Hardcore Skittlez Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 (edited) Acknowledging the boy standing beside Arika with a curt nod, Mizu stepped closer to her allies. As the wind began to shift in the general vicinity of the shinobi group, Mizumono lifted a blade-less hilt, held in her right hand, into the air. In sheer defiance of the wind's brief spurts, the dancing cherry petals returned en masse to Mizu. The petals wrapped about themselves, compacting into the rough for of a blade. Again defying what would be the laws of nature, the horde of blossom petals merged with Mizu's empty hilt to form a single, albiet rather regular, blade. With a twist of her wrist and the sudden downward motion of her arm, the sword found itself resting in its rightful sheath yet again. Fancy. Why don't you try to impress me like that all the time?, Kaosu's input was all but mocking. A brief vexed expression was followed by the quiet muttering of "Shut up, you fool." The face of Uchiha Kaosu manifested on a nearby lantern, causing a visible scowl from his unfortunate bearer. Kaosu's expression was amused as it evanesced. A gentle sigh was emitted from Mizu's troubled form. She diverted her attention, at last, to her cousin and her friends. Like a beach drawn upon receiving a cleansing tide, the Chuunin's face melted into a more relaxed visage. "What might you little ones be out and up to?", she spoke as if much older than the group when she was, in fact, around their same ages. (Sorry it took me so long. I meant to have a post up last night, but I ended up crashing after ransacking houses for candy.) Edited November 1, 2007 by Hardcore Skittlez
acillies45 Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Jinsoku had sat on a bench for what seemed like forever. He had watched the children that were playing games in the street until they left. He didnt care though, he had been content to watch them, however, he was fine with just sitting awhile and thinking about the past three days. In that whole time he had run from home, leaving all he knew behind, with Soujiro and Baromosa, two complete stragners. Now he was in a small town that he had no idea the location of (He had lost track of direction during thier campout the first night). He was amazed though how little it was phazing him right now. He missed his mother, and hoped that she was ok, but he still worried about her. She was a skilled ninja, but she couldnt take on the whole NCIA. Beyond that worry, he was content with where he was, except for the constant want to become strong. He stood up and started to walk around again. Seeing his teammates, he decided to stay close to them, but not close enough to think that he wanted to be near them, he didnt. He wanted to be close in case somthing happened, though he doubted anything would. No one would be stupid enough to try somthing at a festival, then again maybe they would be. Jinsoku knew that stuff like that didnt happen frequently, but this could be an odd case. He acted like he wasnt doing anything unusal though. He didnt care weather or not his teammates wanted to hang out. He would just act like he wanted to be alone, but didnt dare get too far away from them. (Word Count=281 Total Count= 8034)
...Rhianna... Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Kaoru observed Kitara with a curious smile on his lips. His sapphire eyes noticed the glazed look upon Kitara's pretty face, and then the look of frustration -probably because she was having trouble seeing. He followed his friend as she went over to her teammates and looked inconspicuous with the placing; he still didn't know these people very well, and he didn't trust them. The teen got a surprise when Kitara caught hold of him to steady herself. His strong, callused hands held her around the waist to steady her. A worrying look fell on Kaoru's face as he looked at Kitara "Hey.. are you alright?" He whispered, half concerned about her health. ((Word Count: 113 Total: 4,938)) ((Sorry about the short post. I'm really tired and with no creativity))
Cellar Door Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Ryuu eyed the second Hyuuga suspiciously as she approached. He wasn't particularly fond of Mizumono. He didn't hate her either, but when somebody demonstrates violent force enough to kill you easily... there's always a need for wariness. That battle was far away though, and Mizu hadn't done anything following that event to harm any member of the group. He was fairly thankful for that. Fighting her again would be suicide, at least at this point. "Just enjoying the festival," Ryuu replied, his eyes turning back to Arika. With the powerful members of the Hyuuga clan all around him, Ryuu felt insignificant. Their Byakugan made them special, more powerful than a normal human. The skill was amazing to behold, and terrible focused into a weapon. "What are you doing, Mizu?"
Arika Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Arika looked at her cousins features, taking her form in as the blossoms fluttered about, giving the scene a mystical air to it. The dark curtain of night loomed over head as the towns fire lit lanterns clouded the pin prick sized glowing lights in the evening sky. Arika left the natural decor of petals in her hair smiling as a light gust made them sway in their ebon bed. Her expression was softened, she felt humbled in front of the much more skilled Hyuuga. She had always felt intimidated with those well versed in their clan jutsu but for someone so young to have that much fierce fighting capability was unfathomable to her. With Ryuu's hand still within her grasp, she stepped forward to answer after Ryuu. "Ryuu-kun and I were enjoying the evening, I noticed that you weren't close earlier when I used my Byakugan." Her voice had an even tone, devoid of any one emotion. [word count: 157] [total word count:5531] OOC:I am so trying to shake this lack of inspiration
Baromosa Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Still deep in thought as he ate, Baromosa's concentration drifted from the wooden table to all the people walking by. He saw colorful reds and oranges on outlandish silk capes, and many people wearing their very best clothing. It made Baro feel a little out of place, but he barely let it phase him and continued eating, remember when his grandfather had taken him to a similar fair one summer years ago. It had been much like this, small bands of entertainers keeping the crowd festive and content, while food and drink flowed from the platers of waiters. Like now, he had been given some money and allowed to roam where he may, not aware of his Grandfather trailing behind. The similarities made Baromosa smile, and he finished his plate before getting up to find the others. Even though he did well alone, the possibility of new friends made him want to find his companions that much quicker. With that, he would look for that Hyugga family members and the others by following the crowd's flow. Word count: 176 Total: 9369
Azure Posted November 6, 2007 Author Posted November 6, 2007 Ans so the festival rained on and on, spirits high and the crop ripe in tart and sweetness. All was going well as it had in years past, the addition of the Konoha children only brought more smiles to the residence's faces. All glossary terms of 'shinobi, 'NCIA' 'ninjutsu'; flew out the door and words like 'dance', 'sing', 'giggle' replaced them in everyday speech. The inhabiters of the small town threw around drinks and food samples in the blanket full, as Soujiro watched the main events, the small town's population massed around, the Konoha children went about their own special ways. Soujiro, Tsukasa and Namiko, there would still be something ,some small or large thing that remained a mystery. If Kinomi no Toshi were a ninjaless town, why did its offspring leave so powerful? Why was Namiko infused with the blessed healing chakra? What secrets lay in the abandoned town left without the need of Kumo surveillance, unless something important were to happen. But what no one was aware, there was a shadow in the starry night streaked horizon, a deep dark cloud rolling in through the hills; its sound untraceable and echo less. No warning, no guard, no chance to compromise with nature to bring peace to the land. The equivocated truth. Boom, crack, fire. The world lit up around them, fires gasping for air, lighting striking down and thunder rolling across the sky. There was a trator amongst the group, one who's sins would require execution, to only be added to the innocent lives and monetary damage that would come from this raid. The Ninja Crime Investigation Agency blew in to town, searching for one individual. The ashed eyed wonder. Shrieks filled the air as people began to struggle, to worm their way away and to their houses, some only to find the unfortunate end to their household and their belonging, anyone trapped inside was most likely dead, or would be from smoke inhalation. One of which was the inn that all the shinobi resided in only hours ago. The task force was large, about the actual population of the town, excluding the Konoha shinobi. The Kumogakure Commander in charge took the stage, unraveled a scroll and produced his voice through the microphone. Suprisingly, Soujiro had done nothing yet, Tsukasa joined his side, but the two remained without action. "Attention, Kinomi no Toshi, it has been brought to our offices that an NCIA traitor is amongst the town. We have traced Hyuuga Mizumono after she entered Konohagakure no Sato and apparently never left. Upon further investigation, she fled and we've surmised that she is here. If she is not produced soon, the entire town will be nothing but ash. We've reason to believe, you are hiding other Resistance members! Surrender them to Lord Raikage!" The streets of the poor little town were thrown in to disarray, all the population was in an uproar, certainly not expented for this to happen. But there was one signifigant thing that never escaped their lips. Blame. It would be logical to blame Soujiro for brining her here and yet ,there was not a word of it. Turning to Tsukasa, Soujiro nonchalently whispered in to his ear. "If 'it' should happen, go ahead with Plan Sycaen, you know what to do." Meekly, Tsukasa let a gentle nod out, his character showing he knew what lay in the future. His crescent moon stab was summoned to his side, the battle began. Namiko had already drifted away, running back to the inn already in embers, checking on the elderly, but her role in the plot remained hidden. Soujiro jumped on stage and began fighting the squads of Cloud shinobi that were scattered about, picking his way to fight the commander, Tsukasa was the backup in this situation, they were fighting for the entire town. They were greatly outnumber, but out powered was not their situation. Though, the things that was needed now, was for the little Konoha children to reunite and become the very idols that they adorned, the mystical figures trancing and prancing in their mind's eye. Today they would be looked at as shinobi, if they so earned the title. (Ooc: Everyone, your task for the next post is to meet in one place.)
Warr Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Her tricky little pitstop had taken too long, and now Meikin and her dear student Anima would have a real problem both getting out of this situation without any questions, and finding her prey. She looked the Anima for a moment, before giving him a quick order. "We've got to find the resistance that that idiot was just blabbering about, and we've got to help them. Can you do this without problem, Anima?"
Anima Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Anima cracked his neck and smirked, fire erupting from the buildings on ahead of him. The actions of the Kumo empire here had strengthed his believes on strength and weakness. To burn a town down, killing so many people as to find one group of people was surprising. Had the empire not thought that certain things like this would cause uproar in the population. "Yes ma'am.." With that the young Darksol proceded into the firey environment in search for the resistance. Edited November 6, 2007 by Anima
acillies45 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Screams....just like the begining of the war...The sound froze Jinsoku in place. He stood in the hiding place he had found in an ally. The hellish sound rang in his ears. The ghosts of the past...freinds, teachers, all dead. His eyes showed no tears, he had stopped crying years before. The tears had dried. The memories had haunted him for years after the war, he had no tears left, but the fear remained. The dread of himself being the next victim...the next number on the casualty list. Just another unneeded digit. He shook. He could barley move beyond that... 'Remember Jinsoku...Fear is a ninja's greatest weakness. To be able to face you fear, the greatest weapon.' Jinsoku's eyes snapped open. He remembered that. It was his parent's saying. Whenever he needed help getting past a fear thats what they would tell him. His mother had stopped using that...right after his father had died. Maybe she had stopped believing that. Maybe thats why his father had died...trying to face his fears. A child's scream rang out. Jinsoku's thoughts immediatly shot away. He snapped his next up and looked in the middle of a street. A little boy stood there crying and shoting for his parents. His swift eyes darted up. He spotted five shadows on nearby roofs. They were the enemy. He could tell. They dissappeared quickly, no doubt to hunt down more inocents. Jinsoku's eyes narrowed. His fear was gone. In its place, he felt power. The power of his inner flame. He stood up and threw off the piece of clothe that had hidden him. His hand shot for the top of his shirt and he pulled it up, forming an effective red mask. His hand reached into his pouch for a kuni. It touched somthing else. The forehead protecter. He gripped it. Without thinking, he slid it across his forhead and tyed it tightly, not caring if it was a bad move. It helped his adrenaline somhow. He felt more like a ninja. He darted out from his hidingplace and in front of the kid. He smiled with his eyes, but the kid was obviously terrified. He moved his finger over his mouth "Shh...Im here to help." he said quietly. The boy didnt look convinced, but Jinsoku picked him up and ran over to his previous hiding place. He set the kid down and made a comfortable and hidden spot for the kid. "Stay here until I come back." He said, the kid nodding. Jinsoku covered the spot and looked around. Now then...where to?...First objective...find my team. He thought looking around. He would have to be careful. He wasnt a good fighter and he didnt want to get caught unawares. He moved to the shadows and the edge of the ally. He looked around the square where the party had been. There were many enemy ninja. His team would be somwhere else and he knew it...just where though. He looked around and remembered the inn...not a very good spot to go, but some of his stuff was there. And it was a good place to meet. Everyone had been there and if he remembered, it would be easy to move there without being seen. He moved down the ally and across the street to another ally. He did this carefully, finnally reaching the inn. He looked around and saw Namiko helping elders. He didnt want his position givin away, but he wanted to make sure she was ok. She was a nice girl and Soujiro's family. He owed both Soujiro for training him and Namiko for sheltering him. He moved across to the inn and behind Namiko. "Need any help?" He said seriously. (Word Count=615 Total Count=8649)
Azure Posted November 6, 2007 Author Posted November 6, 2007 "N-no! You must go! I'll be fine!" Namiko yelled to Jinosku as he came near. Though it may not have looked like it, she was carrying a large weight on her shoulders, but her hands were competent to carry out a task. His objective was to reunite with his team.
acillies45 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Jinsoku stopped. He hadnt expected this, but he did know when to listen, even if it was against his better judgement. He nodded. "Aye!" he said and turned back. He trusted her and hoped that she would be ok on her own. He knew now was no time to argue. He now needed to find the rest of his team. He would need them to be able to do anything against this foe, he knew that he couldnt do anything alone. He wasnt exactly the best fighter right now and he knew that with his friends, at least a team could stand a little bit of a chance. Ha arrived back where the festival had been. It was pretty much deserted. He ducked into some rubble and waited for somthing to happen. (word Count= 132 total count= 8781) Edited November 6, 2007 by Jinsoku Kazekobushi
...Rhianna... Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Kaoru's ebony haired head shot towards the flames at the sound of booms and bangs. His eyes widened in both fear and awe as he watched the village burn. For a second, the thing he'd planned for that night had been swept out of his mind from the rush he got as he saw those dancing red and yellow flames eat the buildings alive. His bright blue eyes glanced down at the young girl next to him, and decided he wasn't going to waste this night. As the people of the town ran about in chaos, fear consumed their judgment, Kaoru took hold of Kitara's delicate yet strong hands and steered her away from the buildings being destroyed. The boy didn't fear the burning beast, he was fire and he loved its power. "Come Kit," he shouted above the noise. "Lets find the others." It took a while to show that he was doing something else though, heading the wrong way. Kaoru's strong grip stopped Kitara from pulling away, as they entered the cold shadow of the forest. He hardly spoke, but forced her down on the damp earthen ground. She struggled, but he was stronger and he held her down by her shoulders to stop her escaping as he started to undress her. "Stop moving. I'm gonna do this, you can't stop me." There was a dark glint in his crystal blue gaze as he spoke, and the sadistic smirk that had played on his lips was there once more to send shivers up anyone's spine. Part of him cared for Kitara, they had been friends for a long time. But he'd changed, and he no longer cared about those kinds of things. Besides, Kitara was drugged. She wouldn't remember anything in the morning. ((Word Count: 296 Total: 5,234))
Ash_x Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Kitara's sapphire gaze brimmed with tears as the coarse scent of smoke clouded her senses, burning her eyes as she fought desperately to clear her mind of this distraught confusion. The heat of an inflamed building almost suffocating as she was hauled to her feet. "How did they find us!" The girl cried above the roar of tumbling structures and screaming civilians. An unbearable sense of helplessness gripped Kitara's heart as she fled past charred bodies and weeping children, tugging lightly at Kaoru's sleeve in a weak attempt to stop him. "Kaoru-kun, we have to help them, please let me go!" The girl begged, though when her comrade did not comply her alarm for those around her was replaced by another blend of fear, one for herself. The tart taste of the beverage he had offered her was still present on her lips, forcing her to recall every detail of the exact moment when she had consumed the sweet liquid. Kitara stumbled as Kaoru dragged her along, away from the incinerating village and into the darkness of the woods. It was then that the kunoichi realised how deceitful her "best friend" truly was, coming to turns with the fact he had done something to her drink in order for her strength to become frail and her mind to slip into a frustratingly unfocused state, it was the only conclusion to her present incapability. "What have you done!?!" Kit screamed, racking her claws across the males arm as he forced her onto the ground, falling and knocking the wind from her bodice. As soon as she had hit the cold earth, Kaoru had begun unlacing the ribbons of her blouse, his weight crushing down on top of her. Dread and panic soon overwhelmed the frightened girl as she sought for the kunai strapped to her thigh, sheer instinct empowering her actions for her thoughts were under as fierce a seige as Kinomi no Toshi itself. "Why is he doing this!, this can't be my Kaoru" Kitara gasped as she felt the mans hand slip down her top, all hope of this scene being some twisted nightmare faded away, replaced by an incredible impulse to escape, and deal with this boy who in a mere instant, lost all her trust and respect, the friendship she felt for Kaoru so brutally stabbing her in the chest. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she felt the hilt of her kunai slip between her fingers, bringing it up in a swift jerk and severing the unwanted hands, feeling a warm splash of blood pour across her bust. Taking the moment to crawl away from his grasp, Kitara shakily stood, tears streaming down her softly featured face and mixing with the crimson fluid staining her garments. "How could you!" The intended scream had emerged as little more than a whisper, heartbroken and devastated in tone before the girl's sapphire eyes suddenly became merciless and cold. Drawing the blood smeared kunai in front of her as though to strike, Kitara spoke with a tone so similar to the one she reserved for one man only, Patsu Matsuki. "Your going to die for this...". [Word count: 526] [Total count: 5020] Taijutsu) 100(Defense) 0 (Ninjutsu) 100 (Resistance) 0 (Genjutsu) 100 (Concentration) 0 (Speed) 300 (Accuracy) 300 (Evasion) 300 Skills: Quick Learner +10% EXP From Missions and Training. EXP given as holiday gifts or handed out from events by the staff are not included in this. n/a -2 1 Second Wind Upon reaching 0 health, user regains 1Hp, but only once per battle. n/a -2 1 Savior Once per team battle you may choose to take an attack in place of your ally without need for any rolls. Apply all armors against this attack regardless of if it is supposed to bypass armor or not. When you take the hit, you gain a +100 to the relevent defence stat. Cannot be used against Genjutsu. n/a -1 1 Warrior (Pick a weapon: Kunai) An attack from that specific weapon will do +5 Damage. n/a -1 Level / 2, rounded down Skill Name: My Way of the Ninja! Effect: Used in the Setup Phase as a free action. Once per battle, when character is reduced to 10% Health or lower (choose one of the following): 1. Remove all negative status effects from the character 2. Your next attack may not be dodged 3. Gain 10% of your Total Chakra Description: When a Ninja is taken down to their very last reserves, they will dig down deep and pull out just a little bit more, in desperation to continue fighting for all that they believe in. This phrase was coined by Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha, and its popularity has spread around to other Villages. Cost: -1 Restriction: May not be used in the same turn as 'Guts Pose!' or 'Hooray for the Big Boned People!' or 'Stroke of Genius!' Subtle Elementals (Lightning, Water, Sound) -3 [Note: No one step in please, I have a request from Rhianna to kill Kaoru] Edited November 6, 2007 by Ash_x
Anima Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Anima made his way through the burning streets of the town, looking for those who fought for the resistance. It had seemed as if the NCIA had gone to an extreme, burning down a village in order to secure a rebel force. "Whats done is done.." He couldn't change what had just happened though, and instead of pondering on the empire's ignorance, Anima began to rapidly investigate the area. Such scenes as this were customary to Anima, or at least were back in his time within the Oto syndicate. The fear of a burning environment threatening to undo him had long passed, even before becoming a NCIA officer. This would allow him to smoothly move in and out of an area in order to find those he had been instructed to find. Soon enough Anima find himself coming up upon where the festival once been held. Quickly entering into the area in an attempt to find any resistance, Anima swept into the festival grounds and made his appearance to nobody. If anything the area could serve as a staging point for his gathering mission. One strategical thing the fire provided for the NCIA was the ability to sever connections between the resistance forces. This would hinder Anima's retrieval duty as he would need to gather anyone not capable of reuniting and gathering themselves enough for a counter-offensive. Just before Anima would move out from his position in hopes of finding resistance, the young Darksol saw what appeared to be a shinobi ducking into the rubble below him. He could tell by the boy's appearence that he was non-NCIA, and to be so would mean he was resistance. "Well one of em' I have found.." Anima shook his head slightly and moved in quick to Take the boy from his position on the ground and lift him high into the air by his collar. With a rapid motion Anima pulled the boy close for a better look at his face, likely doing so would caused him to panic due to the NCIA chuunin vest that adorned Anima's body. "How many of you guys are there?.." Edited November 6, 2007 by Anima
acillies45 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) A shiver went up Jinsoku's mind, just a moment too late. He heard the man hit the ground behind him and he had just enough time to turn around. His eyes went wide as he was picked up by one of the NCIA. He looked the man in the eyes, he gripped for his hands too, he could barley breath in this situation. "How many of you guys are there?.." The question shot through Jinsoku's mind. He was scared, this was a chunnin. He didnt stand a chance against this one. But if he let him know, then his team could be in danger. He would either have to lie or he would have stand up to this guy. He didnt like the latter. He looked the man in the eye and said calmly. "There is only me..." He said, his voice calm, though his heart beat uncontrolably. "I came here alone...I know of no others..." He was good at lieing to people he knew, but this was a stranger who would kill him if he wasnt careful. "I...heard about the festival...and thought it would be fun..." he said struggling to get away from his captor. (word count= 196 Total Count= 8977) Edited November 6, 2007 by Jinsoku Kazekobushi
Anima Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Anima growled as the boy lied to him. It was quite humorful watching the kid come up with his story, and while listening the oto nin's obisidian eyes peered into his. A distinct look of strength shown in his eyes, one that showed he met business."The kid thinks me a fool?.." Normally Anima would have immediantly put an end to such a person's life, but his mission was not to kill the resistance members, it was to gather them up and get them to safety. "I'm going to try again, kid.." Anima raised one hand so that he held the boy with his left hand raised high. From his free hand erupted five obsidian claws, each from one of his fingers. "..and tell me the truth this time." He tilted his head and smirked slightly, with a stern atmosphere about him as well. What the resistance nin was unaware of was that he was not apart of the NCIA forces leading the assault on the town, he was actually here to help him though the Darksol had a bit of trouble getting it across. "How many of you are here?.." This time when Anima spoke, a sort of calmness protruded from his crisk purple lips. Perhaps now the boy would tell him where his comrades were. Edited November 6, 2007 by Anima
acillies45 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) Jinsoku knew hew was in deep shit. This guy was serious...of course he was. He was a chunnin. You dont get to that rank by being a joker. He knew that this could be the end of his life. He knew that this person could kill him quickly and without too much thought. He needed a way out, he could lie again, that wouldnt turn out well though. If he messed up then he would be at the ends of those claws in a second. He could fight, but it would produce the same effect. His mind reeled with ideas, but none came that would help out. He stared into the eyes of his captor. His eyes showed fear. He was truly scared, but he couldnt betray his friends. "...I dont...know...what your talking about..." he gasped out. the hand that lifed him up was also making it hard to breath. Soon he would faint from lack of air. Hopefully it wouldnt be too long so at least he wouldnt feel anything. He knew that he would be asked again and again and more pain would come his way the more he lied. He just needed to try and ignore it. "Please....dont kill me..." he said quietly. He wasnt being a coward, he was biding his time. If anyone could help him he wanted as much time for them to come as he could give them. (Word Count=200 Total Count= 9177) Edited November 6, 2007 by Jinsoku Kazekobushi
Anima Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Anima's facial visage contorted into one that showed a agitated man. If anyone the boy could lie to, Anima was by far not the one to do so with. "Damn kid.." Anima lowered his body slowly, shaking his head in disapproval. "Well, at least the kids willing to be loyal to the end.." He sighed and brought a hand down upon the back of the kid's head. This wasn't an attempt to end the boy's life, but really a measure to ensure he could keep it. The blow would knock the kid out so that it would be possible to carry him along without having to worry that he would attempt to escape Anima's grasp. In a rapid motion, Anima lift the boy up and rested him on his shoulder. After doing so the Darksol threw his hands together to form a tiger handseal. Upon doing so Anima was enveloped in a cloud of smoke which would ultimately reveal four addtional Darksol. "The Kage Bunshin.." Should the rest of the resistance in the area be as feeble as this boy, then the clones would not find it hard to transport the rest of the man's targets. "Ok guys, here's the plan.." Anima began to make his leave from the festival grounds, speaking to his clones along the way. After giving each of the shadow clones their tasks, the group of Darksol darted away into the firey surroundings leaving Anima to continue his own investigation. "There should be no problem if I run into the NCIA, though should there be any resistance leaders around here.." He sighed and moved on in search for more of the NCIA's targets.
Warr Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Meikin had forgot an important piece of information, it seemed, and between skirmishes (or rather her beating their heads in) between her and a few NCIA cells here, she flipped to Anima's position. "I should've said this, the girl you're to find is Hyuuga Mizumono. Hurry, as I don't want them to find out at headquarters that these guys failed in their task until we're already well on our way to our true destination!" She giggled, before hopping onto a nearby roof and charging back into battle, hectic, hectic.
Anima Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Anima cracked his neck and sighed. He hadn't figured the two were going to see each other again, or at least for quite a bit more time. "Mizu-baka is to be her other student?.." He smirked and hastened his step. The last time the two had seen each other, it had been on a bad note. The Hyuuga girl would have died back then though something in her caused Anima to resist the urge to do so. It was beyond the young Darksol how the women would react to his arrival, as she didn't seem to have everything screwed in tightly back in Fang. "I wonder how she has grown.." He didn't doupt that the girl had became so much more than she was in Fang, as she was indeed a Hyuuga, one that Anima could see would have quite a future. Perhaps that is why he didn't end her life when he had the chance. "If the NCIA are so desperate in locating her, then she must have became something of importance.." He smirked yet again and threw himself up into the rooftops. If he were to locate the rest of the resistance cells before the NCIA found them themselves, then he would need to get to a higher searching point, widening his ability to visualize his targets. "Come out, come out whereever you are.." His obsidian eyes tracked every facet of the environment below until he would eventually find yet another possible resistance member. "Ah ha, another one I see.."
Hardcore Skittlez Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 (edited) My, You've caused quite a chaos, Mizu-chan.., Kaosu's voice was as cynical as ever. Raven thrashed about as Mizumono spun on her left heel. Along the road ahead, she spotted a familiar face. Ani...kun?, even her thoughts stuttered as she placed his face to a particularly painful series of memories. Hopes of a return to normality painted the canvas that was Mizu's imagination. Too bad it was only just that: Her imagination. He is with the Empire. The Empire wants me. He is an enemy., thoughts soured like milk left out too long. The more sinister of Mizu's many memories smirked, speaking to Mizu as Kaosu, Fitting, that you should have to kill him, isn't it? Her already pale visage frowned. Fitting? No.. Unfortunate. Mizumono guided her right hand to the area above her sword-hilt. It hovered above the delicately wrapped handle momentarily before pulling the nin-to from its sheath. The gleaming blade of her nin-to found itself aligned with Mizu's torso, running parallel to her face. "Chire, Senbonzakura.", her command was simple and the sword obeyed. Starting at the point of the weapon, the sword's blade began to disintegrate in small cherry blossoms. As the petals were caught in the wind, they circled Mizumono's body as if to add a certain dramatic effect. The Hyuuga girl stepped forward and began to lower herself into a kneel. Stretching for the first time since she had earned her blade, her joints cracked as she descended. In a burst of her own blossoms Mizu was relocated, warped you could say, to no more than ten feet from Anima. The many petals of the Senbonzakura then fell upon the pair, dancing about in a defiant-of-the-wind manner. " I suppose you're here to capture me, eh? Well, before we dance...Where is Toko?", even as she spoke, her byukagan was flickering into life. Edited November 7, 2007 by Hardcore Skittlez
...Rhianna... Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 Eagerness was pushing Kaoru forward to do this one thing that made him stronger than at least one person. He'd always felt pathetic ever since he'd been forced to become a slave; it felt so good to impart that damaging feeling upon another. Sudden pain awoke Kaoru from his thoughts, and he stepped back in anger clutching his bleeding hands. "Ha! You don't have the guts to kill me, Matsuki Kitara!” Kaoru spoke, his eyes seemingly shadowed and dark. "You're weak, pathetic! For all you know this is someone in the transformation jutsu; do you really want to kill your best friend?” He stepped closer to the tearful girl, he towered over her and seem to dominate her just by looking down at her. His hands swept to his sides, uncaring about his hurt hand, and pulled out a kunai, twirling it around his index finger. "How are you going to kill me?” Kaoru spoke in a deadly whisper, "When you couldn't even save your own mother?!” (Taijutsu) 80(Defence) 20 (Ninjutsu) 20 (Resistance) 40 (Genjutsu) 20 (Concentration) 40 (Speed) 40 (Accuracy) 40 (Evasion) 20 Skills: none ---- Kitara quickly stepped away as the boy advanced, holding her kunai threateningly in front of her bodice. The girl's lips parted in disbelief as Kaoru whispered his merciless words, cutting her flesh far deeper than her blade had cut him. "He's right... I am pethet-" Kitara abruptly forced the thought from her mind, fighting to hold back the familiar feeling of guilt and helplessness. "I'll show you what I can do, you little bastard" Response Phase: N/A Setup Phase: N/A Main Phase: With that, Kitara sought deep inside herself, desperate to find the will to destroy this man... her best friend. "Gomen nasai" She whispered through her veil of tears, flicking her wrist in a clean and swift movement, sending her projectile cascading towards the vulnerable flesh of Kaoru's throat. Damage tag: 13 [base] + 100 [Mod] -2 [Defense] = 98 Damage Accuracy Tag: 60 [base] +75 [Mod] -5[Evasion] = 130% chance to hit Loss Tag: (HP: -0 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -5) ---- [Note: No point in rolling, I lose all my HP, Kaoru dies] Response Phase: Kaoru grinned that merciless smile he had as Kitara tensed at his cruel words. Though, his bright eyes were not quick enough to see that deadly flick of her wrist that sent her kunai flying through the air. He gasped. Blood coughed out his mouth as his hands reached to his throat. Kaoru's knees buckled and he fell kneeling to the damp earth. His gorgeous, blue eyes widened in shock at the site of blood on his hands and t-shirt. His torso rocked back and forward as his strength drained from him. He looked up at his best friend, the pain of death numb to him. Why did I do this? Kaoru thought as his facial expression dimmed along his will to live. With his last amount his strength he looked at Kitara, "I'm sorry puppet.” Loss Tag: (HP: -98 | Chakra: -0 | Stamina: -0) ---- [Rhianna's word count: 303] [Total count: 5537] [Ashlea's word count: 122] [Total count: 5142]
Anima Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 Anima smiled slightly as Mizu found herself to be in the Darksol's presence. It had been quite a while since the two had seen each other and he was eager to learn of the girl's growth. "Nows not the time Anima, you need to get the girl to safety.." The young man shook his head slightly and tilted his head. "I last saw Toko back in Konoha, recovering in the NCIA hospital.." It struck Anima as humorful that when Mizu had parted ways with the two, Toko had been sent to the hospital by the Darksol, and that when the Hyuuga found herself crossing paths with the Oto nin, Toko too was in the hospital. As the two would stand before each other, the sound shinobi would catch hold of an NCIA officer's footsteps approaching the area."It seems as if our dance will have to be postponed.." He sighed and lifted a hand as to direct the girl's attention. "It seems as if you've caused alot of distress within the NCIA. We'll need to evacuate the resistance forces in the area before they're discovered." Just as Anima finished talking, his four shadow clones found thereselves standing in file on either side of the original. Despite his NCIA uniform, Anima's true loyalties were now to those who fought the Empire. "I'm sure I dont have to tell a capable shinobi as yourself this, but stealth is key."
Hardcore Skittlez Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 Fear; she wanted it to stop. The chaos about her threw her thoughts into disarray. There were obvious signs of Shinobi combat - the resistance throwing up skirmishes to allow the bulk of their forces to escape. It registered in Mizu's mind as an explosion, where the concepts of Freedom and fidelity collided, and she was the catalyst, the fuse to the bomb. What...do I do?, the newly-dubbed chuunin found herself torn between bravery and cowardice. She wanted to flee, to avoid the conflict as she had done all those times before. At the same time, she wanted to stand and fight, she wanted to establish what she believed in and to shove it down the empire's throat. Sometimes, we have to make a stand to define who we are, and what we want. Don't flee, face your fears at their root. I'll help you - I don't want my mistake happening all over again., the dead Uchiha's words seemed ominous, though, they were oddly calming to Mizu. Mizu opened her mouth to speak, but shut it abruptly before a sound could escape. Out of her tool pouch at her hip, she pulled a light blue cloth. In a quick series of motions, she tied it around her eyes. With the addition of her blindfold, the colorless world of the Byukagan was suddenly colorful, suddenly lucid. Two following movements tore the external cloth away from Mizu's forearms and hands. On her right arm, was the same blue cloth wrapped around her eyes. On her left, a rosary could be seen tightly wound around her arm. She untied the weathered, brown traveling cloak tied around her neck, allowing it to fall freely to the ground. Beneath this, her outfit revealed bare shoulderblades. From the fallen cloak, Mizu plucked a small scarf, adorned with the symbol of the hidden sound. "A lot has changed since last we met, Anima. Capable or not, was I ever one to be quiet? They want me...They'll just have to catch me.", her tone was filled with confidence, filled with the desire to accomplish something. In last, quick motion, she kicked her shinobi-sandals from her feet, revealing them to be wrapped in the same blue cloth as a good portion of the rest of her body. "Help the others escape, I'll divert their attention. See you soon, Ani-kun.", and with that, she wrapped her body in chakra. She began to...glow, as if her body were outlined in a dim lighting. From the bare portions of her back, wings resembling fire erupted. "Time to fly, eh?", she added for dramatic effect before moving away at an incredible speed. The NCIA would find their quarry...