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Two Questions:

1) With the higher tier cominatorial element skills it mentions that they can use the bonus from one (or more) of the subtle elements required to learn them. Is this bonus supposed to be chosen when the combinatorial skill is learned and effectively 'locked' on the character sheet or is it more flexible and the bonus is freely interchangable at the users whim?

And, for a bonus point: does the ninja need to know that subtle element skill before they can apply the bonus (that might seem a stupid question but there are a few instances I think where it's possible to know the combinatorial skill without knowing the basic elements that precede it)?

2) When creating a summon family are skills, techniques, weapons etc. specific to those summons supposed to be approved in the relevant creation thread beforehand or does it all just get jumbled together in the summon creation area as one big modmin nightmare? Is there any preferred way of doing this?

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1. It's interchangeable. And I don't think the second part really applies because I can't think of a situation where you wouldn't have the basic elements needed to make a higher one. I guess wait for staff judgment on that?

Edit: Clans getting 2nd tiers elements right off the bat! Still have no idea if they can use the basic bonuses.

2. They're supposed to be approved separately but, in my experience, if stuff is simple and there's only a little but of it then it's not really objectionable to post it with the summons.

Edited by Rhapsody
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1. Rhap nailed it. often the clan skills that allow this will cover it, but I would say that if you don't have it you cannot use it. I will confer with staff and get an official ruling up on the main site, good catch!

2. Please please PLEASE make them separate topics. Usually mentioning in the thread that they are for summons clears things up, but custom techs and skills should be approved already when looking at a summon for approval.

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Todays Question: Is there any such thing as a 'weapon-jutsu'? (Basically, I get that it's possible to just make a tech with a tag requiring a specific weapon to use but are there any actual rules for creating jutsu's that are explicitly reliant on weapons or do they just follow the same rules as everything else - i.e. it essentially counts as a taijutsu. How do a weapons special attributes fit into the use of such a jutsu? Does it have to be mentioned especially in the techniques 'effects' that the attributes are applicable or is it implied?)

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Weapon attacks and jutsu rules are completely separate. So if you have a jutsu that requires you to have a weapon in hand, unless otherwise stated this jutsu does not account any attributes or level or the weapon. A level 1 knife will have the same effect in that jutsu as a level 100 knife. However, there are some jutsu that allow you to "make a weapon attack" which will then make a weapon attack like normal with some additional effects. The thing here is to realize that uses will be limited and that you have to be very careful to not break cost caps. Hope that helped.

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Can the reflect ability of the Sharingan be used on ANY technique or just immediately after copying one?

and if a clone uses a skill with a per battle limit does it count as the user using that skill?

Edited by Lemon
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One more question. The Cleaver isn't approved yet and I still have to finish off the training.


Can Arisu travel back to Iwa to redeem the vouchers, or can I just spend them now and apply what I purchased later? It's just going to be levels.

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Do we apply the bonus we get from the EXP adjustment to the EXP we got from the CE? Just wondering, because I noticed that (for some reason. :() QL/DBs aren't applied.

Wording has been adjusted, thanks for pointing that out. I wrote that bit in the Ceremonyback when I started to do the calculations, which was waaaay before we did the leveling adjustment [so it wasn't considered], and the sentiment was carried over for The Afterparty.

Edited by Rhap Sodos
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Im not sure if this is handled by the tournament or our respective village/ teachers, but I was wondering if we receive the rank of chunnin for those of us that were at level 30?

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What up guys? Quick question that may or may not have been pretty obvious ... does the chuunin exam flag count as a normal item that needs to be equipped to gain the bonus or is it just a token that signifies a unique, one-off and permanent bonus to the character's total stats? I guessed the latter but thought I should probably just check anyway :huh:

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Can dead clans be re-opened if they were approved? I just found one of my old clans and I was rather impressed with my idea and would love to make a character from that clan. Can we make this happen? Would I have to go through the clan approval process again?

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