the happiness of a peasant. This life is hard, but not impossible to one with the right mindset.
Effect: All monetary mission rewards are cut in half, as are any funds rewarded through rping or through money-making skills. These funds go to the clan instead. May not take any discount skills to compensate for this.
Cost: +3

Skill Name: Nise Education
Bloodline: Shimazu clan only
Description: The nise educational system of the Shimazu clan was an interesting one... to put it politely. It meant unswerving duty and loyalty, resolve and dedication to what was perceived to be the ultimate expression of samurai conduct, but in truth it too had its flaws. Held too rigidly, it could mean that the person would be unable to interact with others socially, resulting in a sort of retardedness in behaviour as well as very skewed ideas as to how others thought. Held too loosely however, and you wound up with an arrogant prick who thought he was part of some social clique that made him better than the others. The Satsuma samurai found both of these to be unfavorable outcomes and so taught their children these precepts and their meanings from their most tender years, allowing the children to learn how to interact with each other without overstepping the bounds but also without isolating them completely, as children are terribly social and cannot stand being by themselves for long. To date, noone who has gone through the nise education has ever rebelled against their rulers or has been swayed by the temptations of other nations. And the Shimazu clan aim to keep it this way...
Effect: The skill Tactics: Ambush is prohibited, as is mercantile conduct (Killing only for money). Also prohibited is killing without the permission of a superior, regardless of circumstances, except in the fulfillment of duty or in defense of oneself and one's immediate home and family. Also prohibited are the skills Poison Creator, Path of the Assassin, Poison Master, Expert Poison Creator, Poison Handler, Poison Handling Master, Path of the Puppeteer, and Puppet control.
Cost: +1 skill points

Fighting Styles:  Ox

Skills learned from Jounins: 0/4

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Jutsu Point Tally: 69/72

Basic Academy Jutsus:

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10 Genjutsu
Description: Creates an illusionary replica of the user. It is unable to attack or interact with other objects, but can serve as a good distraction.
Damage: None
Effects: Adds +5 evasion and +5 accuracy for each clone. Once a clone is hit it is destroyed, and the bonuses with it.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 5 Genjutsu
Description: Wrap chakra around your body to change your appearance. You can still use the features of the thing you can become, e.g use the claws of a clawed animal, but not to the extent of if you were that thing.
Damage: None
Effects: Change your appearance.

Name: Konjou Sanpo (Spirit Walk)
Type: Spirit
Rank: Academy Student
Cost: 10 chakra
Description: Similar to the shinobi's Kawarimi no Jutsu, the Konjou Sanpo is a high-speed evasion technique that displaces the user quickly. Unlike its shinobi counterpart though, there is no illusion to ward off the attack, merely a high-speed lurch that jerks the samurai in a new direction. A lifesaver, and a must-have technique when fighting against a dishonorable opponent.
Damage: None
Effects: Evade the next attack aimed at you. You are unable to attack the opponent the turn you use this. You can only use this 3 times per battle. This technique cannot be used to dodge Ninjutsu, Spirit, Taijutsu or Genjutsu Techniques.

Other Jutsus:

Name: Kiai Shout
Type: Taijutsu/Genjutsu (Samurai)
Rank: Genin
Cost: 20 stamina, 20 chakra
Damage: N/A
Effects: Half Opening to basic attack with a sword, used only in setup phase. Cannot affect a target again until three turns after initial use have passed. Does not affect character's of at least one effective rank higher than the user. Use the concentration stat to modify the dodge roll.
Description: Most people naturally make a shout before attacking, acting in reflex. Most ninja regard this as the mark of a useless amateur, since they are taught that silent killing is superior and thus announcing yourself is foolish. A samurai however, knows better. They know that this shout is not only a natural function, but when timed properly and with proper training, can be used as effectively as a weapon as any blade. Having been trained to unite spiritual energy with physical action, the samurai lets out a roar from deep within to hopefully stun their opponent in order to create an opening for their attack, the loud forceful cry eliciting a more primal reaction of fight-or-flight from the target.
Points: 3 JP

Name: Iajutsu Defence 1
Type: Kenjutsu/Taijutsu, Countering Response Phase jutsu
Rank: Genin/Osechigo
Cost: 32 Stamina + cost of weapon use (Must be a sword of at least medium size that you are eligible to use)
Damage: 40 damage + weapon damage, See Effects.
Effects: All damage from this technique is used to negate damage dealt to the user. If the damage dealt to the user is more than what can be negated, then the remaining damage goes through along with any effects that are applicable from the attack.
Description: The art of the draw-strike is something that samurai of old hold up as nearly a sacred rite, a ritual that is passed down as tradition and as law as a means of settling disputes. Consisting of a strike made as the blade is pulled from its sheath, it emphasizes determination, surety, and confidence in oneself as well as the will to destroy your enemy. Duels are usually performed with only one such strike, for usually one is enough to decide who is stronger. This technique utilizes those teachings to defend against an incoming attack while seemingly defenceless.
Points: 5
Special: This jutsu may only be used up to a maximum of twice per battle. Failure chance is as normal for response phase jutsu. You lose your setup and main phases. This can only be used against equipped-weapon basic attacks or taijutsu that require an equipped weapon. Maximum weapon level of 20 if using a medium weapon, 10 if using a Large weapon. If a weapon of higher level is used, it is considered to be level 20 for this technique if medium, 10 if Large. Requires Sense of Awareness.

Dance of the Cresent Moon (Mikazuki no Mai)
Type: Genjutsu/Taijustu
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 60 Stamin/20 Chakra
Damage: 70
Effect: Increases user's accuracy by 40 for this attack.
Description: A sword attack which creates two Clones that, with the user, attack simultaneously to confuse the target.
Points: 2 (Cost 4 for genin level purchase)

Lion Combo (Shishi Rendan)
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 45 Taijutsu
Damage: 60
Effect: If not used after Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou), then -40 too the user's accuracy.
Description: A series of pucnhes and kicks which follow Shadow Leaf Dance.
Points: 3

Sacred Arrow of the Phantom (Genzou Hamaya)
Type: Genjutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 30 Chakra
Damage: 10 Ghost Damage
Effect: Target has a -5% chance of dodging this technique.
Description: A surprisingly quick attack, the user of this technique only needs to perform one quick hand seal to release Chakra into the air; this Chakra will affect a target's mind and cause him/her/it to imagine an arrow being shot at him/her/it.
Points: 2

After Timeskip:

Ox's Spear
Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 40 Stamina
Damage: 50
Effect:s: n/a
Description: The user will charge forward in a low stance, stepping forward and thrusting their shoulder into the opponent's abdomen in a powerful spear attack.
Points: 2

Double Ax Handle
Type: Taijutsu (Ox Style)
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 77 Stamina
Damage: 40
Effect:s: Opponent is under the effect of ‘Headache' for 3 turns.
Description: The user will approach the opponent and elbow them hard in the stomach, followed by a double handed ax swing to the base of the neck, causing significant pain for awhile after due to the force applied to the head.
Points: 4

Earth God's Wrath

Trial of the Forge

Dance of the Crashing Dragon

The Farmer's Tale

Name: Nawanuke no Jutsu: Escape Techniques
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
- 40 stamina cost to remove a Bound [Arm or leg].
Damage: n/a
Effects: Removes one "physical" Bound effect on the user. Ex: Rope, string, chains or shackles etc. Used on the Main Phase. Does not work on jutsu of Chuunin rank or higher.
Description: To be able to escape captivity is a basic skill for any ninja and those who have really learn their techniques can get the out of many situations. This basic techniques gives the ninja a starting knowledge of how to get out of certain situations.
Points: 3

Name: Ox Style: Skull Crushing Hoof (Dokuro Assai Tsume)
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 60 Stamina
Damage: 75
Effects: None
Description: A very simple technique using the basics of the Ox Style of Iwagakure. While up close to the target the user will crouch down and gather all their weight in their legs, and then explode up and raise one knee to strike the opponent underneath the chin.

Name: Tachiba no Kara Style: Thrust
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 37 Stamina
Damage: 16
Effects: Bleed 10/turn 3 turns
Description: Of the many styles of swordsmanship, the simplest is that with no set form, known as "Empty Stance". Another simple technique, the user attacks the opponent, lunging the sword straight out, twisting slightly as they remove the sword. Leaves a small whole in the opponent, which bleeds heavily.
Points: 2

Name: Tachiba no Kara Style: Low Sweep
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: Gennin
Cost: 38 Stamina
Damage: 10
Effects: Hamstrung for 2 turns.
Description: Of the many styles of swordsmanship, the simplest is that with no set form, known as "Empty Stance". With this attack, the user dashes behind their opponent, and slashes at their Achilles tendons, slowing their movement.
Points: 2

Two Tango'
Type: Taijutsu; Weapon
Rank: Genin
Cost: 30 stamina
Damage: 15
Effects: Target is under status effect "Bleeding" -20 for one(1) turn. If opponent is 'hamstrung' apply status effect "Bleeding" to this technique, -20 for two (2) turns instead.
Description: Half stepping to the side and going into a low position. Pivoting on the lead foot, the user drives the sharpened end of a weapon into the thigh of the opponent. Splitting the thigh right between the area that the hamstring meets the quadriceps.
Points: 2

Protective Cross (Kago Kouso); Level 1
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Rank: Gennin [Medical]
Cost: 75 Chakra
Effect: The next Gennin level Ninjutsu/Genjutsu used against the target is negated.
Description: The medical ninja inscribes a small cross on any exposed skin of the target. This cross glows very dimly and protects the bearer from harm.
Cost: 3

Recovery; Level 1
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Rank: Gennin [Medical]
Cost: 60 Chakra
Effect: Heal 60 Health on target.
Description: A green glow surrounds the medical shinobi's hand as they use one of the few Jutsus that is able to restore life. Focusing their energy they will use their chakra to rapidly heal the wounds of the target.
Cost: 3

Regeneration (Kousei)
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Rank: Gennin [Medical]
Cost: 15 Chakra
Effect: Heals the target for five points for the next five posts made by them.
Description: The skin of the target takes on a very light green tinge as healing chakra fuses through their body, slowly healing their wounds over time.
Cost: 2

Sweet Nectar (Amai Kanro)
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Rank: Gennin [Medical]
Cost: 10 Chakra
Effect: Removes 'Bleeding' damage or turn based damage from a poison that deals 20 or less points per turn.
Description: A sweet smelling, lightly colored fluid coats the ninja's hands and is applied to the troubled area. This technique will take care of any light maladies from minor infection to bleeding to poisons.
Cost: 1

Thousand Agonies of Hell

Tornado Born of Mountains


Turn the Blade
Type: Taijutsu [General; Mountain Ox]
Rank: Chuunin
Cost: 2x Stamina
Damage: N/A
Effect: If an opponent is wielding a weapon, they are immediately disarmed, and cannot regain the weapon for another two turns. Cannot be used on Opponent's of a higher rank than the user. The value of x is equal to the weapon's level.
Description: Bringing a knife to a fistfight is always considered to be a rather rude gesture. In order to combat this, the Ox adept will step forward and pin the opponent’s foot with their own, before quickly grasping the opponent’s arm, and twisting it backwards. The suddenness of this movement will cause the ninja to loosen their grip on their weapon. When the weapon finally drops to the floor, the Ox adept will kick the weapon away with the side of their foot, giving it some distance, as well as giving them time until the opponent scavenges it again.
Cost: 3

Jutsus learned from Jounins: 0/12

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Name: Kabuto and Mempo
Armor Kind: Metal Plate
Body Placement: Head
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: These metal helmets are quite elaborate, with widely-flaring neck guards at the back and curled-back sides which resemble wings. Decorative horns are commonly added to helms, adding to the demonic appearance of the mempo. The mempo itself is a metal faceplate often painted or otherwise decorated to give the face of a samurai a demonic, monstrous appearance in battle. They also hide the samurai's face, disguising any pain or emotional turmoil that he/she might be experiencing.
Cost: $25

-Neck: Iwagakure hitae ate, Peridot Necklace (Silver) [+20 Genjutsu; Locked*: 2 Posts]

Name: Do, Sode, and Wakibi
Armor Kind: Leather or Metal Plate
Body Placement: Chest
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: Constructed of lacquered leather or metal plates tied together with leather bindings, this body armour covers the chest and lower torso of the samurai, its weight hanging across the shoulders with some supported on the hips. There are many styles of do, though all are based around the same general principle. The Sode are constructed from laced-together metal plates and strips of lacquered leather, and are often large and ridiculously ornate. Laced across the shoulders and chest, the sode are quite large and extend a good deal above the shoulder and to either side of the arm as well as extending down almost to the elbow. The Wakibi are designed to protect the armpit area, and are made from leather with attached metal plates. The pair of armour pieces ties around the neck and across the chest, distributing the weight around the torso.
Cost: $30


Name: Kote
Armor Kind: Leather or Metal, plate or chain
Body Placement: Forearms
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: These sleeves extend from the shoulders down to the wrists and often overlap the yugake by a significant degree to provide protection for the wrists and back of the hand. The kote are either leather or chain, with splints of metal for added protection.
Cost: $25

Name: Yugake
Armor Kind: Leather
Body Placement: Hands
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: These leather gloves are equipped with a hardened thumb and forefinger to assist in drawing the powerful daikyu bow, as well as for protection and grip.
Cost: $25

Name: Haidate
Armor Kind: Leather or Metal Plate
Body Placement: Legs/Thighs
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: Covering from the waist to the tops of the knees, the haidate are constructed similar to the do, as they are made from scales of leather or lacquered metal. Few samurai wear them, despite the protection they offer, because they limit the mobility and are uncomfortable on horseback.
Cost: $25

Name: Sune-Ate
Armor Kind: Leather Plate or Chain
Body Placement: Calves/Shins
Attributes: N/A
Special: For every piece of the O-yoroi that a samurai wears, they are treated as one level higher than they are for the purpose of skills/effects that rely on levels.
Description: Chain or hardened leather shin protectors, the sune-ate are often reinforced with short strips of iron or segmented metal slats. They provide protection from just below the knee to the ankle and are often attached to the waraji (sandals) of the samurai with leather ties to keep them in place.
Cost: $25



-Main Weapon:

Name: 'Kumokirimaru, the Spider-cutter'
Lvl 10 Katana
Description: This katana has seen more use against bandits than against the legendary Tsuchigumo spider demons, yet it still bears a faint resemblance to the creatures despite this. Forged from fine iron sand near the mountains, this silver-black blade has highlights along its skin that, under the right light, look similar to the striped markings of the Juro spider, or Nephila clavata's abdomen. In addition, its hilt-wrapping is woven from high-strength spider's silk instead of normal cotton weave. This sword has been in the Shimazu clan for more than 300 years, and in the Shiba family for 200 of that. It is a prized heirloom of the family, and is thought to protect the bearer of it as a mother would its child. It's companion blade, Momonjii, was made later, and thus does not share in its protective nature.

Attribute Name: Tsukumogami
Weapon/Item type: Any that can be infused with chakra (Reusable scrolls, chakra weapons, chakra-reinforced armour, etc). Item/weapon must be over 100 years in age.
Description: Tsukumogami (付喪神 ) are a type of Japanese spirit. According to the Tsukumogami-emaki, tsukumogami originate from items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and thus become alive and aware. Any object of this age, from swords to toys, can become a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami are considered spirits and supernatural beings, as opposed to enchanted items.
Cost: $5

Attribute Name: Chakra Weapon
Description:You can manipulate your blade too flow off your chakra instead of your stamina.
Effect: Every use of a weapon can cost 5 chakra instead of 5 stamina.
Cost: $50

Attribute Name: Indestructable
Description: Your weapon has been finely crafted of the most resilient materials available. Even if wounded in battle, it can easily be repaired for use again without any knowledge of blacksmithing.
Effect: If an effect would 'destroy' this equipment, that equipment is instead rendered unusable for the remainder of the battle, after which it may be used normally.
Cost: $50

Attribute Name: Unique
Description: This weapon is the only one of its kind in the entire world, hand crafted and designed to only be manufactured once.
Effect: Only one of this item may exist at any time within the RP.
Cost: $50

Attribute Name: Sharpened Edge
Description: Your weapon has been sharpened to do more damage.
Effect: +10% on weapon base attack, rounded up.
Cost: $100

Attribute Name: Lightened Craft
Description: Crafted of a lighter materials, the weapon possessed by the user does not bear the weight of other weapons. It is light, almost featherty, making its swing effortless.
Effect: Medium Weapons with this ability now cost a a certain ratio when you are attacking with it (see chart below)
Stamina : Weapon Level
Genin - 4:5
Chuunin - 2:3
Jounin - 1:2
Kage - 2:5
Cost: $100

Attribute Name: Razor Edge
Description: Your weapon has been extremely sharpened to deal extra damage.
Effect: +20% to base damage on weapon, rounded up. This replaces "Sharpened Edge".
Requirement: Sharpened Edge
Cost: $150

Attribute Name: Sharpened Blade
Effect: When hit the opponent rolls a 5D if the result is 1 or 3 he/she is bleeding and receives 5 damage for two turns. Neither damage nor duration stacks with previous attacks.
Cost: $50

Attribute Name: Razor Blade
Effect: When hit the opponent rolls a 5D if the result is 1, 3 or 5 he/she is bleeding and receives 10 damage for two turns. Neither damage nor duration stacks with previous attacks. This replaces Sharpened Blade.
Requirements: Razor Edge and Sharpened Blade
Cost: $100

Attribute Name: Parry Lvl 1
Description: You have been trained too parry other weapon attacks.
Effect: You have been trained to parry other weapon attacks. Your weapon is able to block (Take half damage with no dodge roll) another set of weapon attacks in a single turn a number of times equal too the rank you have in this. Can get up to 2 ranks.
Cost: $200

-Sub Weapon: Lvl 5 Wakazashi 'Momonjii' (Unique, Indestructible, Chakra weapon)
-Un-equipped Slot one: Lvl 1 Hankyu
-Un-equipped Slot two: 30 lvl 1 Ya and 1 Signal Arrow
-Un-equipped Slot three:


-Items in Vault:
Name: Chuunin Exam Flag (#12, gold wolf on red background)
Description: A Commemorative Item given at the Closing Ceremonies to those who competed in the Iwagakure Chuunin Exams of 2115. The front of the flag is designed to match the flag each player chose at the beginning of the exam, while the back is stiched with the Exam's date and location.
Effect: +60 Stats to the Non-Tank Stat of User's Choice: This is a one time choice and must be declared when accepting the gift. Unique. Not for Sale.


http://www.ninja-academy-online.com/dierollphp/getRolls2.php?number=12541'>Metal Plates (Silver w/ Painted Blue Symbols) +20 Defense; 3 Posts Required to Attach to Armor, gained from http://ninja-academy-online.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32280'>here

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~Update Log~

Leveled up and Exp Earned:
Heartland, 150 exp for sparring match, 4000 exp for timeskip, 100 for second timeskip, 1430 exp for participating, 2138.5 exp for event 1 + 1723.8 for event 2 in Chunin exam, 289 from http://ninja-academy-online.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=32017#entry350922'>Team Iwa aborted mission


~Money Log~
$400 given during timeskip, another $100 given during second timeskip, $200 spent here, random gift and 50 ryo from here, (Gift: Small Scroll [slashing Wind Skill (Kamaitachi no Jutsu)), $50 from Daily Lottery, $730 for Chunin Exam, $400 blacksmith voucher in the Prize Claiming Booth, Used voucher and $580 to upgrade weapons here

Total Cash on Hand: $224 ryu


~Battle Log~

Wins: (against whom?)
Losses: (against whom?)
Draws: (against whom?)


~Mission Log~

Rank D: 13
Rank C: 5
Rank B:
Rank A:
Rank S:

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